Jewish Money Matters show

Jewish Money Matters

Summary: Want to discover the secrets to Jewish wealth? Gain practical and spiritual tools to break free from the shackles of financial worry? Design the joyful, rich life that your soul desires? Welcome to Jewish Money Matters Podcast, hosted by award winning Podcast Host, MBA, and International Speaker, Yael Trusch. This is the podcast where Jewish wisdom & spirituality meet your money and your business.

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 Episode 81: Chanukah & Jewish Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:57

B”H Did you know there’s an interesting connection between Jewish women and Chanukah. In this Bonus Jewish Latin Princess Podcast episode I discuss the connection that we have to this story in a way that can help us, women, derive more meaning during this beautiful time of year and in turn, pass on the deeper meaning of the Holiday to our families. Happy Chanukah! You may also like | Puede que también te gusteMenorah: Beautify the MitzvahEducating Kids Part 1Casual & Chic Chanukah Look || Look casual & chic para ChanukahSufganiyot with a Latin Twist B”H Did you know there’s an interesting connection between Jewish women and Chanukah. In this Bonus Jewish Latin Princess Podcast episode I discuss the connection that we have to this story in a way that can help us, women, derive more meaning during this beautiful time of year and in turn, pass on the deeper meaning of the Holiday to our families. Happy Chanukah! You may also like | Puede que también te gusteMenorah: Beautify the MitzvahEducating Kids Part 1Casual & Chic Chanukah Look || Look casual & chic para ChanukahSufganiyot with a Latin Twist

 Episodio 80: Schanthal Felsenstein de Mizrahi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:39

B”H Crees que le estas haciendo un favor a alguien y esto te termina cambiando el destino… ¿Te ha pasado? En el caso de mi invitada de hoy, dos favores, aparentemente inconsecuentes, que sin embargo le abren las puertas a un destino completamente inesperado. Y hablando de destino, ¿cual es la diferencia entre el destino y el libre albedrío? Bienvenida a Jewish Latin Princess, soy Yael Trusch tu afitriona, muy feliz de estar aquí contigo el día de hoy, con un episodio en español, un tremendo episodio, con una tremenda mujer. Tengo el placer de conversar con la Medico Sexólogo Pscicoterapeuta Schanthal Felsenstein de Mizrahi. ¿¡Una mujer observante con esta profecion!? Suena incompatible, mas no, porque la intimidad es un área que se santifica a través de nuestras enseñanzas. Y tener esta combinación de Torá y herramientas científicas le han permitido a Schanthal trabajar exitosamente con parejas que han lograado superar dificultades que dañaban gravemente el shalom bayit, la paz en el hogar. Por supuesto, hablo con ella sobre sexología, tanto desde el punto de vista médico, como desde el punto de vista de la Tora; y de como llega ella a ese campo y ese nivel de entendimiento. Hoy por hoy, Schanthal también dedica mucho tiempo a tratar temas de autoestima, asertividad y áreas psicológicas individuales que requieren de fortalecer la emuná y el bitajón. Como psicoterapeuta, ¿cuáles son los problemas que Schanthal ve mas frecuentemente en las mujeres? Cuando estamos hablando del tratamiento médico psiquiátrico, especificamente, ¿dónde se queda la ciencia corta? ¿Cuál es el paso mas importante, primordial, para manejar cualquier tipo de problemas ya sean de shalom bayit, de crianza de los hijos y /o de dinero? Todo esto y mucho mas, intercalado con anécdotas personales interesantísimas… las dejo la queridísima Schanthal Felsenstein de Mizrahi. Schanthal no solamente ve pacientes en Caracas, sino que alrededor del mundo via teleconferencia, gracias a la tecnología moderna. Schantal tambien esta disponible para dar charlas y conferencias internacionalmente. Para mas información pueden contactarla en o por what’s app en el +58-424-931-5036 Nuevamente te recuerdo que si quieres unirte al grupo de What’s App VIP Mujer Judía Hoy a través del cual recibirás tres o cuatro mensajes cortos diarios de Torá, por supuesto, con relevancia práctica, sólo tienes que mandar un mensaje con la palabra “Unirme” y tu nombre completo al +525-559-899-100, o simplemente hacer Click aquí. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 80: Schanthal Felsenstein de MizrahiGuiñada DivinaEpisodio 94: Tania Gilinski & Anita Katz, Fundadora & Directora Educativa Juana la IguanaEpisodio 70: Kelly Bendahan, Educadora, Guionista y Productora en

 Episode 79: Leah Richeimer, Host of The Ladies Talkshow & Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:39

B”H What is the most important factor affecting your happiness and fulfillment? I bet you had not thought of this one, but my guest today makes a pretty strong case for Shalom Bayit – peace in the home, and more specifically for marriage. Your marriage. Hmm boy did I have questions about that! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host, welcome to the Show. This is Thanksgiving week – a lot going on for everyone I’m sure. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been hiding, I haven’t really been hiding… I’ve just been consumed by a few work projects, and more importantly being very deliberate about getting enough sleep during the crunch time and staying present throughout everything that has been going on in my life… we had beautiful milestones in my family … within the last three weeks, I had a birthday, my daughter had a birthday, my son put on his tefillin for the first time, marking exactly two months before his Bar Mitzvah his thirteenth birthday, which was a very beautiful moment for the entire family. And now this week, my second daughter is having a birthday. I just actually finished teaching a women’s class on Jewish birthdays and Jewish calendar in Spanish. Oh and of course we had the Friendship Walk last week which was a big success. I can’t complain all these things have been amazing and they’ve actually lend themselves to being more present for my family… a brief hiatus from my social media and my newsletter and even editing these wonderful interviews that I can’t wait to get to you. I have a lot of good content in store for you, but I had to be present for my family, my husband, my kids, myself… Which brings me to today’s interview with fellow podcast host, Leah Richeimer. Leah is the host of the weekly podcast The Ladies Talkshow. She is also a renowned author of relationship books, including her latest book Marriage Secrets. Leah is also the founder of the “The Marriage Campaign”, a non-profit global initiative which encourages people to make marriage a top life priority. Leah uses the wisdom of our Torah and ancient sources – a 3,000 year old record of success – to inspire us to build better marriages and lead fuller lives. “So why marriage,” I asked Leah? Of all areas of self growth, why is Leah obsessed with marriage? What about equality? We do live in 2018. Why shouldn’t equality be our focus when it comes to our homes? What is the number one way to get your husband to respect you? What about the men? Why is it on the women I ask Leah? Wait till you hear this! And how do you get our needs met within a marriage and the appreciation that you crave and he finds so hard to provide. Ohhh there’s a lot to learn here. Listen up ladies, cuz Leah Richeimer is on a mission to mobilize our nation to work on marriage. Here’s the lovely Leah Richeimer.   You can find Leah at The Ladies Talkshow and you can order her latest book, Marriage Secrets, A Woman’s Guide to Making Your Marriage Even Better, here. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT You may also like | Puede que también te guste

 Episode 78: Chanie Wilschanski, Founder of Discovered Consulting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:49

B”H You know you’ve got a lot to offer the world, but you don’t know where to begin. Your credit card gets declined at the store while your with your kids shopping for the food to feed them. Your husband is working three jobs. You’re both spread so thin and the debt at this point is 5 figures. What do you do!? First of all, you start by listening to today’s episode. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your host. Welcome to the show. I have the incredible Chanie Wilschanski on the show. Chanie is the founder of Discovered Consulting, soon to be called School of Excellence and she’s killing it in the business world by teaching school leadership how to build excellent schools using her three pronged approach. But as I said, Chanie didn’t always know she was going to be an entrepreneur, or business owner at least not in this sense or that she’d be the breadwinner in her household. So, what happened? She’s been breaking norms. How does one do that gracefully and with piece of mind? Sure, we talk about her business, but we also talk about so much more. Mentorship. Core Values. Systems. Role Models. I think this episode is for all of us out there, because truth be told many of us have to work for a living in order to afford the things that we value and want for our families. Can we do it but not at the expense of our families and raising kids? My guest says we can! Listen up, ladies, here’s Chanie Wilschanski. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 86: Chaya Mushka Ben-Shabat, Founder & CEO Menachem Mendel AcademyEpisode 103: Abbey WolinThe Liberating Power of NoEpisode 87: Jessica Kupferman, Expert in Connection & Influence, Co-Founder of She PodcastsEpisode 67: Seven Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street Mom B”H You know you’ve got a lot to offer the world, but you don’t know where to begin. Your credit card gets declined at the store while your with your kids shopping for the food to feed them. Your husband is working three jobs. You’re both spread so thin and the debt at this point is 5 figures. What do you do!? First of all, you start by listening to today’s episode. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your host. Welcome to the show. I have the incredible Chanie Wilschanski on the show. Chanie is the founder of Discovered Consulting, soon to be called School of Excellence and she’s killing it in the business world by teaching school leadership how to build excellent schools using her three pronged approach. But as I said,

 Episode 77: Mirta Inés Trupp, Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:59

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, welcome to the show! Monday, October 22, 2018. It is such a busy time of year for me I can’t even begin to tell you. All super fulfilling projects and I can’t wait to share what’s in store but for now, just one little thing that I can share is that I spend a lot of my time lately coordinating Houston’s Friendship Walk which is Friendship Circle’s annual walk to raise awareness about children and adults with disabilities and their families and to raise funds for the wonderful work Friendship Circle does for these families. If you’d like to support me on the upcoming walk you can make a tax deductible donation to And if you’re involved with Friendship Circle in your neck of the woods, let me know. I’d love to hear from some Friendship Circle fans out there. Ok so enough about me, let’s talk about my guest… oh what a darling guest I have today. Mirta Inés Trupp – a fantastic writer, although she didn’t necesarily sent out to become a writer. In a short span of 6 years, she’s published 3 novels – one of them a memoir about her life as a Jewish Argertinean growing up in the United States. Mirta, a second generation Argentinean, was born in Buenos Aires and immigrated to the United States as a baby. She had the unique experience and luxury to return to her native country multiple times a year all throughout her childhood and adolesence because her father worked for Pan American Airlines. Those trips, as well as the close knit relationship built between her family and other Argentinean immigrant families, ensured that Mirta remained very much an Argentinean. Although as she tells us, back in Argentina, her family considered her “the yankee.” And if this cultural mix wasn’t enough, of course, Mirta is also Jewish – a grandchild of Russian immigrants on both sides. So, what role did Judaism play in her life growing up? What was it like growing up with these three identities and in particular with a Jewish identity, which often came with mixed messages and many unanswered questions? And how come the characters in her books do not fit the stereotypical Jewish characters we encounter in most fiction writing. Mirta’s work reveals her fascination with Jewish history and geneology, as well as with historical period drama a la Jane Austen. Her books are enlightening and refreshing at the same time. And as you will hear, so is she. Listen to how she’s grown in her knowledge and observance of Judaism, a Jewish book book that has been pivotal in her. We speak about Divine Providence, and about trying to do better than the previous generation, whilst not forgetting and honoring everything that they gave us. Here’s the lovely Mirta Inés Trupp. Mirta’s latest novel is Destiny By Design: Leah’s Journey. You can find all of Mirta’s books here. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT

 Episode 76: Yehudit Abrams, Founder and CEO of MonitHer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:55

B”H Have you ever had a plan, but it seems like no matter what you do, all the doors you try to open shut down on you? Have you been blessed with the opportunity to see how all those setbacks were really for your own good, because G-d had a greater and better plan for you all along? Today’s guest has! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Welcome to the show. It’s Monday, October 15. We’re right in the middle of breast cancer awareness month. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to catch episode Episode 74 with Elana Silber the Excecutive Director of Sharsheret about the incredible support Sharshert offers women diagnosed with ovarian and breast cancer. Today, I’m adding to the topic by talking with the fabulous Yehudit Abrams. Yehudit is the Founder and Creator of MonitHer, the first at-home, hand-held monitor for early detection of breast cancer. And she’s pretty much the Jewish wonder woman of the moment. (Sorry, Gal Gadot we love you here too!). Why is she the “it girl”? Because earlier this summer she won the first prize at the coveted, and very competititve, We Work Creator Awards in Jerusalem for MonitHer, her new revolutionary invention. Part of the boys club for pretty much all of her career – as a mechanical engineer, and as a professional at NASA and in Sillicon Valley – Yehudit not only stands out in the medical engineering field for being a woman, but for being an observant Jewish woman; Shabbat, kosher, hair covering, the whole nine yards. So, what was it like to win the award? Yehudit tells us how this moment on stage represented the missing piece of the big puzzle that has been her very active and complex life. We also talk about failure, very openly. A woman who now seems to be on top of the world, tells us how she grappled with failure, many times.  What is MonitHer exactly? What are the shortcomings of  the current technology which MonitHer is trying to address? We get into the numbers and the technical part with Yehudit. But just as fascinating or maybe even more, is her story and her outlook on life.  We talk about motherhood and creativity and how her time at home taking care of her son during his early years was instrumental in the creation of her revolutionary device. This and so much more with the super awesome Yehudit Abrams. But before we begin I want to apologize for the sound, there is background noise that we weren’t able to take out. Nevertheless, I know you will enjoy this very cool interview with a super cool woman, here’s Yehudit Abrams. Stay updated with MonitHer’s developments right here. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 23: Erica Keswin, Founder of The Spaghetti ProjectEpisode 74: Elana Silber, Executive Director of SharsheretEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyEpisode 116: Chay...

 Episode 75: Genie Milgrom, Author of Pyre to Fire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:18

B”H How hard is it to get governments like Spain, Portugal, Mexico to agree to digitize their Inquisition records? Records that retell a history that has been buried in vaults and unspoken about for hundreds of years? Why do it? And why would any Jewish woman in her right mind, take on the task to try to negotiate with these countries to get this done? You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host.  Today I’m back with Genie Milgrom. Genie was with me back in Episode 12 one of my most downloaded episodes, so if you new to podcast and you haven’t heard that one, it’s definitely a must and it will also give you a lot of context for our conversation today. Today’s interview is let’s say part 2 of that episode. Today Genie updates us on the progress she’s made since she was last here, with regards to getting inquisition records restored and digitized. She talks about DNA testing, how it works, and why it is important to do it if you’re on the search for your family’s history. Genie was awarded the prestigious Medal of the Four Sephardic Synagogues from Jerusalem earlier this summer and has a new book out Pyre to Fire, a historical novel.  It traces the lives of two women, one in Spain living as a Jew in hiding, and one a Cuban American Roman Catholic in Miami. It may be historical fiction but it’s really 85% reality, the reality of Genie’s family history and her own. And soon her new cookbook will be out. What’s in the cookbook? Adaptations of the recipes that her grandmothers passed down throughout the generations, replete with the rich, but unspoken about family history.   Always fascinating and inspiring, here’s Genie Milgrom. And please do yourself a favor, if you haven’t heard Episode 12, make sure you download it, because you will understand much of what we talk about today as Genie shared with us then how she was able to trace her unbroken maternal Jewish lineage back to 1405 to pre inquisition Spain and Portugal. Here’s the lovely Genie Milgrom. You can purchase Genie’s new novel Pyre to Fire here  and in Spanish here. You can order all of Genie’s books here. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 12: Genie Milgrom, Genealogist & Crypto Jews Expert

 Episode 74: Elana Silber, Executive Director of Sharsheret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:47

B”H Did you know that 1 in 40 Jews of Ashkenazi descent carry a mutation of the BRCA gene, as opposed to 1 in 500 people of the general population? Did you know that men can also transfer the gene to their sons and daughters. That is, ovarian and breast cancer, while affecting women, primarily is not only a women’s issue. In fact, as my guest says, this is a Jewish community issue. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Today, I have the pleasure of talking to Elana Silber, Executive Director of Sharsheret.  Sharsheret is not-for-profit organization supporting young Jewish women and their families facing breast and ovarian cancer. You might recall that I had Stacy Middleman, survivor and author of the book Dear Cancer, Love Stacy back in Episode 30 talk to us about her experience battling cancer and about being a carrier of the BRCA gene mutation. Ladies, we’re just coming out of the High Holidays and we’re entering in the U.S. at least, breast cancer awareness month, the month of October, so this episode couldn’t be more timely. Perhaps this is a cause that you might like to dedicate your tzedakah to, perhaps you need to call either because you have been diagnosed G-d forbid, or your friend, family or community member is going through a cancer diagnosis.  Did you know that many people do not realize how much peer support from others who are undergoing the same thing or who have been through it, can help them? But Sharsheret not only offers tremendous private and confidential peer support through their links to other), but many other super practical services that can ease a person’s burden tremendously by helping them navigate through logistics, parenting and marital issues, and so much more.  Elana talks to us about how this wonderful organization was started and the various services it offers. What do do if you know someone who could benefit from Sharsheret’s services? Why is Sharsheret also bringing education to college campuses? Who should be doing genetic testing? What does that entail, practically speaking? And, why is this an important piece? How did Elana end up in the amazing position of directing this organization? Was this what she had in mind? Listen up ladies, this one is for each and everyone of us and please I beg you to share this content with as many women as you know. It is that important. Here’s Elana Silber. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 76: Yehudit Abrams, Founder and CEO of MonitHerEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyEpisode 15: Abigail Pogrebin,

 Episode 73: Adi Heyman, Fashion Icon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:27

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Welcome to the show and happy new year. It’s 5779! I hope you all had a meaningful Rosh Hashanah, and surely now you are getting ready for Yom Kippur. I don’t know about you, but I’m super optimistic and excited about this new year. And sharing my optimism, today I have on the show a woman who exudes self-confidence and joy. She’s not a spiritual guru or a teacher. She is a Fashion Icon. Yes, she’s Adi Heyman! You know Adi, right? Profiled in the New York Times, named one of New York City’s most fashionable women, and a regular at New York City’s Fashion week, Adi was one of the first to promote modest fashion through her blog Fabologie. Presenting her vision of what modesty could be and look like, which was of course influenced by her experience as a writer in the fashion industry and her love for Judaism and Jewish life, Adi became a pioneer of what we know now as the modest fashion trend. Is it here to stay? What does Adi think of modest fashion and of Jewish observance in general? How does one deal with being in an industry whose values don’t align all that much with Jewish values? Listen to what Adi has to say, because it applies to whatever industry you’re in. Never seen as a challenge or hindrance by Adi, she attributes her Judaism to her success as a fashion blogger and influencer. With her wig, long sleeves and longer hemline, shoulder to shoulder with designers and models, Adi was a pioneer in the industry, so what new fashion trend is she onto now.  She says modesty is her badge of honor as a Jewish wife and mother and she celebrates daily her life’s choices. Whether you are an adopter of modesty, a fashionista or none, this interview ladies, will speak to you, I guarantee it. Here we go ladies, here’s the lovely Adi Heyman… Stay tuned for Adi’s Jewish lifestyle website In the mean time, you can follow Adi on Instagram @adiheyman.  You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 68: Kim Heyman, Fashion Entrepreneur and Brand AmbassadorTucker & Jewish Latin Princess Holiday Fashion GiveawayEpisode 85: Chana Rachel Weinberg, Founder of ChanabanaVendor Spotlight: Tre’Z Unique ||Tre’Z UniqueEpisode 20: Rebecca Schweiger, Artist & Founder of The Art Studio NY B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Welcome to the show and happy new year. It’s 5779! I hope you all had a meaningful Rosh Hashanah, and surely now you are getting ready for Yom Kippur. I don’t know about you,

 Episode 72: Bracha Goetz, Author of Searching for G-d in the Garbage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:53

B”H How does a Harvard educated medical student of psychiatry end up with an eating disorder, despite knowing very well what she was doing to herself? Is knowledge enough to stop us from self destructive behaviors? What can you do if you’re about to overeat or engage in another type of addictive behavior? Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess! I’m Yael Trusch, your host, and I have an exciting interview today with a most interesting woman, Bracha Goetz. Bracha is the author of Searching for G-d in the Garbage, as well as 37 children’s books. How’s that for being prolific? Bracha had a riveting journey which led her to finding Orthodox Judaism and completely transforming her life and get this, healed her anorexia practically over night. She didn’t pursue psychiatry, but instead dedicated her life to raising her family and distilling the most complex Jewish concepts into their simplest, essential elements so that children could grasp them. You will be shocked by the ironies of Bracha’s story, the Divine Providence, and the immense wisdom, love and authenticity in her message. Here’s Bracha Goetz.   You can purchase many of Bracha’s wonderful children’s books here. And you can get a copy of Searching for G-d in the Garbage here DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 57: Chana Weisberg, Editor of The Jewish WomanEpisode 62: Chavie Bruk, The Gift of Adoption & Raising an Unconventional FamilyEpisode 95: Ask YaelEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyEpisode 90: Adrienne Gold, International Jewish Educator B”H How does a Harvard educated medical student of psychiatry end up with an eating disorder, despite knowing very well what she was doing to herself? Is knowledge enough to stop us from self destructive behaviors? What can you do if you’re about to overeat or engage in another type of addictive behavior? Welcome to Jewish Latin Princess! I’m Yael Trusch, your host, and I have an exciting interview today with a most interesting woman, Bracha Goetz. Bracha is the author of Searching for G-d in the Ga...

 Episode 71: Chaya Hinda Allen, Educator & Transformation Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:25

B”H Do you think you can harness the power of your imagination to create the life you want? My guest says you can! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch your Host. Welcome to the show!  Today I’m talking to renowned educator and transformation coach, Chaya Hinda Allen. And there couldn’t be better timing because we are in the second week of the month of Elul – a very auspicious time for self-transformation, and growth in the three key relationships in our lives: with ourselves, with H” and with others.  So, to help us get into the spirit of the month, I have Chaya Hinda Allen with us today.  Chaya Hinda gives life-changing workshops to thousands of women around the world, helping them transform their lives and their relationships. These classes help women gain the practical tools that guide them in a personalized way through a step-by-step process to bring more happiness, inner peace, better relationships, success, and closeness with Hashem into their lives. Chaya Hinda and I talk about how she got started and how she became the Torah educator that women love and know today. Not surprisingly, it all began with her own struggle.  We discuss the power of guided imagery- a huge part of her work – and why it is key to the work she teaches her students to engage in.  I don’t know about you, but the idea of using the power of my mind, wait, my imagination for my benefit, is super exciting to me… cuz you know where that good old imagination can take us, right?  Also, if you’ve ever wanted to understand the difference between emunah (faith) and bitachon (security or trust), Chaya Hinda gives us a beautiful explanation.  Women who get coached by Chaya Hinda are not only growing in their emunah and living more joyful, relaxed lives, and improving their relationships, BUT as a result of this, they are also making transformations in their professional and financial lives as well.  The Torah has it all, ladies!  All the help we need to be the best version of ourselves is in there, but we actually have to put in the work! Thankfully there’s people like Chaya Hinda to help us and guide us through it. Here’s the wonderful Chaya Hinda Allen.  And be sure to listen to till the end because I have a terrific discount offer for anyone who would like to join Chaya Hinda’s newest program, Living Consciously with Chaya Hinda Allen. But, if you’re impatient, you can also check it out at You can join Chaya Hinda’s new community, Living Consciously here. I have a wonderful offer for you, Jewish Latin Princess readers and listeners, to join the program for $4.95 the first month, and continue with a $47/mo membership if you decide to stay. So head over here to try it out now! Start this New Year with the right tools to get rid of toxic emotions, and to embrace better, healthier, productive relationships with yourself, G-d and others. Learn more and Register at Living Consciously with Chaya Hinda Allen here.  You may also like | Puede que también te gusteElul’s Time Audit

 Episodio 70: Kelly Bendahan, Educadora, Guionista y Productora en | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:40

B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, soy Yael Trusch su anfitriona. Hoy me acompaña una educadora par excellence, quien como dice ella llegó a la educación a la inversa – experiencia primero y formalidad después. Tengo a Kelly Bendahan, de Caracas, Venezuela, ahora viviendo en la ciudad de Mexico. Kelly siempre estuvo envuelta en el trabajo comunitario, y en un punto incluso llegó a liderar el departamento de Juventud de Hebraica en Carácas. Continuó en el campo de la educación mas formalmente y comenzó también a escribir cuentos de niños. A su vez comienza a crecer su educación y observancia de la Torá y sus mitzvot. Pero, Kelly continuó muy envuelta en su comunidad, liderando shows comunitarios de bailes israelíes para niñas y produciendo eventos comunitarios con un mensaje relevante a lo que estaba vivenciando la comunidad judía en Venezuela en ese momento y creando un ambiente de unión y cercanía. Con su emigración a Mexico, Kelly, quien se desempeña allí como morá en un colegio hebreo, también se desenvuelve como productora y guionista de uno de los programas de, Reporteritos. Kelly nos cuenta: importantes lecciones de la vida, su perspectiva como educadora y como miembro de la comunidad hebrea, su acercamiento a la Torá, su programa de television por internet, e incluso su libro de niños, el cual será publicado muy pronto, con el favor de Di-s. Las dejo con Kelly Bendahan. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 64: Tamar RothenbergEpisodio 70: Kelly Bendahan, Educadora, Guionista y Productora en TuTorahKids.tvEtiquetas de regalo para Janucá8 datos sobre Janucá (que no recuerdan de la escuela hebrea)Episodio 17: Shirley Varnagy, Periodista, Anfitriona de Radio y TV B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, soy Yael Trusch su anfitriona. Hoy me acompaña una educadora par excellence, quien como dice ella llegó a la educación a la inversa – experiencia primero y formalidad después. Tengo a Kelly Bendahan, de Caracas, Venezuela, ahora viviendo en la ciudad de Mexico. Kelly siempre estuvo envuelta en el trabajo comunitario, y en un punto incluso llegó a liderar el departamento de Juventud de Hebraica en Carácas. Continuó en el campo de la educación mas formalmente y comenzó también a escribir cuentos de niños. A su vez comienza a crecer su educación y observancia de la Torá y sus mitzvot. Pero, Kelly continuó muy envuelta en su comunidad, liderando shows comunitarios de bailes israelíes para niñas y ...

 Episode 69: Sofia Silberman, Founder of Three Under 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:33

B”H Have you or anyone you know suffered with infertility? Have you done IVF? Did you wish you had more emotional support along the way? You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m your host, Yael Trusch. Today’s interview is really special! I have the honor of speaking with a woman, who like many of my guests has taken a difficult, very challenging situation, and turned into an opportunity to help others. I have Sofia Silberman on the show. Sofia is the Founder of threeunder2, now a Foundation for women undergoing IVF. She’s the co-author of a self help manual for women undergoing IVF in Spanish and English. It’ is titled Who the @#$! Am I? Dealing with the emotionally demanding road of IVF, 30 days to feel supported, manage stress and cope with emotions. If this sounds familiar it’s because she’s published this with psychologist, Jael Toledo who has been on the show and this manual follows Jael’s signature manuals… Who the @#$! Am I? And of course, we can’t forget that all of this started with her blog at threeunder2, where she started opening up about her journey with infertility, and offering countless women support. Today, we talk about Sofia’s journey with infertility. The rocky road in her relationship with G-d, including the mitzvah of mikvah, and the ultimate “reconciliation” and path of spiritual growth that she’s on now. Sofia says, G-d had a very clear plan for her and she was able to listen to His messages and transform her challenge. We discuss, the challenges of those facing IVF, including the very practical topic of finances… The role of the husband, what Sofia has learned throughout this journey, the blessing of motherhood, and more with the absolutely inspiring Sofia Silberman. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 82: Ilana Muhlstein, Creator of the 2B MindsetEpisodio 5: Jael Toledo, Autora de ¿Quién Soy?Episode 107: Ask Yael with Special Co-host Kayla LevinEpisode 37: Ali Katz, Creator of Hot Mess to Mindful Mom & Author B”H Have you or anyone you know suffered with infertility? Have you done IVF? Did you wish you had more emotional support along the way? You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m your host, Yael Trusch. Today’s interview is really special! I have the honor of speaking with a woman, who like many of my guests has taken a difficult, very challenging situation, and turned into an opportunity to help others. I have Sofia Silberman on the show. Sofia is the Founder of

 Episode 68: Kim Heyman, Fashion Entrepreneur and Brand Ambassador | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:00

B”H Do you love fashion? I do! Did you know that the Israeli fashion industry is producing amazing talent and my guest today is on to this, identifying talented Israeli designers and bringing them to the U.S. fashion scene. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your host. We’re talking fashion today with none other than Kim Heyman. Kim has over a decade experience in the fashion industry, working for Alberta Ferretti’s US headquarters, representing fashion icons such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Narciso Rodriguez, Ungaro, and more. She has worked with celebrities, and with some of the top fashion editors and stylists in the world. However, Kim has made a pivot and channeled her love for fashion and industry experience towards her other love, Israel. She is now on a mission to bring Israeli fashion designers to the forefront of the NY fashion scene. But, wait there’s more. As this has happened, Kim has developed an affinity towards the Jewish attribute of modesty as expressed in women’s fashion and so now, she’s really honing in on that. Wait till you hear what Kim Hayman, has to say today about modesty. What recent  change has she made in her wardrobe? How has her connection with Judaism evolved over time? And what does she tell Israeli designers who want her to represent them? Kim’s new passion project working with a girl’s boarding school in Israel – not much to do with fashion per se, but definitely with her role as an influencer and a female role model. Here’s the lovely Kim Heyman. Follow Kim Heyman here and @kimheyman28 on Instagram. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 73: Adi Heyman, Fashion IconEpisode 85: Chana Rachel Weinberg, Founder of ChanabanaChenZ Designs GiveawaySpring Holiday Fashion || Ajuares primaverales para la fiestaTucker & Jewish Latin Princess Holiday Fashion Giveaway B”H Do you love fashion? I do! Did you know that the Israeli fashion industry is producing amazing talent and my guest today is on to this, identifying talented Israeli designers and bringing them to the U.S. fashion scene. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your host. We’re talking fashion today with none other than Kim Heyman. Kim has over a decade experience in the fashion industry, working for Alberta Ferretti’s US headquarters,

 Episode 67: Seven Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:24

B”H Happy Tu B’Av everyone! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome back to the show. Today, I have a special episode. I told you the next few days I was going to be travelling and the episodes’ schedule was going to be a bit different and unusual as I also have been spending more time with my family. Today, I want to share a piece I wrote a number of months ago and when I told my newsletter subscribers about it, many wrote back and said, “wait, what? I want to read that!” So, today you can listen to it. And I know it’s Tu B’Av, so in the ideal world, I would have been sharing with you about this very special and joyous day in the Jewish Calendar – seven special things happened historically on Tu B’Av. But, given that parenting has been on my mind lately, as I just came back from sending my daughter off to sleep away camp for the first time, and I also have a son away (right now I only have two out of four kids at home), I’m not going to talk about Tu B’Av and the seven things that happened that day, or share with you an interview (although I have some really good ones coming up). But rather, I will share with you Seven Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street Mom. And of course, the Wall Street Mom would be me. As you may know, many many years ago I worked in Wall Street, and in fact, around the same time I began learning more about Judaism and exploring it more seriously. So here we go, ladies, Seven Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street Mom. DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT You may also like | Puede que también te guste7 Jewish Parenting Principles of a Wall Street MomEpisode 62: Chavie Bruk, The Gift of Adoption & Raising an Unconventional FamilyEpisode 86: Chaya Mushka Ben-Shabat, Founder & CEO Menachem Mendel AcademyEpisode 78: Chanie Wilschanski, Founder of Discovered ConsultingTake the ‘Wait Until 8th Pledge’ B”H Happy Tu B’Av everyone! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome back to the show. Today, I have a special episode. I told you the next few days I was going to be travelling and the episodes’ schedule was going to be a bit different and unusual as I also have been spending more time with my family. Today, I want to share a piece I wrote a number of months ago and when I told my newsletter subscribers about it, many wrote back and said, “wait, what? I want to read that!” So, today you can listen to it. And I know it’s Tu B’Av, so in the ideal world, I would have been sharing with you about this very special and joyous day in the Jewish Calendar – seven special...


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