Procrastination, Taxes and EFT

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Summary: Tax session is, indeed, a taxing time for nearly everyone. Pulling together everything you need, facing your accountant - paying your accountant! Sometimes it just feels like too much and we procrastinate until we can wait no longer, creating even more stress. Are you concerned about finding the time, working up the nerve and facing the music that tax preparation brings? Will you owe the government? Can you find all of the paperwork? Are your books in order? Do you have enough Excedrin on hand? The worries are endless! For entrepreneurs, this is an especially difficult time because it means taking a really close look at the numbers that you may have been avoiding all year long. It also means taking time away from an already tight schedule and adding the expense of the accountant and bookkeeper to the budget. Let’s spend some time together unraveling the tapestry of love around tax time. Yes, it can be more harmonious. We can work through the fears and procrastination and tap into the gratitude for all that is ours. If you are challenged and counting down the days until the forms have to be submitted, call into the show. We will tap on your taxing fears together. This show is going to be a good listen for anyone with money concerns or procrastination habits, so tune in even if you don't pay taxes!