Brainwave Monitoring and EFT with EFT Master Gwyneth Moss

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Summary:   How does tapping affect the brain, and why is that important? As we apply EFT our brain responds in a powerful way. We know that by the results that we get, but now we can see evidence of the brain’s response through brainwave monitoring. EFT Master Gwyneth Moss is known for her highly successful EFT work using imagery and metaphor and for her clear down-to-earth teaching style.  Her study of brainwave monitoring taught her a great deal about how we can be most effective in our use of EFT. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, speaks with Gwyneth to learn how tapping affects the brain and the patterns that develop as we tap. You will also learn to apply this knowledge to use EFT more skillfully to achieve higher performance, deeper personal insight, and increased creativity.