Tapping Into Alignment With Your Soul's Purpose

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Summary: Have you ever asked if you're living your soul's purpose? And what if you think you know what it is, but the results of your efforts are out of sync? How do we get congruent, and align ourselves for greater power and peace? EFT Founding Master Nancy Gnecco leads TapFest on a path to congruence with your purpose and natural power. Nancy is a professional Energy Psychotherapist, and a licensed counselor using EFT, TAT, Matrix ReImprinting and the Comprehensive Chakra Method in her practice. TapFest has brought you on a journey with some of the finest in the EFT/MTT field, as they bring this phenomenal healing technique to countries all over the world; are you the next energy adventurer, just waiting for this kind of encouragement? Tap with us to re-commit, re-align and re-new. Nancy Gnecco puts her years of experience and findings to work for YOU, on the next TapFest! Mark your calendars now, and bring a friend.