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 Tapping Into Alignment With Your Soul's Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:00

Have you ever asked if you're living your soul's purpose? And what if you think you know what it is, but the results of your efforts are out of sync? How do we get congruent, and align ourselves for greater power and peace? EFT Founding Master Nancy Gnecco leads TapFest on a path to congruence with your purpose and natural power. Nancy is a professional Energy Psychotherapist, and a licensed counselor using EFT, TAT, Matrix ReImprinting and the Comprehensive Chakra Method in her practice. TapFest has brought you on a journey with some of the finest in the EFT/MTT field, as they bring this phenomenal healing technique to countries all over the world; are you the next energy adventurer, just waiting for this kind of encouragement? Tap with us to re-commit, re-align and re-new. Nancy Gnecco puts her years of experience and findings to work for YOU, on the next TapFest! Mark your calendars now, and bring a friend.

 Tapping Into Success for Children: TappingStar Welcomes Brad Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

Author of "The Wizard’s Wish" for children and co-author of "Freedom at Your Fingertips ", internationally known EFT practitioner Brad Yates brings his creative and fun uses for EFT to TappingStar. Join us as we discuss how and when to teach our kids meridian tapping for a lifetime of success, health, happiness and resilience. A best-selling author, Brad is also a respected teacher and hypnotist, coaching groups and individuals in achieving greater success, health and happiness in their lives. His work covers a diverse crowd of the small AND tall, from industry professionals, athletes and actors to the homeless and those in recovery. A frequent presenter in energy psychology events, he's appeared in numerous teleseminars and films, joining other luminaries like Jack Canfield and Bob Doyle. What's your question about tapping and kids? Want to know what Brad's favorite tools and techniques are for children? Call in for your chance to talk to Brad Yates on EFT RADIO ONLINE's TappingStar show, with Jondi Whitis and Sue Tarlton, certified EFT practitioners focused on making a difference for you and for the world. (Click on their names to contact them for public or private sessions.)

 Tapping/EFT Q & A w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

Tapping/EFT can be learned in a few minutes but takes a life-time to master. It is such a fixable tool that it can be joined with many other modalities and techniques. Twice a month Gene Monterastelli (and his collection of guests) will answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about using tapping for both physical and emotional issues as well talk about ways you can expand your tapping tool set. If you have a question you would like to have answered on the show let Gene know via email. Gene Monterastelli is a Baltimore, MD base tapping practitioner. In addition to working with clients in groups or one-on-one (in person and over the phone) Gene enjoys teaching advanced tapping techniques. He is trained in NLP, guided imager, and hypnosis. Gene regularly works with clients in the areas of pain management, fears and anxieties, weight release, and smoking satiation. Gene has a very special place in his practice for children diagnosed on the Autism spectrum and their families. Gene is the editor of TappingQandA.com, which has over 320 free articles, tap-along audios, and tapping audio instruction

 Be the Best Mother You Can Be with Matrix Reimprinting and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel Fisher will be interviewing Natalia Iwanyckyj. Natalia's mission is to empower mothers by teaching them to use homeopathy and EFT to make their lives easier, healthier and happier. So, in today’s show, Natalia will talk about how her children are her catalysts for healing and transformation; how Matrix Reimprinting and EFT have made her a better parent, and how you can have the same experience. She is writing a book, “Blessed by Uniquely Magnificent Children: Mothers on a Hero’s Journey” and Annabel will be discussing with her why the mothers are the unsung heroes. About Natalia: For 30 years, Natalia Iwanyckyj lived a pleasant, remarkably ordinary life. Then, with persistence, tantrums, oral sensitivity, speech delay and autism, her children initiated her into a whole new world. On her journey, Natalia studied Homeopathy and Bioenergetics with master homeopath, Kenneth S. Pittaway, ND, PhD, and Matrix Reimprinting with EFT Master, Karl Dawson. Mostly, she learned from her children, how to be the mother they need. Today, Natalia shares insights from her healing journey on her blog and in transformative support circles for mothers of neurodivergent and challenging children. Her website is: http://catalystsforhealth.com Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Tapping in Unity for Japan & The Middle East; TapFest this Sunday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

TapFest members and friends - this Sunday we join with one another to tap for the extraordinary events in progress right now in Japan and the Middle East.Please tune in to our live show to tap in unity for our brothers and sisters in the world who suffer. Whether by natural disaster, as in Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear plant destruction, or for those caught up in the political unrest of the Middle East, we stand in support, send our energy and Intention for relief to all.TapFest has been urging individual surrogate tapping each day at noon, wherever you are in the world -- but this Sunday is an opportunity for you to participate in a live, mass tap, in support and Intention for their swift relief, healing and resources.If you don't already tap surrogately, this is the perfect opportunity to learn as you tap for the world at 3pm PST . If you'd like to see some of our tapping scripts, check the Resources tab on Tapfest.com, or write us to add your own. See you on Sunday, and thanks for all your do in the world to make it a better place for all.

 The Power of Gratitude Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Gratitude – such a simple concept, reflected in simple acts. Yet, we underestimate its power. Expressing gratitude can brighten a day – or change a life. On this show I will share the story of how the simple act of Gratitude Journaling changed my life. We will tap on releasing the energies that keep us from allowing and expressing gratitude so that we can invite the higher frequencies of the Universe into our lives. Clear your frustration, depression, anger and more with gratitude tapping. Call into the show if you would like to tap on whatever is keeping your abundant life at bay!

 EFT Weight Loss - Carol Solomon - Hypnosis for Habit Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00
 Transformational Divorce with EFT on Love Tap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Transformational Divorce with Rob Nelson on Love Tap with Alina Rob's website Getting divorce, or breaking up, isn’t just painful; it’s also a powerful opportunity to really change your life. Using EFT we let go of the pain and heart break, but we can also release the energetic patterns that attract less-than-ideal partners. Ultimately we want to get to a whole new level with our relationships—a healthier, more loving and enjoyable level, and using EFT is the way to get there fast! Join Alina as she speaks with certified EFT practitioner Rob Nelson who specializes in helping people recover from the pain of breaking up, and in preventing divorce with couples counseling. Rob has helped hundreds of clients let go of the past to achieve healthier, happier relationships.

 Cravings, Savoring Food, and 3 Steps To Approach Every Problem w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Tapping/EFT can be learned in a few minutes but takes a life-time to master. It is such a fixable tool that it can be joined with many other modalities and techniques. Twice a month Gene Monterastelli (and his collection of guests) will answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about using tapping for both physical and emotional issues as well talk about ways you can expand your tapping tool set. In this show we talk about: * Reasons people have cravings * Becoming the observer of our self * How to be able to tap when something is happening, not just after the fact * Why treat your inner voice like a 5 year old * The difference between craving and savoring (lessons in conscious choice) * What we can learn (and not learn) from “What Not To Wear” * The balance between losing ourselves in our goals and total apathy * Why it is good that we struggle with how we look * Degrees of pain * Trading one craving for another (changing habits v healing wounds) * 3 steps to approach every problem Gene Monterastelli is a Baltimore, MD base tapping practitioner. In addition to working with clients in groups or one-on-one (in person and over the phone) Gene enjoys teaching advanced tapping techniques. He is trained in NLP, guided imager, and hypnosis. Gene regularly works with clients in the areas of pain management, fears and anxieties, weight release, and smoking satiation. Gene has a very special place in his practice for children diagnosed on the Autism spectrum and their families. Gene is the editor of TappingQandA.com, which has over 320 free articles, tap-along audios, and tapping audio instruction

 Finding Your Voice With EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

Is it hard for you to say 'no'? Do you find yourself compromising your needs in order to keep others happy? For whatever reasons, it's easier, and much more comfortable, to compromise ourselves - and end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or even manipulated - than it is to establish what is beneficial and healthy for us. In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel will discuss the EFT work she does with chronically ill clients, and how being unable to set boundaries cost them their health. She will be tapping on letting go of compromising by finding your voice with EFT, and she looks forward to answering your questions! Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Procrastination, Taxes and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Tax session is, indeed, a taxing time for nearly everyone. Pulling together everything you need, facing your accountant - paying your accountant! Sometimes it just feels like too much and we procrastinate until we can wait no longer, creating even more stress. Are you concerned about finding the time, working up the nerve and facing the music that tax preparation brings? Will you owe the government? Can you find all of the paperwork? Are your books in order? Do you have enough Excedrin on hand? The worries are endless! For entrepreneurs, this is an especially difficult time because it means taking a really close look at the numbers that you may have been avoiding all year long. It also means taking time away from an already tight schedule and adding the expense of the accountant and bookkeeper to the budget. Let’s spend some time together unraveling the tapestry of love around tax time. Yes, it can be more harmonious. We can work through the fears and procrastination and tap into the gratitude for all that is ours. If you are challenged and counting down the days until the forms have to be submitted, call into the show. We will tap on your taxing fears together. This show is going to be a good listen for anyone with money concerns or procrastination habits, so tune in even if you don't pay taxes!

 EFT Hands On with Julie Mae Pigott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Today on Love Tap Alina speaks with fellow Washingtonian Tapper Julie Mae Pigott of Tapping TunesJulie's website Julie works with young children, parents, teachers and childcare providers to share the common language of EFT tapping through music play. Using the universal language of music, children playfully learn to shift challenging emotions and behaviors. Parents, teachers and providers become empowered to support emotional balance before problems arise, as an intervention tool and follow-up tool. You'll get to listen to a sample of Julie's fun and imaginative songs as well as hear why and how they were developed. Expert EFT practitioners Till Shilling (of Tappy Bear fame), Alina Frank and Deborah Miller have all field tested this material. Julie will be bringing her guitar to get us signing and grooving at the Washington Tappers Gathering on February 26th in Seattle. Washington State Tappers Gathering website

 Tap Into Your Healthy Self: Using The Iceberg Process and Conscious Choice for a Better Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

Annie Cap, author of the book It’s Your Choice: Uncover Your Brilliance using The Iceberg Process will share her fascinating findings and discuss her personal insight and approach to health, wealth and happiness. Cap believes that we are constantly being guided on exactly what in our past has made an impact on us and what needs to be resolved for our lives to improve – but most of us are oblivious to this. Instead we find ourselves repeatedly making the same poor choices which keep us stuck or unwell. Annie says that once we begin to recognize the constant clues being presented and learn to evaluate our choices, even very stubborn limiting beliefs and patterns can be transformed (our ‘iceberg beliefs’ and ‘iceberg programming’). If time permits, Annie will also share her strategies for evaluating and making good choices for a brighter future. Annie Cap, the creator of The Iceberg Process, is a Breakthrough Coach, speaker and author. She’s been a therapist and coach for more than ten years and has gained a reputation for helping clients (and other therapists and coaches) who had previously ‘tried everything’ and failed. Annie attributes these excellent results to her highly developed intuition and combining her own method, The Iceberg Process with energy and cognitive psychology (EFT, MTT, TAT, Matrix Reimprinting, CBT, TA, hypnosis, etc.). She uses The Iceberg Process which acts as ‘sonar for the brain’ allowing her to isolate key factors in someone’s past, accelerating shifts within them and changing limiting beliefs and long-held patterns. Learn more about Annie at www.anniecap.com Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 How I Got Tapping Into Schools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:00

EFT Practitioner Monica Broadfoot Johnson, M.Ed. School Counseling & Guidance,has answers to the popular question, “How do I get tapping into schools?”! She joins TappingStar on February 18 to speak on how she's been able to not only make a difference in her local schools, but how you can offer workshops and training that will make a difference in YOURS. Encountering resistance? Don't know where to start? This is the place! Join the live show with Chat Room and open phone lines for this helpful, creative and uplifting guest who'll show you the ropes and answer your questions. Want to know more? Contact Monica Broadfoot Johnson to purchase an educator’s guide!TappingStar founders Sue Tarlton and Jondi Whitis welcome Monica, with her deep experience with this subject and her generous heart in sharing it. Jondi and Sue are certified EFT practitioners ready to help and advise you on getting tapping into schools, camps, groups, families and organizations. (Click on their names to contact them for public or private sessions.) Tune in or listen to the replay here.

 Effective Self-Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

Effective Self-Talk February 16th at 3:00 pm PACIFIC - Join host Stacey Vornbrock as she welcomes her guest and sports performance colleague, Ingrid Agnew, to talk about her new program called Effective Self-Talk. Ingrid has discovered seven statements that enhance the brain's capacity to reach goals. She has combined these statements with tapping for maximum effect. We'll discuss each statement and it's effect on the brain and the subconscious mind. Then Ingrid will lead us through this new self-talk on some specific sports performance issues. Learn how to quickly turn around your thinking to enhance your performance. You won't want to miss this interview! Ingrid is a Peak Performance Specialist using EFT, as well as a certified hypnotherapist and licensed Brain Gym practitioner. She has been in private practice for over a decade. She presents seminars and workshops throughout the Pacific Northwest and the United States. Call in with your questions for Ingrid during the show at (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so we know you want to speak with us! Ingrid has produced a variety of MP3s using her breakthrough program, Effective Self-Talk. They are available on her websitewww.http://www.ingridagnew.com/Download.html You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com.


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