Million Dollar Mindset with Marla Tabaka - May 25th

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Summary:   MILLION DOLLAR MINDSET TAPPING AND LOVING WHAT IS Coming up on May 25th at 9am PT Do you feel "off kilter?" When negative emotions and thoughts set in we find ourselves in a state of resistance, pushing against life's current and making it much more difficult than it has to be. But how can we avoid negative thinking when life isn't going our way? How can we raise our energy to make life "easier?" EFT can help. Learn how to balance your thoughts with EFT and a few changes to your thought process - so that you can attract more positive energy - and the life you desire. Is it possible to stop swimming up stream and let go of the resistance? To love your life, and its problems, so that you can let go of them once and for all? Share your stories, questions, and fears. Call in during the show so we can tap on your resistance together.Or, just email me in advance. This show is about YOU! Let's do it together and make those dreams come true!