What's Involved In Becoming A Medical Intuitive?

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Summary: If you are interested in helping people or yourself get healthy the natural way, then this show is for you. You can learn how to heighten your intuition, listen to what your body is telling you and get information that will allow your body to heal itself. You can also become a certified Medical Intuitive and learn how to help yourself and others discover the core causes of ailments, diseases and emotional distress so the body can heal itself and your soul can be at peace. You can also learn to intuit nutritional deficiencies, chakra imbalances, efficiency of your organs and much more. When you attend live, you can bring your own symptoms to the call, and Stacey will intuit what is keeping your body from healing itself for 1 person Stacey Mayo is creator of The Sentelligent Solution, founder of The Center for Balanced Living, author of the award-winning book, 'I Can't Believe I Get Paid to Do This!", the first Certified Sentelligent Medical Intuitive who also trains and certified others to become Medical Intuitives via teleconference and skype. She has been featured in Forbes, NewsDay, Woman's Day, the Wall St. Journal and the CBS Evening news. She is also a Certified Career Intuitive, a Master Certified Coach, creator of the C.A.S.H. GRID, and an EFT practitioner. You can  schedule a free consultation with Stacey  to see if she can help you with your own physical symptoms or challenges.  You can sign up for a free consult at www.SentelligentSolution.com Find out more about EFT Practitioner and Trainer, Annabel Fisher here. To schedule a private session, write to annabel@theEFTHealingCentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.