Occupy Wall Street and the Healing of America

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Summary: Occupy Wall Street isn’t about the poor vs. the rich.  As movements go the OWS movement has the power to radically alter how we view each other and how we take responsibility as human beings.  Do we continue to not care about each other or do we return to the belief where it is a joy to be responsible with one another. If you have a vision for what America can be then this show will be of interest to you.  Healing done on an individual level becomes the backbone for healing on a more massive scale. The growing swell of interest and participation across the country suggests something greater is happening beyond parks and tents. We're once again at a crossroad for self-determination and tonight you'll get to meet just one of the many involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Meet Jackie Dandelion, one of the committed to a positive outcome from the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  Jackie will tell us what it means to be part of OWS; her observations and heartfelt responses to what's really happening. We'll also do some tapping and I'll finish with a guided meditation for providing relaxation and building Qi. Lillian Fimbres is a EFT and Qigong Practitioner.  Her website is The Genuine Life.com and you can reach her with lillian@thegenuinelife.com