EFT Research Developments with Dawson Church

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Summary: Learn what's happening the EFT world in terms of research studies with Dawson Church, Ph.D. Alina Frank host of Love Tap and EFT Universe Trainer will speak with the director of EFTU about the fascinating work that he and others are doing to make EFT evidence based.    Dawson Church, PhD, founded Soul Medicine Institute to research and teach emerging psychological and medical techniques that can yield fast and radical cures. His book, The Genie in Your Genes, (wwwGenieBestseller.com), pioneers the field of Epigenetics, explaining the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging from this science. He has authored several scientific studies of Energy Psychology, and through EFT Power Training (www.EFTPowerTraining.com), teaches groups how to apply these breakthroughs to health and athletic performance.   To learn more about Alina Frank's work and workshops please visit www.tapyourpower.net