Angry Trainer Fitness show

Angry Trainer Fitness

Summary: A NO-NONSENSE APPROACH TO FITNESS. FITNESS FACTS NOT FICTION. Alfonso Moretti is The Angry Trainer – a man on a mission to transform the fitness industry. Alfonso is tired of all the lies and myths that keep us all from getting into shape – from infomercial products that don’t work to dodgy diets to unqualified personal trainers. Angry Trainer Fitness is Alfonso’s platform to set the industry straight with common sense, great advice and real workout knowledge. For more on Alfonso "The Angry Trainer" Moretti, please go to


 Exercise Rights And Wrongs: Step Ups | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Who doesn’t love Step Ups? The exercise is highly recommended by trainers and is a great leg, hip, and glute exercise. When performed the right way, Step Ups can really help shape the butt and add fullness to your backside. But like all exercises, there’s a right, and a wrong way, to perform Step Ups – and guess what - many of you out there are shortchanging your potential gains! It’s the Step part of the process that 99% of you are performing wrong – but don’t worry, your Angry Trainer is here to help! The good news is that unlike many other exercises, there’s little risk of injuring yourself with Step Ups – even if you’re performing them wrong. You just wont get the full benefits. So check out our latest Angry Trainer Fitness video – and as usual don’t forget to check out the Angry Trainer Fitness YouTube Channel!  for even more great demonstrations and tips. Be well! Alfons

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Signs Your Diet Plan Is Doomed! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Diet plans are like buses and trains – there’s always another one on the way. The sad fact is – there are so many diets on the market now that many of you don’t know where to turn, or what to believe. We really are flooded with information. Does a no carb diet really work?  How about Atkins, Dukan, or the Paleo plan? Surely a few of those must get results right? The truth is all diets will work to a degree, at least initially anyway. But there are some sure fire ways to tell if your diet is going to work LONG TERM. So take a listen to today’s Podcast, where I offer up 5 ways to tell if your diet is doomed from the very start! I hope you find this information helpful and achieve all of your health and fitness goals… Enjoy! Alfons

 Exercise Rights And Wrongs: Jump Rope | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

It’s time for another Exercise Rights And Wrongs Video – and I think you’re all going to find this one very useful! Yes, this time I’m talking about the Jump Rope, which I believe to be an essential piece of fitness equipment. And it’s just a few bucks! In fact when people ask me what’s the best piece of cardio equipment, I always recommend the jump rope. But while the Jump Rope is an amazing fitness tool, too many of you are making the movement much harder than it needs to be. I’ve seen people jump too high, slam their feet to the ground, make big, round circles with their arms and everything in between. In fact when we shot this video my producer and camera guy all tried their hand at jumping rope – and also displayed some pretty bad form! The fact is Jumping Rope is actually very simple, and boils down to timing. Of course there are other variables - the weight of the rope, what it’s made from, and your current level of conditioning - but once you get the hang of it, you’ll become a pro in no time at all. Check out the video for correct form and give it try! And by the way – don’t forget to check out my other exercise videos and join the Angry Trainer Fitness Channel on You Tube – there’s lot of great stuff there! Be well Alfonso

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Signs Your Workout Isn’t Working | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Let’s be honest for a moment shall we? Deep down, all of you KNOW whether or not your current workout program is producing results for you. And yet how many people out there ignore the signs and keep plugging away. Recognize yourself in this description? If so today’s podcast is for you. I’m hoping that by sharing my 5 Signs Your Workout Isn’t Working, I’ll wake you up and you’ll rethink your plan of attack. If you can relate to any of my signs, a new regime is in the cards. You can’t expect for a program to suddenly start working for you if it hasn’t in the past! So what are you waiting for… the time to take action is TODAY

 Exercise Rights And Wrongs: Lunges | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Hi everyone – time for some more videos here at Angry Trainer Fitness I think! Here’s another segment of our Exercise Rights And Wrongs strand, where I show you the RIGHT way to perform an exercise many people perform incorrectly. Today’s video is all about Lunges, and while it’s a great leg exercise, correct execution of the movement is really key to maximizing its benefits, and for avoiding injury. Unfortunately I see many people placing themselves in harm’s way with sloppy, uncontrolled form. They either lean forward, short step and place strain on the knee, or lift the heel on the weight bearing leg. Those are all signs of an injury lurking around the corner, and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. But most of all – I think 90% of people perform lunges the wrong way because… well take a look at the video and you’ll see my key piece of advice for getting the most out of the exercise! Also don’t forget to check out my other exercise videos on the Angry Trainer Fitness Channel and sign up to a be a subscriber – we have lots more great content on the way soon..

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Most Common Exercise Injuries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As you can imagine, in my twenty years as a personal trainer, and with my own time in the gym, I’ve seen and experienced my fair share of injuries. But believe it or not most injuries are along the same lines – there’s basically only about 5 injuries that are common amongst all trainees – new and old. So in today’s podcast, I’m sharing with you the 5 Most Common Exercise Injuries and how to avoid them. Ironically, it’s really not that hard to stay out of harm’s way. Take a listen and you’ll see what I mean! And don’t forget – if you’re not following me on Facebook or Twitter yet what are you waiting for! We’d love to have you on board here at Angry Trainer Fitnesss..

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Worst Reasons To Start A Diet! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Diets. Nowadays it seems everyone is on one – all of the time! But while I’m a big advocate of eating the right way and being conscious of what you put in your body I think it’s also important to look at the reasons why you’re on a ‘diet’. Can there be a wrong reason to eat healthier? Of course there can be, and truthfully it’s any reason other than doing if for yourself - because YOU want to be better. But all too often people feel the need to look a certain way, or fit in with other people’s perceptions – and expectations. So check out these common ‘wrong’ reasons why many people start a diet and see if you recognize yourself. Alfons

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Most Neglected Body Parts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I know, you train hard, eat right, and think you’re program is complete. But is it really? Are you making sure that you’re not overlooking some important body parts that help keep you balanced and strong?  Or are you only training the areas that you like, or one’s that you can see in the mirror? In my training career I’ve seen many people who skip exercises, and all too often it’s the ones they really need the most. So today’s 5 Tips In 5 Minutes Podcast is a list of the 5 Most Neglected Body Parts. Start training these muscle groups and watch your fitness improve. Plus if you work these areas you’ll also reduce your risk for injury. As you can tell, I got a bit carried away – this podcast is 7 minutes long! So what are you waiting for – listen away! Alfons

 5 Tips In 5 Minutes: 5 Ways To Stick To A Diet Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As I’m sure you all know, starting a new diet regimen and sticking to it are two very different things. We all start off with the best of intentions, but usually due to poor planning, we quit at the first hurdle - or temptation – and then it’s straight back to square one! Since I’ve just issued an October Diet Challenge, I thought I’d share 5 Ways To Stick With A Diet Plan, and give you some simple tips and strategies that I use to help keep me focused, and stop me from over eating. Believe it or not, little changes can yield big results. Check out these tips and I hope they help you on stay on track with your own diet… Good luck! Alfons

 Ask Alfonso – What’s The Perfect One Hour Cardio Workout? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

The Angry Trainer Fitness mission continues! You’ve probably noticed our recent videos which we’ve been posting here on the site. Well, we’re only just getting started! Earlier in the week Team ATF shot some more segments which we’re going to be rolling out over the next few weeks – these videos have a different look – and our next batch will also feature a different style. We aim to keep you on your toes! We’re kicking off with an Ask Alfonso. Yep, now I’m going to be answering a few of your questions in the flesh. (BTW you may notice a larger tattoo on my right arm – there’s a story behind the new ink which I’ll fill you in on very soon!) So today’s question comes from Pauline. She’s tried Insanity and Turbo Jam – and now wants me to prescribe her a whole hour-long cardio routine. Check out what I had to say to Pauline – and don’t forget to head on over to my Angry Trainer Fitness You Tube channel, check out the rest of my videos, share them with your friends and become an ATF video subscriber. Enjoy Alfonso A special thanks to Atlantic TV for all their help with this shoot

 Top 10: Mat / Floor Exercises | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

I’m excited because today marks another first here at Angry Trainer Fitness – it’s our first Top 10 Video! Typically I write our Top 10 pieces as posts, but since today we’re throwing lots of different exercises at you I thought a video would be in order, so you can properly master each technique. As the title suggests this is a list of my Top 10 Mat / Floor Exercises. Too often people just use mat work for old favorites like crunches and sit ups, exercises which have their place but aren’t half as effective as people think they are. So my list is designed to shake up your floor work. These exercises will work just as well for men and women, since most use body weight for resistance. And of course you can perform these exercises ANYWHERE – at the gym, at home, at the road. They’ll give you a total body workout. You can either pick and choose from the video and add to your existing workouts – or if you’re really up for a challenge, you can perform all 10 exercises as a complete circuit. If you opt for the latter, don’t think for a second that this workout isn’t challenging – it is! It hits the core, upper body and glutes and focuses on areas that many trainees overlook. And if you perform all 10 movements in sequence, with little rest between, you’ll get a great cardiovascular benefit as well. Try it and let me know your thoughts. Also - don’t forget to join the Angry Trainer Fitness YouTube Channel to stay updated with my latest videos! There’s lots more great stuff on there for you to check out – and please do spread the word so your family and friends can benefit too. Be well, but stay Angry! :-) (Special thanks to our friends at Atlantic Television for all your help with this shoot) All information contained within this site, Angry Trainer, is for informational purposes only.  It’s not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health or on any opinions expressed within this website. Please see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind

 Get With The Program: The Flamingo Workout | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Hey everyone – it’s time for another Angry Trainer video – and this time it’s for one or our signature workouts! Yep we’ve been running Workouts here on the site for a while now and often we’re asked the same question – how do you DO some of the exercises! Well we listened and for this week’s routine we’ve shot a little video to take you through the first circuit. Hope you like it! As I’ve said before, the only limiting factor when it comes to creating workout routines is your imagination, and I’ve got plenty of that! Over the last few months I’ve tried to provide you all with vastly different regimens so that if you use them as part of a program over several months, you’ll have trained all of the key components. Today’s workout is all about balance, and all of it (except the warm-up) will be performed on one leg – hence the Flamingo name. I use one-legged exercises regularly and I know they help improve balance, coordination and focus. Give this one a try and let me know how it goes. The Flamingo Workout Warm-up (remember you don’t need to do this section on one leg!) 1. Medicine Ball Chops x 15 reps each way 2. Jump Rope x 30 seconds 3. Sit-ups x 30 reps 4. Pushup x 30 reps 30 seconds rest; repeat 1 more time. *ALL exercises are standing on ONE leg, switch legs on the 2nd set. Circuit #1 (Watch the video below to follow this circuit) 1. One Legged Jumps 2. One Legged Bench Squat and Dumbbell Press x 15 repetitions 3. One Legged Squat Thrusts x 30 seconds 4. One Legged Static Squats 5. Standing Fire Hydrants 6. Jumping Jacks; yes 1 leg x 30 seconds! 7. One Legged Deadlift x 15 repetitions 30 seconds rest; repeat one more time. Wait 45 seconds then proceed to Circuit #2 Circuit #2 (Remember all on ONE LEG!) 1. Dumbbell Biceps Curl x 12 reps 2. One Legged Glute Drive Raise x 15 each cheek! (Lay on the floor in a sit-up start position, lift one leg off the floor, and using the leg that’s still on the ground, drive your hips off the floor and return to start). 3. Resistance Band Chest Press x 12 reps 4. Plank x 30 seconds 5. Jump Rope x 30 seconds; use one leg/foot only 30 seconds rest; repeat one more time. Wait 45 seconds then proceed to Circuit #3 Circuit # 3 (yep on ONE LEG again!) 1. Shoulder Circles x 12 reps (Standing on one leg, lift you arms out to your side and draw air circles with your fists; 15 seconds forward, 15 seconds back) 2. Diagonal Stance Plank x 30 seconds; (Form a traditional plank position and lift one foot and the opposite side hand off the ground and hold for 30 seconds). 3. Swiss Ball Hamstring Roll-ins x 12 reps; (Laying on your back with both feet on top of a Swiss ball, hold one leg up while the other pulls the ball back towards you). 4. Triceps Rope Pressdown x 12 reps 5. Mountain Climber; (From a pushup position, while keeping both hands on the ground, jump in and out with only one leg). 30 seconds rest; repeat one more time. Wait 45 seconds then proceed to Circuit #4 Circuit #4 (you know the drill – ONE LEG!) 1. One Legged Static Squat x 30 seconds; hold bottom position 2. Pushup w/knee forward x 15 reps; (Assume a pushup position with one foot off the ground, as you pushup pull that floating knee forward as you lift). 3. Swiss Ball Ab Pikes x 15 reps 4. Hanging Leg Raises x 15 reps; (While hanging from a pullup bar, perform leg raises using only one leg). 5. Box Jumps 30 seconds rest; repeat one more time. And you’re done! So listen, you can expect some cramping, burning, and feelings of fatigue in your foot, toes and calves. Your goal is to not put your second foot down, and balance throughout the whole set on the standing leg. As with all of my workouts, I’ve given you sets, reps and rest periods as a guide, or a goal to work towards. But be sure to go at your own pace, and only perform at a level that you feel comfortable. As a rule, whenever you try a new workout or

 Exercise Rights And Wrongs: How To Perform A Plank And Push-up | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Hi everyone! I’m really excited to share this installment of Exercise Rights And Wrongs with you, our video series where I demonstrate the correct way to perform a given exercise. The reason - I can’t tell you how many people I see performing planks and push-ups the wrong way. On paper they seem like such easy exercises – but they’re also easy to get wrong and unfortunately bad form can make you more susceptible to injury, and mean that your intended muscles don’t get trained appropriately. I’ve corrected countless trainees over the years, after seeing them in a horrible body position! Performing an exercise correctly can make all the difference to your fitness level, and help keep your body balanced. So check out the video and let me know what you think. Were you doing these exercises right? Be honest. And if you like what you see don’t forget to check out the rest of our Angry Trainer Fitness videos

 Ask Alfonso: Can Canned Foods Be Good For You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seth from NYC has written to me because he’s a bit confused on the nutrition front. On one hand, I recommend eating a mostly whole food / natural diet. Yet on another, I suggest canned, bagged, and frozen meats, veggies, and even fruit. But are the two really incompatible? Like many, Seth has begun to think that all things canned are processed, and along with his wife is having a hard time making better diet choices. So in today’s Podcast I’m explaining the difference between processed and whole foods, and giving Seth some tips right off my plate! In fact, the subject of this podcast fits right in with my Angry Trainer October Diet Challenge. Are you on board yet? Take a listen and hopefully you’ll find my advice helpful. Best Alfons

 Ask Alfonso: Why Training Like A Bodybuilder Is Bad For You! | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: Unknown

Time for a little controversy here at Angry Trainer Fitness I think! John in Colorado contacted me to ask for some advice on his training routine. He’s been training like a traditional bodybuilder for years now – sticking to the tried and tested body part splits. You know the drill - chest and triceps, back and biceps and legs and shoulders. John’s been pushing some serious weight but now his gains have plateau-ed and he wants to know how to shake up his routine. Great question, John – but you may not like my answer! I trained like a bodybuilder for years and competed in some amateur events in my time. But all the weights I lifted took their toll on my body and I’ve come to realize that while bodybuilding training has some merit, taken as a whole it has some serious limitations. Check out the video I shot to answer your question and let me know what you think! Good luck Alfonso


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