11-11 & BEYOND: Where we Go From Here

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Summary: Join us for a Veterans' Day wrap-up as we look towards the future.   Recapping and celebrating events around the world on 11-11, we applaud the highways and by-ways  where energy medicine and energy psychology, like EFT, is being heard, embraced and used to great effect - healing and restoration!  And we spotlight in particular the awesome work sweeping the state of Alaska,  and worldwide events that took place this 11-11-11.   Then we look ahead to other places in the world, where trauma has caused deep, abiding wounds and scars. How do the tools we offer figure into that kind of trauma?  How is it being received and who exactly is receiving it?  To what result?   TapFest gives you commentary and veteran testimonials on how & why this latest global effort came to be, and what's next.   Life just changes when EFT and energy medicine is used.   It unwraps who you AREN'T, so you can return to being who you ARE,  and were meant to be.     Join the conversation, comment, ask questions and vision-cast with us to transform trauma in 2012 & Beyond.  EFT IS the people's tool -- maybe we should just call it, "EVERYBODY's Freedom Techniques" ! TapFest welcomes all tappers and energy workers into their global community of consciousness.  You can join us for FREE, at www.TapFest.com, and even have your own page, listing of events, and resources for all.  Your host today, JONDI WHITIS, is a founding member of TapFest and can be reached for private work, training and sessions here: Jondi@eft4Results.com Archived shows are available free on EFT Radio Online.com