Spreading EFT in Africa; Tanzania style

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Summary: Meet Margot Diskin , a TapFest member. It would be enough that Margot is an exceptionally gifted EFT practitioner and Homeopath teaching EFT workshops in Galway, Ireland where she lives and around the world. Margot is also the founder of the TIAM Project, Tanzania Ireland Alternative Medicine Project. Where in Tanzania, Margot and her team train villagers on how to apply EFT to themselves and to teach EFT to others in their communities.View a videoof the work done in Tanzania. Margot makes regular trips to Tanzania,Rwanda and Kenya spreading EFT free of charge to some of the poorest communities in the world. Learn what the challenges are as an EFT’er tapping in countries like Tanzania and what the different health issues are. Margot will talk to us about her most recent trip in Kenya introducing EFT while training about 20 nurses, community development workers, and AIDS workers on a full time training program in hospitals, dispensaries, and AIDS support groups. Margot will also discuss her very special project beginning in June where EFT practitioners from the West are paired with 7 African practitioners in a partnership program. Have your questions ready for Margot because this is going to be a solid hour of discussion you won’t hear anywhere else, but here on TapFest along with surrogate tapping for the African nation. Hosts, Lillian Fimbres and Sue Tarlton, are co-founders of TapFest a global network of EFT practitioners in the belief that together we can make a difference.