Tap Into Your Healthy Self: Using The Iceberg Process and Conscious Choice for a Better Life

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Summary: Annie Cap, author of the book It’s Your Choice: Uncover Your Brilliance using The Iceberg Process will share her fascinating findings and discuss her personal insight and approach to health, wealth and happiness. Cap believes that we are constantly being guided on exactly what in our past has made an impact on us and what needs to be resolved for our lives to improve – but most of us are oblivious to this. Instead we find ourselves repeatedly making the same poor choices which keep us stuck or unwell. Annie says that once we begin to recognize the constant clues being presented and learn to evaluate our choices, even very stubborn limiting beliefs and patterns can be transformed (our ‘iceberg beliefs’ and ‘iceberg programming’). If time permits, Annie will also share her strategies for evaluating and making good choices for a brighter future. Annie Cap, the creator of The Iceberg Process, is a Breakthrough Coach, speaker and author. She’s been a therapist and coach for more than ten years and has gained a reputation for helping clients (and other therapists and coaches) who had previously ‘tried everything’ and failed. Annie attributes these excellent results to her highly developed intuition and combining her own method, The Iceberg Process with energy and cognitive psychology (EFT, MTT, TAT, Matrix Reimprinting, CBT, TA, hypnosis, etc.). She uses The Iceberg Process which acts as ‘sonar for the brain’ allowing her to isolate key factors in someone’s past, accelerating shifts within them and changing limiting beliefs and long-held patterns. Learn more about Annie at www.anniecap.com Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT