Matrix ReImprinting & EFT: Getting to the Root

. show

Summary: Join us on July 10th when we welcome the incredible Karin Davidson to TapFest; she'll  introduce us to advanced techniques for using Matrix ReImprinting with EFT to more effectively get to the root of the issue or symptom. Even if you know about the Matrix techniques, you won't want to miss Karin, the only U.S. certified Matrix ReImprinting trainer,  leading us through advanced Matrix tapping innovations, using ECHOs, and more. Fascinating work to add to your understanding and toolbox- don't miss it! And of course, we'll tap with Karin, a real treat. for anyone, from 'novice tapper' to seasoned professional.   Join TapFest host Jondi Whitis for a rare conversation on an unusual aspect of Matrix ReImprinting you won't find anywhere else. For those of you not already familiar with Karin's work, her comprehensive site,,  is a wealth of information for everyone.  You won't want to miss this intimate, content-rich conversation with Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, EFT Level 3 Therapist and Matrix ReImprinting trainer, Karin Davidson, here on EFT Radio. You'll even have a chance to get Karin's duo CD set on Basic & Advanced Matrix ReImprinting at a special TapFest discount! TapFest is the global surrogate tapping site, bringing you the best in experts and innovations of EFT and MTT protocols;  join us on, and make the world the kind of place YOU want to live in. Join now: We'll see you on the radio, Sunday, 1pm EST. Bring a friend, make a friend, live, on Tapfest's EFT Radio Online show.