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 Tap Into Success with Carol Look | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose with special guests each week to bring more success and prosperity into your life! This week, the Mountroses will speak with special guest Carol Look, who will present a special tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT. CAROL LOOK Carol Look is a success and abundance coach in the energy psychology field. Her specialty is inspiring clients to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT/ Meridian Tapping and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build “prosperity consciousness.” A pioneer and leading voice in the EFT community, Carol is well known as an internet radio show host and as the author of the popular books,Attracting Abundance with EFT and Improve Your Eyesight with EFT. We can all benefit from new insights into success and you won't want to miss this potentially life-changing tip from a leading expert in the field. On the call, Carol will also share her expertise to help you to clear obstacles with EFT. Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.

 What beliefs about your sport are holding you back from playing at your optimum level? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:00

What beliefs about your sport are holding you back from playing at your optimum level? July 7th at 5:00 pm PACIFIC - Inherent in every sport are a set of "cultural constraints" - beliefs about what is and isn't possible to accomplish in your sport. You take these to be truths without ever questioning them because you've grown up with them. These beliefs were passed down to you as a child when you first started playing your sport from your parents, coaches, and the media. You've never questioned them because you never even thought to questions them - it's the truth in your mind. But what if these "truths" are holding you back from taking your game to the next level? Do you believe it's possible to birdie every hole? Do you believe it's possible to maintain a batting average of .400? Do you believe it's possible to run the 40-yd. dash in 4 seconds or less? What smaller "truths" about your sport are holding you back? Athletes, please call in and let's talk about and tap on those beliefs that are holding you back. Let's begin to release those cultural constraints so you can start to think for yourself about what is possible in your sport. Please call (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so Stacey knows you want to speak with her on the air. You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com

 Are You an Imposter? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Do you ever feel like you’re “faking your way” in life or business? That if people found out how “little you really know” you would be humiliated beyond belief and a disappointment to all who believe in you? Do you attribute your successes to “luck” or discount the significance of what you do and who you are? Do you find yourself saying things like, “anyone could have done that,” or “it’s not such a big deal?” Yes? Well, you may be experiencing symptoms of The Imposter Syndrome. The Imposter Syndrome is one of the best-kept secrets in the world because (understandably) no one ever wants to reveal these feelings. It is most commonly associated with high achieving, successful people. And it keeps people from enjoying life and success. EFT Tapping is highly successful for those suffering from The Imposter Syndrome because the attitudes, beliefs, direct or indirect messages that we received from our parents or from other significant people in our lives have contributed to the development of the imposter feelings. And we can tap those messages away! See if you fit The Imposter Syndrome profile and learn how to use EFT to accept yourself – success and all! If you suspect that you suffer from "imposter thinking" and you would like to tap with me, call in during the show or join our chat room! Send your questions in advance if you would like them addressed on the show: Marla@MarlaTabaka.com. See you there!

 Chakra Tapping - Discover Your Powerful Personal Charisma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:00

EFT Radio Online   http://www.eftradioonline.com

 Top 5 Tips for Keeping Passion in Your Relationship on Love Tap with Alina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Join Alina Frank, creator of Path to Passion, along with her husband and fellow EFTer Dr. Craig as they share their top 5 tips for keeping the passion alive using EFT. Love Tap with Alina - Want more joy, more passion, more connection, and yes... more sex? Relationship, Sex, and Intimacy and top tapper Alina Frank along with her guests show you how to DO IT using your energy to vibrate, titillate, and stimulate your love life and beyond. Alina Frank's website Dr. Craig's website For more information about their popular online downloadable course please visit www.path2passion.net

 Tap into Success with Loren Fogelman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

EFT Radio Online   http://www.eftradioonline.com

 Tap Your Way Out of "STUCK" with Marla Tabaka | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

  I call it "The Land of Stuck". Are you a visitor or a permanent resident? You know what to do; you have a pretty good idea of what the next steps are. But for some reason, you just don't take them. You are in the proverbial "stuck" mode - I call it, “The Land of Stuck.” We all know it; we've all been there. But for how long will you allow yourself the painful "luxury" of doing nothing? For how long will you allow your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs keep you wandering around in “The Land of Stuck?” Let's find out why you're there and make sure that you do not become a permanent resident! How would it feel to move on to the next steps - to a place that makes you feel renewed and accomplished instead of stuck? You can do it with EFT Tapping and by answering a few simple questions! Send me a description of your "Land of Stuck", why you think you’re there, and how long you've been visiting. I will make sure to address your questions in the show if you send them in advance to Marla@MarlaTabaka.com. If you would like to join me on Million Dollar Mindset Tapping we can help you find your way to new land!

 Sacred Partners: Embracing the Divine Feminine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

  Host Alina Frank as interviews Kaariina Natalie Saarinen on the ending of cycles, ending of male dominance and return to the Divine Feminine. She's a Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, with lineage connection through her Mother Line to Shamans, she is Healer and Carrier of Codes from Sami people and beyond.  Alina Frank specializes in Women's Issues  Path2Passion!

 Passionate About EFT Podcast: The Oil Spill - A Tapping Meditation for Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The Passionate About EFT podcasts are short 15-minute shows (12 Noon EDT), each featuring a discussion of some valuable tip, skill or idea to enhance your EFT practice. We are all concerned about the terrible tragedy of the oil spill in the Gulf. Our show today is intended to acknowledge the anguish so many of us are feeling and then turn our tapping attention to sending healing and loving support to the animals, plants, ecosystems and humans affected. Join Carna Zacharias-Miller and Betty Moore-Hafter as we hold this painful situation in our hearts and offer a tapping meditation.

 Tap into the "Heart and Soul of Success" with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

FEATURING NICK ORTNER Join EFT and coaching experts Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose with special guests each week to bring more success and prosperity into your life! This week, the Mountroses will speak with special guest Nick Ortner, who will present a special tip to help you to Tap into the “Heart and Soul of Success” with EFT. Nicolas Ortner is the founder of Try It Productions and the Producer of "The Tapping Solution." Nick is a "searcher," constantly reading, exploring, experimenting with incredible information that can change lives. When he found EFT, he knew he had to find a way to get this information into the mainstream. He also produced the worldwide online event, "The Tapping World Summit" which has been attended by over 75,000 (all for free!). (www.tappingworldsummit.com) We can all benefit from new insights into success and you won't want to miss this potentially life-changing tip from a leading expert in the field. On the call, Nick will also share his expertise to help you to clear obstacles with EFT. Take this opportunity to rise to new levels of success, go beyond what you thought was possible until now, and make this your time to thrive! Also learn more about Phillip and Jane Mountrose at http://www.gettingthru.org.

 Are You Playing Your Sport From a Place of Joy or Fear? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are You Playing Your Sport From a Place of Joy or Fear?  June 9th at 5:00 pm PACIFIC - Have you lost the joy of playing your sport? Has it become work to perform? Are you pressing, dreading, or feeling anxious about performing? Are you playing from a place of joy or a place of fear and misery? You most likely started playing your sport as a child and the only reason you played was to have fun...you didn't know any better! But over the years, more and more pressure has been placed on you by coaches, teammates, and yourself about your performance. You've lost the the joy and fun of playing. Would you like to get that back? Imagine having real fun again and looking forward to playing your sport. We'll do just that on this show today. Join host Stacey Vornbrock as we talk about playing from a place of joy and do some tapping to get back to that joyful, happy, carefree place. If you're an athlete who has lost the joy in playing, please call in and we'll do some tapping on the air to clear this out. Please call (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so Stacey knows you want to speak with her on the air. You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at www.byebyeblocks.com

 Creating a Vision Action Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Do you have an action plan for bringing your vision to life? We've done a lot of work on vision boards and identifying blocks to success. Let's take it a step further! This week I am going to share my own personal step-by-step process for creating my vision "goals" and ensuring my success. When achieving something is very important to us, it's best to have a plan. I like to say that "Law of Attraction is nothing without action." There is no magic Genie in a bottle and we are human. As human beings it's not always easy to turn our faith dial up to the 100% mark 100% of the time. So these action steps will keep you in tune with what you desire and what you may need to do to get there. I would like to invite you to call in to the show and chat with me, ask questions, and have fun creating your Vision Action Plan!

 Passionate About EFT Podcast: EFT and Sacred Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The Passionate About EFT podcasts are short 15-minute shows (12 Noon EDT), each featuring a discussion of some valuable tip, skill or idea to enhance your EFT practice. Our topic on the Passionate About EFT podcast is "Sacred Space." Join us to learn about creating a safe healing space for yourself or your clients during an EFT session. There are many ways you can intentionally use sacred space with tapping. Lynne Shaner and Betty Moore-Hafter will guide listeners in a Sacred Space experience to enhance the EFT process.

 Help! I'm Dating My Mother/Father! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join top rated tapper and host Alina Frank along with behaviorist Juli Vinik as they discuss the interesting way we end up in romantic relationship with our parents. Our dating habits can be both consciously and subconsciously influenced by key partental inputs early and ongoingly in life. Understanding how these patterns are formed, how to break them, and how to use EFT to assist you along the way, will offer you a significant leg up on the journey to finding the love of your life. Use EFT to Bring More Love, Joy, and Passion to your relationship with the Path2Passion!  Alina Frank specializes in Women's Issues and brings you Love Tap every other week. Juli and Alina lead an ongoing 6 week online course which has attained a remarkable 98% successful happy marriage rate. find out more here.

 Tapping/EFT Q & A w/ Gene Monterastelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tapping/EFT can be learned in a few minutes but takes a life-time to master. It is such a fixable tool that it can be joined with many other modalities and techniques. Twice a month Gene Monterastelli (and his collection of guests) will answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about using tapping for both physical and emotional issues as well talk about ways you can expand your tapping tool set. If you have a question you would like to have answered on the show let Gene know via email.


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