Tap into the "Heart and Soul of Success" with EFT

. show

Summary: FEATURING RICK WILKES Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose each week to bring more success into your life and create miracles! This week, the Mountroses will speak with special guest Rick Wilkes, who will present a special tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT. RICK WILKES FROM THRIVING NOW at thrivingnow.com is committed to helping individuals to feel good... really good... using EFT and the vibrational approach to shift to states of THRIVING in every respect... physically vital, emotionally free, financially abundant, and spiritually connected to Source... and enjoy feeling light, playful, eager, and curious! We can all benefit from new insights into success and you won't want to miss this valuable tip from an enlightening expert in the field. During the show, Rick will also share his vibrational approach to help you to clear obstacles with EFT. Take this opportunity to rise to new levels of success, go beyond what you thought was possible until now, and make this your time to thrive! Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.