Second Annual Washington EFT Tappers Gathering

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Summary: Join Love Tap host and Washington EFT Tappers Gathering organizer Alina Frank as she talks with a few of the presenters for the 2012 gathering March 10th at Bastyr University near Seattle. Presenters include Sarajane Thomas on EFT and personal sovereignty, Joanna Cummings (aka Nicci Tina)  on Kicking Butts, and Nancy Southern on EFT with abundance.  The Gatherings were started by Gwenyth Moss in the UK as a way to build the EFT regional community. Presenters volunteer their time, the price is kept low to enable all to attend, and the day is filled with scheduled opportunities to network and learn from each other. No EFT enthusiast (whether expert practitioner or novice self-applier) should miss this wonderful annual event. All net proceeds go to EFT research. For more information and registration go to