Workplace Bullying and the Power of EFT

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Summary: Do you hate going to work? Dread Sundays because that means you are one step closer to Monday? Have you been bullied in the workplace? In today’s show, Annabel’s guest, Karen Learmonth, believes when you feel safe enough, you can find a way to leave the workplace and thrive. Karen says that the ability to see workplace bullying as a gift – and to get the healing, learning and growth you may not have wanted unless it was this bad – is the way to a silver lining only a few work towards. Annabel and Karen will be discussing the benefits of EFT, the ability to see what you really need to let go of, and how to release the past to work towards a better future – whether you stay with the bullying situation or leave. Annabel will also be tapping with a volunteer so you will be able to borrow benefits. About Karen: A few years ago, Karen experienced workplace bullying. She joined forces with Stephen Hill to create No Bully For Me to get an ugly workplace secret into the open in 2004. Their work has been featured in many magazines, radio shows and newspapers. When she and Stephen Hill began their work, little was known about workplace bullying. Through their efforts to educate and provide support to targets of workplace bullying, they began the first Canadian response to this serious and growing problem. Karen offers advocacy, support, individual counseling and therapeutic art classes to help targets of bullying recover. She balances this with her creative work as a professional photographic Artist. You can find her current work at To schedule a private session with Annabel Fisher, contact Annabel at or call 1-888-206-8426.