Manage Sabotage and Soothe Shame with Interactive Tapping

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Summary: How are your New Year's resolutions going? Do you have a part of you who is sabotaging your every move with shame, fear, rebellion or disdain? Don't be alarmed.  It is just that younger, more vuneralbe part of you who is scared.  He or she has been moved out of its comfort zone with your goal and is seeking a way to remain safe. In today's show witness Cathryn's signature method of healing called Interactive Tapping as she helps Melanie address her shame and create a new pathway for success. Tune in and learn more about Cathryn's 7-Layer Healing Process that supports you in developing a relationship with this part of you so you can respond instead of collapse - succeed instead of fail. To get more information about Cathryn's unique model of tapping which combines her expertise on the inner child with the tapping techniques of  EFT visit her website at Check out her 30-day, 40-day and 90-day programs - also accessible through the internet - each program empowers you to build that relationship with your wounded ones so you can attract all you deserve. Or call 612.710.7720.