Your Vision Board and Tail Enders with Marla Tabaka

. show

Summary:   MILLION DOLLAR MINDSET TAPPING AND YOUR VISION BOARD Coming up on May 11th at 9am PT Thank you for your great responses to the Vision Board show last week! I want to know how you're doing with your new vision board ideas so send your updates and questions to me at On our next Million Dollar Mindset Tapping show we're going to talk about what stands between you and success with your vision board and Law of Attraction. When you just don't believe that you can attract your desires...What do you tap on? How do you phrase it? What are tail enders and how can you discover them and phrase your affirmations in the most powerful way? So much to learn! Yay! I'm looking for guests to share their stories, questions, and fears. Let me know if you'd like to be on the show! If you don't want to be on then join us in the chatroom! It's easy! Or, just email me in advance. This show is about YOU! Let's do it together and make those dreams come true! My friend Gary Williams will be joining us to tell us about the free EFT Global Event happening this week.