Veterans, EFT, and the Holistic Qigong Approach to EFT

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Summary: In honor of Veterans Day, I’ll be rebroadcasting my interview with Miguel Vasquez, EFT practitioner and Vietnam Veteran.  Miguel tells his powerful story of recovery from his own PTSD using EFT. If you’re only using EFT to feel better you may not be truly benefiting from your tapping sessions.  In the second half I’m going to let you in on how you can have more effective tapping sessions using Qigong, the ancient Chinese healing art. Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong practitioner blending the two healing modalities for deep emotional cleaning. Visit my website, The Genuine and sign up for my newsletter, so you can start receiving videos; tips and tools for feeling better using EFT and Qigong. I can be reached -