Tap Your Way Out of "STUCK" with Marla Tabaka

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Summary:   I call it "The Land of Stuck". Are you a visitor or a permanent resident? You know what to do; you have a pretty good idea of what the next steps are. But for some reason, you just don't take them. You are in the proverbial "stuck" mode - I call it, “The Land of Stuck.” We all know it; we've all been there. But for how long will you allow yourself the painful "luxury" of doing nothing? For how long will you allow your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs keep you wandering around in “The Land of Stuck?” Let's find out why you're there and make sure that you do not become a permanent resident! How would it feel to move on to the next steps - to a place that makes you feel renewed and accomplished instead of stuck? You can do it with EFT Tapping and by answering a few simple questions! Send me a description of your "Land of Stuck", why you think you’re there, and how long you've been visiting. I will make sure to address your questions in the show if you send them in advance to Marla@MarlaTabaka.com. If you would like to join me on Million Dollar Mindset Tapping we can help you find your way to new land!