Childhood Pain Seen Through the Lens of the Akashic Records

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Summary: Have you ever wondered what the higher purpose of your childhood pain may be? Could this spiritual perspective perhaps hold the key to the success of your mastery?  Join me to learn more about the power which awaits you when you dare to look at your childhood issues through the eyes of your soul.  This month I highlight the fourth, and final, component of inner child work - the ingredient of spirituality. My featured conversation is with my dear friend and colleague, Dahna Fox who is a certified instructor in teaching others how to access the sacred wisdom of the Akashic Records.  Dahna and I will discuss the history of this ancient wisdom, the story of how this particular method of accessing the Akshic Records came to America and the many beneifts that can be attained from integrating this perspective into your healing.  I was personally trained by Dahna and have been weaving this information into my inner child healings since 2001. After our conversation, and throughout this month's broadcasts, I will demonstrate with Interactive Tapping, why this approach has become one of the most important seasonings to my work and how, when accessed, the process never fails to inspire, expand and heal.