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 Women Are The True Holy Grail on Love Tap with Alina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

Women Are the True Holy Grail Today on Love Tap Alina interviews Michael Schuessler. Michael is an artist, photographer, Sexuality Life Coach and the Author of the Top selling book, “The Holy G-rail”. (G-spot, R-relating, A-anatomy, I-into, L-lovemaking) He believes all women are The Holy Grail and should be treated as such. The Holy G-rail shows the dualities between the fabled "HOLY GRAIL" and the beautiful women that are within our presence daily and how couples can bring passion back into the bedroom with the steps Michael outlines in his book. Michael is the Denver Sex and Sensuality Expert for Examiner.com and writes a weekly Q&A column - "Ask Michael" Ask the expert on today's show

 10 Steps To Getting Out Of Your Own Way w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

If there wasn't resistance to change then the change would have already happened. We know what we want. We know the steps to take. Sometime we just can't take those steps. In this class Gene talks about 10 questions you can ask yourself that will unpack the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from progress and how to tap for them. More info at http://tappingqanda.com/10q

 Tap Into Success with Carol Tuttle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join emotional freedom tapping (EFT) and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose with special guests each week to bring more success and prosperity into your life!This week, the Mountroses will speak with EFT Expert Carol Tuttle, who will present a special success tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT.CAROL TUTTLE is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. She literally wakes up people's souls to living so they realize their greatness. She has a gift for identifying blocks and patterns that are keeping a person stuck and uses her evolving intuitive gifts and clearing techniques to reconnect people with their spirit truth and life purpose.EFT Radio Online   http://www.eftradioonline.com

 Here's An Easy Way to Improve Your Sports Performance in Just Minutes a Day! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Here's An Easy Way to Improve Your Sports Performance in Just Minutes a Day! September 15th at 5:00 pm PACIFIC - Have you been using affirmations to improve your performance? Have you found using affirmations to be a hit or miss experience in producing results? Do you use affirmations for a while and then just give up because of frustration or lack of results? I've watched athletes experience mixed results using affirmations to improve sports performance. Affirmations certainly are a lot of hard mental work that takes commitment and persistence in order to see results. What if there was something so much easier to use? What if it was fun instead of hard work? Today we'll talk about this new tool I've been teaching my athletes to use to replace affirmations. We'll talk about the role of the conscious mind and it's correct use and the role of the subconscious mind and how you can easily influence the subconscious mind to produce better results in your performance. You'll love how simple this is, how much fun it can be to use, and you'll be amazed at your results. You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com.

 Releasing the Grief of Life Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Grief is not exclusive to the death experience. We carry grief with us from all types of life experiences; we just don’t always label it as grief. Neglecting to acknowledge the depth of emotion related to whatever loss or disappointment has occurred in our life can contribute to the writing on our walls, resulting in limiting beliefs, fear and more. Moving to another state, missed opportunity, decisions we regret, job loss and children leaving home are examples of life experiences that are very common; still they can cause deep levels of grief. Yet do we mourn? Do we allow ourselves the opportunity to heal or do we push it all down believing that it will simply go away? What grief might you hold within you? Is it time to release it and allow your body, mind and spirit to heal? Imagine the burden that you could release when you free yourself of grief. Think about the significant events in your life, or the thoughts and memories that pop up unexpectedly and you’re not sure why. Is it possible that there is some level of grief associated with these? Grief over what could have been, or is no longer? Together in this tapping session we will clear these energies to make room for more joy, hope and love in your life. Is there something that you are grieving and would like addressed during the show? Do you have questions? Please email me (Marla@MarlaTabaka.com) or call in during the show!

 Canada Tappers Gathering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Canada Tappers Gathering Join top tappers Annabel Fisher on the inner saboteurs and illness, Paul Zelizer on his Money Matrix, Alina and her husband Craig on relationships October 2nd in beautiful British Columbia. Get a taste of what’s in store. We’ll be taking your questions about EFT and how our different approaches and specialties. Find out more and receive discounts to the second day focused on Mastering Your EFT Practice by visiting

 Carrying Burdens For Other and Generational Work w/Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

It is a very high act of love to carry an emotional burden for someone else, but when we do this it can have emotional and health consequence. In the episode we look at how and why we carry burdens for others and past generations and we will tap on how to release these burdens to heal. Gene Monterastelli is the editor of TappingQandA.com

 Your Soreness May Not Be What You Think It Is! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

Your Soreness May Not Be What You Think It Is! September 1st at 5:00 pm PACIFIC - As an athlete you're conditioned to think about a sore part of your body in a particular way. You go to bed one night and your body is feeling perfectly fine...you wake up in the morning with a sore knee and your first thought is to search for what you physically did yesterday that made your knee sore. Usually you can relate it to some physical activity you did, so you chalk it up to that and live with it until it goes away. But what if that wasn't the cause of your sore knee? What if most of the soreness you experience (I'm not talking about soreness from working out or injuries) had nothing to do with anything physical, but instead was an emotional upset stuck in that part of your body that could be quickly released through tapping? That's what we're going to talk about and tap on today! I'll give you examples of athletes who thought they were sore for one reason and were surprised to find out the real reason and pleased it could be cleared out so quickly. You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com.

 Tap Your Way Up the Ladder of Believing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

EFT doesn’t work for me. My life won’t change. I don’t know if things will ever get better. When life goes off course it can be difficult to maintain the attitude and energy needed to get back on course. As we encounter unplanned detours things can escalate and eventually roadblocks may go up. During these times it’s difficult to keep the faith and to believe that we have the power to change course and get back on the path of our choosing. It can feel like it takes energy that you no longer have and determination can dwindle. So how can you tackle the roadblocks? How can you keep your faith and belief that you can change paths and find happiness once again? This week we will learn to tap our way up the ladder; to choose the next best thought and take one step at a time. Call in during the show or email (Marla@MarlaTabaka.com) your questions – let me know how you’re feeling and we can tap together!

 How YOU can be an integral part of Operation: Emotional Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

TapFest rejoins Eric Huurre for Part 2 of this fascinating mission to the world of healing PTSD. Special guests, including Dr. Carol Look and Bob Culver, a Vietnam War veteran who's benefited from OPERATION: Emotional Freedom, will delve deeper into the heart of this remarkable healing tool, EFT. Learn how it can be effectively wielded to help others, faster, with more ease and more lasting results than other methods. We'll hear the guest's firsthand experience, helping and healing with this project, results and findings since the movie's release, where the mission is going, and how YOU can get on board to make a difference in your community, right away. Don't miss this special edition of TapFest! Join host Jondi Whitis and co-hosts Lillian Fimbres and Sue Tarlton. All are TapFest co-founders and EFT practitioners with remarkable specialties, focused on making a difference for you and for the world. (Click on their names to contact them for public or private sessions.)

 Co-Dependent Bargains on Love Tap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Co-Dependent Bargains on Love Tap with Alina Leading Inner Child therapist Cathryn Taylor discusses co-dependent bargain. Co-dependency is the need to meet others needs in an attempt to get your own needs met. To bargain is to engage is the second stage of grief. Taylor suggests that weaving together these two concepts offers a way to begin to identify the behaviors we adopted in childhood to ward off the impending devastation of loss experienced when our needs did not get met. As children we determine it is because we are not good enough to deserve to have them met. This belief becomes our blueprint for intimacy, self love and self sabotage. Tune in to discover how you can identify your co-dependent bargain and how you can use energy tapping to neutralize and redesign it.

 Power of Forgiveness w/ Tapping - Host Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:00

One of the most powerful tools in transformation is our ability to forgive ourselves and others. When we forgive we are not saying it is ok. We are not saying we want to have the same thing happen again. What we are saying is that we are choosing to no longer be emotionally entangled in the past. Forgiveness is one of the steps of moving from reliving to remembering. In this show Gene Monterastelli will explore the power of forgiveness and how we can us tapping to make forgiveness of others and ourselves an important part of our transformation. Gene Monterastelli is a Baltimore, MD base tapping practitioner. In addition to working with clients in groups or one-on-one (in person and over the phone) Gene enjoys teaching advanced tapping techniques. He is trained in NLP, guided imager, and hypnosis. Gene regularly works with clients in the areas of pain management, fears and anxieties, weight release, and smoking satiation. Gene has a very special place in his practice for children diagnosed on the Autism spectrum and their families. Gene is the editor of TappingQandA.com, which has over 200 free articles, tap-along audios, and tapping audio instruction with a new resource added to the site every four days.

 Horses Make Us Whole - TapFest Revisits with Barbara Alexander of Epona Ridge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:00

Because of the tremendous response and interest we received from our first interview discussing EFT, energy, and horses, Barbara Alexander of Epona Ridge rejoins TapFest for special updates on the equine therapy she developed at her most unique retreat and sanctuary for quieting the mind and opening the heart.One of the many things that we'll discuss with Barbara is how animals, particularly horses, help us discover our true nature via horse energy.We'll also discuss a new program specifically developed for the EFT practitioners, energy workers, and horse people in mind. In this highly experiential weekend workshop you’ll develop intuitive and awareness on a cellular level based on the non-verbal vibration that horses bring to the classroom.Join Lillian Fimbres and Jondi Whitis for a unique hour.

 OPERATION: Emotional Freedom. The Movie, The Mission, The Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

TapFest talks to Eric Huurre, the man behind the long-awaited movie and veterans' relief initiative, OPERATION: Emotional Freedom. Find out how it started, what happened, and what it means to you and those who struggle with PTSD. Learn how this new mission is spreading the healing of EFT and energy psychology to a world in need, and how it connects us all. This is Part I of a very special edition of TapFest on BlogTalkRadio. Join host Jondi Whitis and co-hosts Lillian Fimbres and Sue Tarlton. All are TapFest co-founders and EFT practitioners with remarkable specialties, focused on making a difference for you and for the world. (Click on their names to contact them.) You won't want to miss this show or the second one in the series -- How YOU can be an integral part of Operation: Emotional Freedom!

 Tap into Success and Prosperity with Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Today Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose share their best tips from their current "Close the Prosperity Gap" Teleseries. In this popular series, with 2,000 participants, the Mountroses connect listeners with foremost EFT Experts, including Carol Tuttle, Brad Yates, Carol Look, and Pamela Bruner. Everyone can benefit from new insights into prosperity and this is your opportunity to hear some of the Mountroses favorite moments from this practical, enlightening, and fun teleseminar series. There’s nothing the Mountroses enjoy more than watching people like you rise to new levels of success and go beyond what you thought was possible before now. Make this your time to thrive! Learn more about the free "Close the Prosperity Gap" Teleseries at http://www.heartandsoulofsuccess.org/prosperity. Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose and their EFT Training Programs at http://www.gettingthru.org.


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