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 Million Dollar Mindset with Marla Tabaka - May 25th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

  MILLION DOLLAR MINDSET TAPPING AND LOVING WHAT IS Coming up on May 25th at 9am PT Do you feel "off kilter?" When negative emotions and thoughts set in we find ourselves in a state of resistance, pushing against life's current and making it much more difficult than it has to be. But how can we avoid negative thinking when life isn't going our way? How can we raise our energy to make life "easier?" EFT can help. Learn how to balance your thoughts with EFT and a few changes to your thought process - so that you can attract more positive energy - and the life you desire. Is it possible to stop swimming up stream and let go of the resistance? To love your life, and its problems, so that you can let go of them once and for all? Share your stories, questions, and fears. Call in during the show so we can tap on your resistance together.Or, just email me in advance. This show is about YOU! Let's do it together and make those dreams come true!

 Spreading EFT in Africa; Tanzania style | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Meet Margot Diskin , a TapFest member. It would be enough that Margot is an exceptionally gifted EFT practitioner and Homeopath teaching EFT workshops in Galway, Ireland where she lives and around the world. Margot is also the founder of the TIAM Project, Tanzania Ireland Alternative Medicine Project. Where in Tanzania, Margot and her team train villagers on how to apply EFT to themselves and to teach EFT to others in their communities.View a videoof the work done in Tanzania. Margot makes regular trips to Tanzania,Rwanda and Kenya spreading EFT free of charge to some of the poorest communities in the world. Learn what the challenges are as an EFT’er tapping in countries like Tanzania and what the different health issues are. Margot will talk to us about her most recent trip in Kenya introducing EFT while training about 20 nurses, community development workers, and AIDS workers on a full time training program in hospitals, dispensaries, and AIDS support groups. Margot will also discuss her very special project beginning in June where EFT practitioners from the West are paired with 7 African practitioners in a partnership program. Have your questions ready for Margot because this is going to be a solid hour of discussion you won’t hear anywhere else, but here on TapFest along with surrogate tapping for the African nation. Hosts, Lillian Fimbres and Sue Tarlton, are co-founders of TapFest a global network of EFT practitioners in the belief that together we can make a difference.

 Tap into the heart and Soul of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

FEATURING BRAD YATES Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose each week to bring more success into your life and create miracles! This week, the Mountroses will speak with special guest Brad Yates, who will present a special tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT. Brad Yates is a caring EFT professional who is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of EFT to help people to produce extraordinary results. Combining this background with training in energy psychology and various schools of thought in the area of personal growth and achievement, he coaches groups and individuals in achieving greater success, health, and happiness. We can all benefit from new insights into success and you won't want to miss this valuable tip from a leading expert in the field. On the call, Brad will also share his expertise to help you to clear obstacles with EFT. Take this opportunity to rise to new levels of success, go beyond what you thought was possible until now, and make this your time to thrive! Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.

 Love Tap featuring Dr Gillian Holloway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Ever wonder about those surreal dreams you have that seem to haunt you? Maybe you have had a few sex dreams that left you panicked or aroused. Join Alina as she speaks with renowned dream analysis expert and author Dr. Gillian Holloway on the topic of understanding your dreams to transform your romantic relationship. Dr. Gillian Holloway's website Use EFT to Bring More Love, Joy, and Passion to your relationship with the Path2Passion!  For more information about Alina Frankclick here

 Tapping/EFT Q & A w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tapping/EFT can be learned in a few minutes but takes a life-time to master. It is such a fixable tool that it can be joined with many other modalities and techniques. Twice a month Gene Monterastelli (and his collection of guests) will answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about using tapping for both physical and emotional issues as well talk about ways you can expand your tapping tool set. If you have a question you would like to have answered on the show let Gene know via email.

 EFT for Test-Taking Anxiety - TappingStar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

This TappingStar episode, hosted by Sue Tarlton and Jondi Whitis, brings you immediate help for your test-taking and performance anxiety. If you have a tough time studying for or taking exams, or for performing in any situation, tune in as Sue and Jondi discuss fast, fun, simple EFT solutions! Sue and Jondi, certified EFT practitioners, co-founded TappingStar to put tapping into schools around the world. Go to TappingStar, click on Download Resources and get a graphic to help you learn and share a tapping procedure for reducing your test-taking anxiety. The show airs at 11am Eastern time, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific on Friday, May 14th. Contact Sue or Jondi with questions, comments and requests for consulting and appearances: sue@tappingstar.com or jondi@tappingstar.com.

 Tap into the "Heart and Soul of Success" with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

FEATURING RICK WILKES Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose each week to bring more success into your life and create miracles! This week, the Mountroses will speak with special guest Rick Wilkes, who will present a special tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT. RICK WILKES FROM THRIVING NOW at thrivingnow.com is committed to helping individuals to feel good... really good... using EFT and the vibrational approach to shift to states of THRIVING in every respect... physically vital, emotionally free, financially abundant, and spiritually connected to Source... and enjoy feeling light, playful, eager, and curious! We can all benefit from new insights into success and you won't want to miss this valuable tip from an enlightening expert in the field. During the show, Rick will also share his vibrational approach to help you to clear obstacles with EFT. Take this opportunity to rise to new levels of success, go beyond what you thought was possible until now, and make this your time to thrive! Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.

 Breakthrough Sports Performance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join host Stacey Vornbrock as she welcomes retired professional baseball player Pat Ahearne to her first show. Pat learned EFT in 1998 from the brilliant peak performance expert Steve Wells in Perth, Australia. Pat incorporated EFT into his daily routine to improve his physical, emotional, and mental performance as a pitcher. He credits EFT with extending his baseball career. We'll talk with him about his use of EFT during his career and his new venture, The Way of Baseball. You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com

 Your Vision Board and Tail Enders with Marla Tabaka | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

  MILLION DOLLAR MINDSET TAPPING AND YOUR VISION BOARD Coming up on May 11th at 9am PT Thank you for your great responses to the Vision Board show last week! I want to know how you're doing with your new vision board ideas so send your updates and questions to me at Marla@MarlaTabaka.com. On our next Million Dollar Mindset Tapping show we're going to talk about what stands between you and success with your vision board and Law of Attraction. When you just don't believe that you can attract your desires...What do you tap on? How do you phrase it? What are tail enders and how can you discover them and phrase your affirmations in the most powerful way? So much to learn! Yay! I'm looking for guests to share their stories, questions, and fears. Let me know if you'd like to be on the show! If you don't want to be on then join us in the chatroom! It's easy! Or, just email me in advance. This show is about YOU! Let's do it together and make those dreams come true! My friend Gary Williams will be joining us to tell us about the free EFT Global Event happening this week.

 Passionate About EFT Podcast: Healing the Inner Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The Passionate About EFT podcasts are short 15-minute shows (12 NoonEST), each featuring a discussion of some valuable tip, skill or idea to enhance your EFT practice. Carna Zacharias-Miller and Betty Moore-Hafter both specialize in sensitive approaches to bring healing to the inner child. We will share insights and tips from our work, as well as guiding a brief tap-along process to show you a way to bring EFT to your young self.

 Love Tap with Alina featuring Dr. Kiya Immergluck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Love Tap focuses on how to utilize EFT to heal issues around sex, intimacy, and relationships. This week's episode Revenge Tapping: Vent Frustration with EFT Revenge tapping is a technique that simply gives a person permission to vent their very negative feelings towards another person or organization. Within the safety of tapping, a person can say: “I wish my husband would jump off a cliff,” knowing that they don’t really mean it, but it feels good to say it out loud. Use EFT to Bring More Love, Joy, and Passion to your relationship with the Path2Passion! Alina Frank's web home Dr. Kiya's website

 Tapping/EFT Q & A w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tapping/EFT can be learned in a few minutes but takes a life-time to master. It is such a fixable tool that it can be joined with many other modalities and techniques. Twice a month Gene Monterastelli (and his collection of guests) will answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about using tapping for both physical and emotional issues as well talk about ways you can expand your tapping tool set. If you have a question you would like to have answered on the show let Gene know via email.

 Growing In Spirit With EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Gene Monterastelli on TapFest….Join Host Jondi Whitis and Co-Host Lillian Fimbres of TapFest as they welcome Gene Monterastelli to discuss using EFT to Grow In Spirit. It's another great TapFest conversation, this time with prominent Baltimore practitioner, Gene Monterastelli. Gene’s years of private EFT and NLP practice and popular online newsletter, TappingQ&A.com, provide a rich platform of experience from which to talk about almost any issue or problem. Our May 2nd conversation turns to something near and dear to both our hearts…our spiritual life and growth. How does EFT fit into this? How do we offer it to others of different spiritual or faith communities? Does the 'feast of forgiveness' have a place at the tapping table? How can EFT help YOU find that still, small voice within that belongs uniquely to you? Join us on Sunday for this loving, supportive and compassionate look at EFT as the perfect companion for the deeper journey into Spirit.

 SIX WEEKS OF SUCCESS TIPS - Tap into the Heart and Soul of Success with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This is the sixth of six shows for tapping into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose. Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose each week to bring more success into your life and make miracles happen! We can all benefit from new insights into success and this is your opportunity to learn from prople who have withstood the test of time and created lives the people around them would like to duplicate. There’s nothing the Mountroses enjoy more than watching people like you rise to new levels of success and go beyond what you thought was possible before now. Make this your time to thrive! Learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.

 Million Dollar Mindset Tapping with Marla Tabaka | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

AMP UP YOUR VISION BOARD WITH EFT - This week we are going to discuss creating your vision/dream board and using it to its fullest potential. Yes, Law of Attraction is powerful, but what if you're negating your positive attraction power with negative thoughts? How can we use EFT to uncover those thoughts and lessen or erase them so they don't diminish your ability to attract your desires? What are the tips and tricks to getting your vision board to work for you? Find out during this show. Questions? You can send them to Marla in advance at Marla@MarlaTabaka.com, call in during the show, or join us in the chat room! Make sure to register with blogtalk before the show so you can chat with me and the others in the chat room! See you then! My mission is to help one million female business owners reach the million dollar mark. Are you next? Find out how you can work with me in one-to-one coaching/EFT sessions or in my powerful Million Dollar Mindset group program.


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