Tapping Away Limiting Beliefs and Fears

. show

Summary: Get what you want and want what you get. Why don't we already have what we need and want? In my experience it boils down to two reasons: Limiting Beliefs and Fears. These are the scourge of attracting. In this live show...and the supplemental recording, I'll show you how to transform limiting beliefs into attracting magnets. Before the show, if you want to play along, write down something simple that you want and don't have. And be specific: Instead of "More money" write down "I want to attract $5000 a month."  And instead of "I want to get rid of my clutter" change that to "I want to have clean, neat, orderly environment."  Instead of “I want to be in a relationship” write “I want to attract my ideal life partner”. Just choose one thing, you want, write a simple, positive statement about it and we'll work on attracting it. Then step by step we'll work on your ability to live your life by design, instead of by default. See you on the 20th!