Jewish Money Matters show

Jewish Money Matters

Summary: Want to discover the secrets to Jewish wealth? Gain practical and spiritual tools to break free from the shackles of financial worry? Design the joyful, rich life that your soul desires? Welcome to Jewish Money Matters Podcast, hosted by award winning Podcast Host, MBA, and International Speaker, Yael Trusch. This is the podcast where Jewish wisdom & spirituality meet your money and your business.

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 Episodic 141: Tu relación con tu dinero y los demás, con Jael Toledo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:22

B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, soy Yael Trusch tu anfitriona. Hoy les tengo una conversacion muy especial. Ya se que sacamos un episodio esta semana, el cual de hecho esta maravilloso con la Dra. Rivkah Lambert Adler, y no teniamos este episodio programado para este mes, pero decidí compartir con ustedes esta conversación AHORA por la siguiente razón:  Y es que esta conversación es parte, sólo una parte de la conversación que tuve dentro de mi Comunidad Virtual de Transformación Financiera, Momentum, con la Terapeuta de Familia Jael Toledo. Y es una covnersacion fabulosa, pero mas alla de eso, la razon por la cual se las traigo hoy viernes es por que justo esta semana, por motivo de Black Friday estamos ofreciendo la membresía en la comunidad Momentum a $1!!! Si, el primer mes es un dólar!  Básicamente no hay excusa para no unirse.  Dentro de Momentum vas a poder estar en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo conmigo todos los meses, más la sesión con  mi invitada de este mes, Orit Benzaquen sobre Ser la CEO de tu hogar y de tu negocio. Además tenemos workbooks, guías, grupos de accountability y co-working sessions para avanzar en las tareas y no procrastinar tu vida financiera.  Y como si fuera poco, una vez estas dentro no sólo tienes acceso a tu primer mes por $1, sino que inmediatamente tienes acceso a todo el contenido de los últimos 3 meses, o sea es la ganga del siglo. Así que si quieres ser parte de conversaciones como esta, y tener la oportunidad de hacerme preguntas a mi, de hacerle preguntas a mis invitadas o invitados de cada mes y todo lo demás, que ya te dije, ingresa en Jewish Latin Pero, apúrate que la oferta caduca el lunes a la media noche CST. Bueno, y ahora te dejo con una conversación muy muy enriquecedora con Jael Toledo sobre tu relación con el dinero y los demás. Ojo, vas a querer tomar notas cuando no estés manejando, cocinando  y eso, definitivamente vas a querer volver a escuchar y tomar notas.   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 78: Chanie Wilschanski, Founder of Discovered ConsultingWednesday Wink || Guiñada divinaJune, July, & August Reading¿¡Cómo voy a celebrar my llegada a los 40!?Are your thoughts affecting your wealth? B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, soy Yael Trusch tu anfitriona. Hoy les tengo una conversacion muy especial. Ya se que sacamos un episodio esta semana, el cual de hecho esta maravilloso con la Dra. Rivkah Lambert Adler, y no teniamos este episodio programado para este mes, pero decidí compartir con ustedes esta conversación AHORA por la siguien...

 Episode 140: Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler, Author & Adult Educator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:08

B”H Have you noticed an increased awakening or interest towards Judaism from non-Jews? Is that something that you’ve seen in your corner of the world? And could it be connected to a Messianic Era? How? You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, your Host, welcome to the show. Today we get to talk about redemption. But, we arrive at it from a unique angle, as we explore it the context of the increased interest the non-Jewish world has in Torah and Judaism. And to elaborate more on that we have the fabulously eloquent Dr. Rivka Lambert Adler. But before I bring her on, I want to first wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  And while we’re on the topic of the Holiday season, did you hear that I’m in the Real Simple Magazine Holiday issue? Yes, my financial tip was included in an article on how to save money this Holiday season. I would love for you to check it out and tell me what you thought of what I said about Hanukkah and gift giving in Real Simple Magazine. In fact, what I’ll be doing now through Friday December 4th is giving one of you the opportunity to win a 12 month subscription to Real Simple Magazine. Here are the giveaway instructions: * take a picture with the Holiday Issue of Real Simple. (Could be just you and the cover, or with it open to the page where I’m featured) * post your picture on your IG Stories tagging me @jewishlatinprincess and @real_simple. On December 4th one of you will be selected at random and will win a 12 mo subscription of Real Simple. The contest applies only to US Residents. Now let’s go to the review section of iTunes. But, before I do that, I have to send a public apology to one of my listeners and reviewers whose date I totally missed. I was really looking forward to our date and somehow my calendar got messed up and I missed our scheduled time. So Danielle, if you’re listening, I sent you an email already, but shoot me an email back and we’ll try to set that up again. Ok, so let’s hope that doesn’t continue to happen. I definitely have been having some iCloud issues both my calendar and with my computer storage. Very frustrating. Anyhoo, let’s pick a reviewer of the week:  This review comes from fun game, lots of issues – that’s a funny itunes name. She titles this review Hooked and says, “I’ve only listened to a few shows, but I’m hooked. I love the topics Yael addresses and her eloquence in speaking about them. She gets to the core of issues that are facing Jewish women universally.” Well thank you fun game, lots of issues. I hope you stick around and binge listen cuz indeed there are a ton of great episodes. Send me an email yaelatjewishlatinprincess and we’ll set up a time to connect and chat over the phone.  And now for my guest today. First of all this is a different kind of interview. I don’t think we’ve really ever covered this topic before – perhaps somewhat with Genie Milgrom, but not really, this is quite unique. I have Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler. She is the author of Ten From The Nations: Torah Awakening Among Non-Jews. She is a writer and adult Jewish educator with a special interest in geulah, and in the non-Jewish awakening to Torah happening in our days.  Did you know about this? I’m sure you did on some level, but today you get to learn about it more in depth. Of course, the question is why focus on this when arguably amongst us, the Jews, there’s still so much work to be done when it comes to Torah true education. You will love her take on it. Has there been controversy around Dr.

 Episodio 139: Daniela Sichel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:47

B”H ¡Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess! Si son nuevas por aqui, bienvenidas. Les quiero anunciar que es la semana de mi cumpleanos y con motivo de mi cumpleanos, estoy haciendo un sorteo que la verdad me tiene muy emocionada. Una ganadora sera seleccionada para que yo envie $180 de tzedaka a la causa o persona de su gusto, ya sea a su nombre o anonimamente. Es decir me dan la oportunidad de dar y doy a la causa que ustedes quieran. Que tienen que hacer para ganar?  Todo lo que tienen que hacer es: Hacerle una resena al podcast en iTunes.  Tomarle una foto de pantalla  Enviar la foto a hello@jewishlatinprincess o ponerla en sus IG stories y tagearme @jewishlatinprincess. Todas las que sometan el review via el email o via taggeandome en sus IG stories entraran a un sorteo y el viernes seleccionare una ganadora y te dejare escoger a donde quieres que envie los $180 de donativo ya sea anonimos o a tu nombre.  Muchisima suerte y gracias mil por participar y darme la oportunidad!  Tambien les cuento que estoy en medio de un encuentro virtual gratis donde estoy ensenando estrategias practicas y espirituales para construir riqueza. Les cuento lo que una de las alumnas me dijo despues del dia #1 Estoy feliz de escucharte, eres muy asertiva, inteligente y manejas el tema, con bases en en la tierra.  Estoy feliz y orgullosa de compartir estos días contigo y tu grupo tan Bueno. Además de aprender un poco más de este tema que personalmente, nunca pensé que sea tan importante, en la vida de las mujeres. Aún no es tarde para unirte. Todos los replays y tareitas estan dentro de nuestro grupo privado de facebook así que solo tienes que pedir admision al grupo Estoy Lista en facebook o puedes ingresarte atraves de Es más también te damos la oportunidad de ser parte de este encuentro por zoom y ser parte del grupo privado de WhatsApp solo ingresa en y recibiras los detalles.  Bueno, y hoy les cuento que tengo una invitada muy especial. Su nombre es Daniela Sichel. Daniela es Psicóloga graduada en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello – Venezuela. En 2001, estudió Terapia Familiar y de Parejas en el Kine de Barcelona, España. Realizó su Master en Marriage and Family Therapy en Nova Southeaster University Florida, USA. Desde el 2005, trabajó en su práctica privada, en Caracas, luego en Miami y ahora en Lima, donde vive desde el 2016. Mas recientemente, se lanzo como emprendedora, y comenzo a revolucionar el mundo de la terapia co-creando  la primera plataforma de Terapia en línea en español, donde los pacientes a un clic de distancia, tienen acceso a especialistas para trabajar en su bienestar emocional, de una manera sencilla, confidencial y económica. Esta plataforma se llama OpcionYO , y esta más que genial. Especialmente ahora, donde no sólo todo se nos volvió virtual, sino que la salud mental y emocional de muchos ha sido comprometida. Opcion Yo ofrece la solución a tantos en América Latina que pueden tener el acceso a terapia.  Y ustedes van a ver después de esta conversación que hay mucho amor y mucha pasión detrás de este proyecto y que verdaderamente es una opción super factible, y que la deben aprovechar. Tan es así, que les estoy ofreciendo junto con Daniela que reciban $30 de descuento en su primera sesión con Opción Yo, utilizando el código PRINCESA dentro de la plataforma.

 Episodio 138: Vera Gavizón, Autora de Educación financiera para niños y no tan niños | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:30

B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, esta vez con un episodio en español para todas las oyentes de habla hispana. El episodio de hoy es sobre un tema magnifico con una mujer magnifica, Vera Gavizón. Antes de que se las presente quiero recordarles que el lunes 2 de noviembre empieza mi encuentro virtual Estoy Lista, durante el cual estare en vivo con ustedes 5 días dándoles mis mejores tips prácticos y espirituales para construir una vida de riqueza. ¿Qué tal les suena? ¿Bueno, no? ¡Creánme que es buenísimo! Traigan cuaderno porque van a aprender un montón. Tendrán también tareas diarias y premios por participar y hacer sus tareas. ¿Estás lista para transformar tu vida financiera y vivir una vida de riqueza plena? Únete en Te espero del 2-6 de noviembre dentro de nuestro grupo privado de Facebook y si no usas Facebook, únete igual que te vamos a añadir al grupo de WhatsApp y darte acceso al encuentro virtual via Zoom. Todo te lo voy a facilitar para que puedas estar conmigo aprendiendo sobre tu dinero y nuevamente, mejorando tu vida financiera y construyendo tu riqueza.  Es más, quiero dejarles con un mensaje de una estudiante mía quien hace tres meses se unió a un encuentro virtual como el que voy a hacer del 2-6 de noviembre y aprendió tanto que ingreso a un programa intensivo conmigo de varias semanas. Para darles una pista de lo que puede ser este encuentro para ustedes, esto es lo que la hermosa Danya dijo una vez termino el encuentro y termino el programa conmigo.  Bueno, y hablando del tema del dinero, hoy tengo el honor de presentarles a una de mis colegas en el campo de la educación financiera, Vera Gavizón,  Autora del libro Educación financiera para niños y no tan niños. ¿Que buen titulo, no? Actualmente Vera ayuda a parejas y familias, asesorándolos sobre cómo ahorrar pensando en el futuro, además de dar charlas corporativas a empresas sobre el tema de finanzas familiares.  Enseña a recién casadas a manejar las finanzas de su nuevo hogar. Vera ha sido inmigrante en nuevos paises varias veces. Ha sido empresaria, asesora, vendedora y empelado – todas facetas que enriquecen su trabajo y su conocimiento sobre las finanzas, y más especificamente, las finanzas personales. Las dejo con la encantadora Vera Gavizon. Pueden encontras a Vera en, o en Instagram en @aprendoemprendiendo, y su libro AQUÍ. You may also like | Puede que también te guste231: Ask YaelEpisode 40: Miriam Ballin, United Hatzalah’s Wonder WomanMother’s Day Gifts (for Jewish Mothers Too!

 Episode 137: Ask Yael with special co-host Sharon Schurder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:20

B”H How do I help my kids accept a “No” when they want to buy something without transmitting a scarcity mindset? How do I forgive past financial mistakes? How do I tithe/give maaser? And a few more details on that charity account in this episode of Ask Yael with special co-host Sharon Schurder. I’m Yael Trusch, welcome to Jewish Latin Princess. A few announcements before I bring my co-host on and we tackle your Jewish lifestyle questions. Calling all Spanish speakers for my 5 day encounter starting November 2. A whole week with me working on getting our finances ready and ourselves ready to welcome abundance. Systems and mindset that will set you up for wealth – how to charge more, how to monetize what you love, how to charge, and how to manage that money so that it works for you. Believe me these 5 day encounters with me are a ton of fun. You can sign up at And for those of you who are English speakers, I still have treats for you. Number one, I will run an awesome 5 day challenge in January for you and also open the doors to Jewish Money Makeover. So not to worry. But, in the mean time, I’d love for you to tell your Spanish speaking friends about my 5 day challenge and if they sign up for my signature program, which I will be opening up after the challenge all you have to do is let me know that your friend is in the program with me and we will send you a special invitation to come join me in my private Mastermind with my business friends where we talk all about our personal finances and our growing businesses. Yes, you get to hang out with some of my dear friends, many of whom you’ve heard on the show and ask your money and business questions. I love this idea and can’t wait to have you hang out for us in one of our Master Minds. Now without further a due, let me introduce my super co-host, British Contemporary Artist, Sharon Schurder, who also works in the field of Private Banking for one of the leading global investment banks . She’s one of those lucky souls who has developed both sides of her brain, and we are very lucky to have her with us. You can find Sharon’s art on Instagram @sharonschurderart or on her website     You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 31: Wendy Sachs, Author of Fearless & FreeDining Room Updates || Mejoras en el ComedorRivki Makeup Artistry’s BoothJalá: Enseñanzas sobre educaciónEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love Stacy B”H How do I help my kids accept a “No” when they want to buy something without transmitting a scarcity mindset? How do I forgive past financial mistakes? How do I tithe/give maaser? And a few more details on that charity account in this episode of Ask Yael with special co-host Sharon Schurder.

 Episode 136: Natalie Elisha Gold, Wealth Attorney & CEO of Gold Legal Group | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:06

B”H Did you know that there’s more to your financial life than saving, earning and investing? You’re busy building your financial house, perhaps with the help of your spouse, but my guest today wants you to – not just have a house – she wants you to build a fortress! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael trusch your Host. Welcome to the show and Moadim L’Simcha! My guest today is attorney at law Natalie Elisha Gold. She is founder and CEO of Gold Legal Group, striving to help all people empower themselves around money and legacy planning. Natalie wants to banish “estate planning” and spread a vision of “life and legacy planning”. Her commitment to life and legacy has given couples the secrets to happy and healthy marriages, she’s guided millennials through financial planning and helped business owners build million dollar empires. Natalie is a wife and mother and is the the author of two books. Her latest one is Money Momma: The Women’s Wealth Bible for the Digital Age. Natalie has appeared on Fox News, Good Morning America, Parents magazine, CBS and many other media outlets. In addition to running her law practice she also now offers a digital service called Life Legacy Legal,where you can get all the documents that you need to set up your financial life and have your estate set up in order.  As a mother, wife, and attorney, Natalie has made it her life mission to help you protect your hard earned life savings, property, and give a voice to your future.Why did Natalie embark in this area of law – trust disputes, estate planning, wills… – I mean it’s not your topical law school graduate’s dream? What are the things that we do need to have in place? Natalie tells us all. You might want to take notes!  Natalie almost lost her life at the young age of 15. She didn’t tell it to me in the interview, but later on I found out that she was told she most probably wouldn’t walk again and that she should forget about college. That put more fire under her to not only get back on her feet and walk, but in a matter of just a few years she got her college degree and law degree. By the time she was 24 she started her own law practice. As you know, not many people have the chutzpah to go out on their own at such a young age. But, drive is something that Natalie has plenty of, which is probably why she’s been celebrated in her field of work, because you do need a lot of drive to inspire and help people get the boring but important stuff done – the legal documents that could literally set them up for success. Don’t even think that we just talk about law. As you will see Natalie is not only driven but she’s so soul centered, you feel like you’re literally talking to a wise mentor. Without further ado here’s the amazing Natalie Elisha Gold.  You can find Natalie on Instagram @natalieelishagold Her book is Money Momma: The Women’s Wealth Bible for the Digital Age. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteNon-Dairy Cheesecake

 Episode 135: Sarah Farzam, Founder & CEO of Bilingual Birdies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:43

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your Host, welcome to the show. Shana Tova! I hope your Rosh Hashana was meaningful and joyous despite the interesting and different circumstances most of us are in. I have a New Year’s gift for all of you inspired on some private messages I received over the last few days I’m extending the exclusive Jewish Money Makeover pricing for private Money Coaching to everyone during the month of Tishrei. Head over to Jewish Latin and sign up for that exclusive deal.  Today I have a super fun guest and a savvy entrepreneur, Sarah Farzam. She’s the Founder and CEO of Bilingual Birdies, a foreign language and live music program for children up to age six, now with operations across 21 cities in teh US Canada, and Australia. Sarah didn’t start out as a business woman. She was a teacher, who was also moonlighting to make ends, as she developed an idea that went all in on with tremendous grit. Sarah began Bilingual Birdies over 12 years ago to encourage cross-cultural awareness through foreign language and live music curriculum. The programs teach Spanish, French, Mandarin, and English (ESL) through live music, movement, dance, puppetry, and theatre-based games. Through a terrific licensing program, Bilingual Birdies now also offers budding entrepreneurs, who have a love of language, culture and children, the opportunity to start their own Bilingual Birdies business. You can find her on IG @bilingualbirdies and you can learn more about Bilingual Birdies and launching your own bilingual birdies business from the comfort of your home at Here are some takeaways: 1- Don’t be afraid to fail. It builds resiliency and failures often teach you more than successes. 2- If you don’t know the business skills to implement your idea, go find who to learn from. Don’t let that stop you from going to market. 3- Get crafty and resourceful. Your idea can take different shapes and forms. Don’t be scared to innovate and deviate, as long as you stay true to your core purpose. 4- Pay it forward. If you’ve been given a gift, then go give that to others. 5- Surround yourself with a tribe of mentors. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you want to learn from. 6- Strive to build your business in a way that works with your personal life goals. 7- Believe in yourself and others will believe in you. 8- Negotiate for yourself and if that is hard for you, then think of the legacy- you’re paving the way for others. 9- Everything you do matters, Even the things that are not seen in IG 10- Hire people who are better than you, they can execute your idea, build upon it and improve it.  If you enjoyed this episode, leave a rating on iTunes and click on the subscribe button so you’ll never miss a show. And if you are interested in Money Coaching head over to Jewish Latin and take advantage of the exclusive Jewish Money Makeover rate for the month of Tishrei.   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 46: Yael Trusch, The Pursuit of Happiness, RedefinedHanukkah: A Special Kind of Crazy

 Episode 134: Hedy Pagremanski, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host. We’re back with Hedy Pagremanski, Holocaust survivor and NYC Street Artist. We left off with her telling us why she always knew she’d marry Jewish. What about raising the next generation with a sense of accountability to a higher standard of morality? Anger after the Holocaust? How did her husband get rid of it? What was under all that anger? A powerful lesson for all of us. Volunteering, giving back to those most alienated from society – those in the prison system, those with disabilities – as part of their family life. Light amidst the darkness is such a theme here. Repairing a broken world and the Pagremanski’s certainly knew about a broken world. What did Hedy learn from all those experiences? There’s surviving and thriving. How did Hedy and Eric Pagremanski thrive? What was the price of entry into Hedy’s paintings and Why? Including anecdotes about her paintings of New York City, her favorite NYC corner to paint, and her commissions from Wall Street mongols, among others. More than a few tears were shed, even at unexpected points during this interview. Here’s the lovely Hedy Pagremanski. You may also like | Puede que también te guste200: The Challenge of Wealth – MinisodeDainty Jewell’s Apparel & Giveaway || Ropa de Dainty Jewell’s & RifaVideo Interview with Leah GottfriedCheesecake no-lácteoZara Home Sale: Jewish Latin Princess Picks B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host. We’re back with Hedy Pagremanski, Holocaust survivor and NYC Street Artist. We left off with her telling us why she always knew she’d marry Jewish. What about raising the next generation with a sense of accountability to a higher standard of morality? Anger after the Holocaust? How did her husband get rid of it? What was under all that anger? A powerful lesson for all of us. Volunteering, giving back to those most alienated from society – those in the prison system, those with disabilities – as part of their family life. Light amidst the darkness is such a theme here. Repairing a broken world and the Pagremanski’s certainly knew about a broken world. What did Hedy learn from all those experiences? There’s surviving and thriving. How did Hedy and Eric Pagremanski thrive? What was the price of entry into Hedy’s paintings and Why? Including anecdotes about her paintings of New York City, her favorite NYC corner to paint, and her commissions from Wall Street mongols, among others. More than a few tears were shed, even at unexpected points during this interview. Here’s the lovely Hedy Pagremanski. You may also like | Puede que también te guste

 Episode 133: Hedy Pagremanski, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:40

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome back to the show. It’s back to school time in my part of the world, as well as in many of my dear listeners’ world. I wish you all and your children the best. It certainly is a lot to get adjusted to whether you’re going to school with a mask and doing half of your day online, or whether you’re doing it all online at home. And well for you, mothers, who have so many responsiblities… it is a lot. So, please practice a lot of compassion with your kids and with yourselves. Being online is just not the same as being inside a classroom with your teacher and your peers. It’s a great substitute and we are grateful for it, but it is a huge adjustment on many fronts. So… compassion, compassion, compassion. Not coincidentally that is the theme of the month of Elul and I would say it’s also the theme of today’s interview.  Today’s interview is a gem. Literally a gem. If you follow me on Instagram you saw how humbled and how emotional I was during the process of recording this interview. In fact, I stayed on the phone with my guest for 2 hours. And it was such a privilege. It is not always that we get the opportunity to speak to such a woman. My guest is Mrs. Hedy Pagremanski. Hedy Pagremanski (Page), is a 91 year old street artist and Holocaust survivor whose work is featured in many museums, private collections and books. She has chronicled a changing New York–mostly the Jewish Lower East Side– through oil paintings and sketches over more than half a century. Hedy is a passionate believer in the dignity of humanity. She strives to bring visibility to the invisible, celebrate diversity, and reflect her love for New York City. She was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929 and in 1938, escaped the Nazi Regime, finding refuge in Panama. She came to the United States to study at the Art Institute of Chicago. Soon after met and married her late husband Eric Pagremanski, and they changed our name to Page when they became American citizens. However, she’s retained the signature of H. Pagremanski in all her artwork, which as I said before is in numerous private and public collections in the U.S.A. and abroad. Nothing that I can tell you about what you’ll learn in this interview will do it justice. Listen, carefully, because there is so much here. Here’s the beautiful Hedy Pagremanski.    You may also like | Puede que también te guste197: The Correlation Between Net Worth & Self Worth – MinisodeDairy Dishware Refresh || Cambios a la vajilla de leche5 Personal Finance Books Every Jewish Woman Should ReadChenZ Designs GiveawayEpisode 9: Rena Reiser, Intuitive Eating Coach B”H

 Episode 132: Jenny Goldfarb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:19

B”H Calling all the vegans out there, or women like myself, definitely not vegan… but somewhere in the recesses of my brain I kind of wish I was. I have a million excuses why not to be. But, perhaps after todays’ interview you, like me, will be tempted to try a super cool vegan meat alternative – Unreal Deli. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess, I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show.  So, I did a thing. No I didn’t become vegan, but I went on vacation… really! I had a bit of a staycation, and then I really went on vacation. Well, I kind of cheated because even though I was on vacation, I still launched an awesome program. I did a 5 day challenge in Spanish which was a huge hit and launched a program pretty similar to my Jewish Money Makeover but in Spanish, which we start this week with a cohort of awesome Spanish Speaking women who were inside my challenge. I had a lot of requests on Instagram, asking if the program was available in English. The answer is Yes. But it’s already running. However, I will be launching it again after Tishrei. In the meantime, I had a blast polishing my Spanish and connecting with a new and awesome audience. Here’s the link to that program, which starts this week. Now, lets go into the iTunes review section and pick a listener review. As I told you I will be picking out reviews every week and highlighting them and then offering a 20 min call with me. So this review comes from chevyglass who says, “I’m hooked. Yael is an incredible host, insightful, inspirational and above all so real and relatable. Her guests are the same, offering a plethora of topics and ideas so prevalent to the Jewish female population. I highly recommend.”  Thankyou ChevyGlass be sure to email me at and we will coordinate a time to get together on the phone.  And now, onto today’s fabulous guest: Jenny Goldfarb, Founder of Unreal Deli on the show and she’s so much fun. First of all full disclaimer, I’m not vegan – in fact, I have a friend who calls me a dinosaur. But I have had periods in my life where I’ve been like hmmm this might be a much better way to live. In fact, I think my husband has requested several times we become vegan. I’m just too lazy to even begin.  So, it was fun for me to hear from Jenny and her journey towards becoming vegan. But, more than that, what is really super awesome about this episode is the different spiritual insights that Jenny shares with us. Plus, Jenny’s wit and savvy in taking Unreal Deli from something that started in her kitchen at a Chanukah party to the vegan deli meat of choice at places like Whole Foods, Quiznos, Mendocino Farms, Sarges in NYC and more. You will hear about Jenny’s triumph as a Shark Tank participant and more. If you’ve ever thought about a business idea and keep putting it in the back burner, perhaps listen to Jenny and her journey, because she got messy and she did the thing and she kept iterating until the thing was real, people. Unreal Deli is thriving and hey even dinosaurs like myself might get into it pretty soon. In fact, I’ve placed my first order. If you want to try it, and see what the media and consumers are raving about, you can place an order at and use the special coupon code: Latinacast at checkout to get 15% off any item in the store. Offer expires September 3d.  And now, here we go ladies, here’s the quite hysterical Jenny Goldfarb.       You may also like | Puede que también te guste

 Episode 131: Chana Mason, Vitality Coach & Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:29

B”H Have you ever questioned your thoughts? You might start doing so today! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Welcome to the show! Alright so let’s talk about thoughts… like breaking them apart, shredding them to pieces, and how liberating this can be. My guest called me out on my own thinking today, as you will soon hear.  I have Vitality Coach and Author, Chana Mason, on the show, and she will teach us how to turn those thought around into thoughts that actually help us instead of hold us back. Wouldn’t we all be much better off in many areas of our lives, if we mastered changing the narrative that goes on in our heads. I think so.  And today, you’ll see how Chana’s way of inquiring upon the narrative that we’re telling ourselves works. And we’ll learn how to do this ourselves! Sounds exciting, right? In fact, you will hear that Chana actually called me out in my own thinking, and I purposely left this part of the interview in there because I think you will gain a lot from it. Just to brag a little bit more about Chana, she is the author of Hold that Thought: build clarity, peace, and joy by gaining mastery over your thinking and she’s the creator of the new course, Release That Thought.  Through her straight talk, open heart, and joyful demeanor, which you’ll get to experience today, Chana helps her clients clarify a vision, shift the beliefs getting in their way, and manifest their dreams. As you will soon see, Chana has a unique ability to turn complex ideas into easy-to-access tools for rapid transformation. I’m impressed, and I’m really grateful for the opportunity to have Chana on the show today, and to have been exposed to her wonderful work, and I know you will, too. But before I bring her on, I wanted to give a shout out to one of our listeners who left a review. Lawgirl29 said, “Smart & Inspiring Conversations, Loving these podcast episodes, smart and inspiring conversations with Jewish women! Thank you for always asking the questions we want to know.” Thank you Lawgirl29, be in touch with me via email and let me know you wrote the review, and let’s schedule a time to chat. And to the rest of you, leave a review and rating, I look forward to reading those, and I will continue to pick those and feature them here, and whoever is picked regardless of what you say in your review, gets a 20 min call for us to connect. Alright ladies, get your thinking caps ready, cuz here’s the super insightful Chana Mason.  You can access a FREE download of her book Hold that Thought right HERE or purchase it HERE. To learn more about her new course Release that Thought, click HERE.   You may also like | Puede que también te gusteGood Uplifting Quarantine Reads

 Episode 130: Yael Trusch on The Spiritual Side of Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:41

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show! I pushed my schedule episode another week, when I saw this interview landed in my inbox. It’s my appearance in the Within Us Podcast by Dr. Azi Jancovik on The Spiritual Side of Money. I say things that I don’t think you’ve heard me say before, and it was such a meaningful conversation that I wanted to share it with all of you.  I also want to share that I’m starting Jewish Money Makeover again and invite you to join! I have limited spots and the reason is that, as my students can attest, I go all in. I’m there with you all the way. Plus, the small size gives me the ability to customize lessons, exercises, and even guest experts, according to my groups’ needs. So, if you’re someone who is ready to: * infuse some Jewish wisdom into your financial life, * learn some really sound and practical skills that will transform the way you think, speak and behave around money, and * begin to build wealth… Join me on Jewish Money Makeover, starting this Sunday, July 19 at 9 pm EST. And wait, the best part is that I’m offering a $50 discount to anyone who signs up by July 14. So, hurry because I have limited spots. Head over to Jewish Latin to learn more and enroll in Jewish Money Makeover. If you do so by July 14, you will see your $50 discount at checkout! I’d be so thrilled to have some of my podcast listeners inside my class. Believe me, we bond, we bond a lot. I’m there with you 8 weeks full on, holding your hand and pushing you out of your comfort zone, as well. So, join me: Jewish Latin Now, I’m going to head over to the iTunes page and pick a review. As I told you, I will be picking a review every week and sharing it here. So, if you’ve been enjoying this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes and if I pick your review, you will be able to schedule a 20 min call with me where we just chat and you can ask me any questions about life, career, money, or anything else you think I can offer some perspective on. I’m all ears, so head over to the iTunes review section and leave that review.  So, let’s see… Today I have a review from danilleaviv. Her review is titled, “a beautiful blend of intelligence and fun” And she says, “I love this podcast. Yeah is a joy to listen to and interviews some of the most inspiring Jewish women doing a plethora of interesting things. Her questions are thought-provoking and she is so eloquent and well spoken. Yael is a wonderful podcast host, always directing the conversation in a meaningful way. I highly recommend this podcast! Looking forward to more episodes.” Thank You so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying! By the way, last week’s episode with Dorice Horenstein was amazing. If you haven’t listened, you must. And to my lovely reviewer, send me an email at and let me know that your’e the danielleaviv who sent the review and we will schedule a time to chat...

 Episode 129: Dorice Horenstein, Author, Educator & Motivational Speaker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:04

B”H You’re listening to Jeiwsh Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show! If you’re new to the show, I’m so glad you’re here. You have a lot of episodes to catch up on and an incredible roster of amazing women to learn from. I told you that every week I would pick a podcast listener review on iTunes so let’s see what I found in the iTunes page and choose.  And this review is by yanivh23 and she says, Always full of wisdom.  “Yael is a delight to listen to, and a pleasure to learn from. She is kind and personable! You feel as if she knows you! Her guests are varied experts in their field and the conversation always flows with ease! Top rated podcast!” Thank you YanivH23 for that review. Be in touch with me via email and let me know that you are the yanivh23 who left the review and I will send you the info on how to how our 20 min call. I’m looking forward to it! I will keep picking reviews from the iTunes reviews and ratings section so if you’re enjoying this show please let me know there and you can also win a 20 min call where we talk about whatever you have on your mind that you think I can offer some perspective on.  And speaking of perspective, I did something totally out of my comfort zone. I started a private FaceBook Group for women who want to learn about personal finance from a Jewish perspective. It’s called Jewish Money Matters which is the name I gave my column on and I invite anyone of you who is interested in the topic of money to come join me there. I look forward to having you in the conversation and the growth experience.  Now, today’s conversation is really also all about growth. I have Dorice Horenstein on the show. Dorice is known as the Relationship Anchor, because she uses Jewish wisdom, the knowledge of the Hebrew language and personal stories to cultivate positive messages and inspire others – Jews and non-Jews – to live an enjoyable, more grounded and focused life! She will teach us all about that today. Dorice is an educator, professional speaker, and the author of the award winning book Moments of the Heart: Four Relationships Everyone Should Have to Live Wholeheartedly. Today, we dive into those 4 relationships not in a theoretical way but as you will see Dorice brings herself into the conversation and is able to share life experiences and lessons to solidify our understanding of what it takes to nurture relationships and why it is important. I encourage you to listen carefully to her lessons as well as the journey that has taken her to this newer stage of her life as an educator – from educator impacting just a few students and families in Portland to a woman who now deems the world as her classroom. Here’s the super dynamic and fun Dorice Horenstein.  You can find Dorice at and her book Moments of the Heart: Four Relationships Everyone Should Have to Live Wholeheartedly HERE. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisodio 29: Silvia Cohen, Food Creative Blogger en Lemishmash

 Episode 128: Leah Soibel, Founder of Fuente Latina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:31

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the Show. Today I have Leah Soibel on the show! Leah Soibel is a Hispanic American and Israeli, who has more than a decade of experience on the ground in Israel, the U.S, and Latin America working with hundreds of global Latino journalists and influencers. In 2012, she founded Fuente Latina, the only organization currently ensuring that  global Spanish language media have the facts they need – before and when the news breaks – to accurately cover Israel, regardless of their geographic location.  She  launched Fuente Latina in response to a growing demand from Latino journalists for greater access to information about Israel and the Middle East. And she’s done a wonderful job of delivering tremendous value for journalists and nurturing those relationships while at the same time affecting the way Israel is covered and portrayed in the Spanish language media. Fuente Latina is a non-profit and non-partisan organization headquartered in Miami, with offices in Jerusalem, Madrid and Los Angeles. Leah is a National Security Education Program Fellow and received an Arabic language certificate from the American University of Cairo’s Arabic Language Institute. She has a BA in Middle East History from Dickinson College, an MA in Security Policy Studies from George Washington University, and has completed coursework for a doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Leah speaks English, Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic. And she’s just awesome! Pay attention to how Fuente Latinacame about, how she followed the trail, listened to the needs out there, and how she’s focused on relationships and delivering value. Pretty important messages for any of us no matter what we’re trying to build. And yes, we had so much fun chatting. Here’s the lovely Leah Soibel.       You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 30: Stacy Middleman, Author of Dear Cancer, Love StacyA View Through My Lens: Pesach 5776Episode 68: Kim Heyman, Fashion Entrepreneur and Brand AmbassadorEpisode 152: Chani Ehrentreu, Host of Boss Maidel & Co-Founder of ShmuzyLa mejor torta de miel B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the Show. Today I have Leah Soibel on the show! Leah Soibel is a Hispanic American and Israeli, who has more than a decade of experience on the ground in Israel, the U.S, and Latin America working with hundreds of global Latino journalists and influencers. In 2012, she founded Fuente Latina, the only organization currently ensuring that  global Spanish language media have the facts they need – before and when the news breaks – to accurately cover Israel, regardless of their geographic location.  She  launched Fuente Latina in response to a growing demand from Latino journalists for greater access t...

 Episode 127: Ask Yael | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:41

B”H These are some of the questions I tackle in today’s Jewish Latin Princess Podcast Episode of Ask Yael: * Any meditations that incorporate Judaism and its principles? Download a FREE Guide HERE. * I’m very interested in your money date concept but not sure where to start. Download your FREE Money Date Checklist HERE * I’m feeling exhausted of managing the financial life in our marriage. What do I do?   * I’m feeling frustrated about my inability to focus on one thing;  not finding “what’s my thing” and making money at it.  Download your FREE guide: Jewish Meditation to Build Trust & Increase Abundance right HERE. Download your FREE Money Date Checklist right HERE. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 126: Mixed Messages About Money in the Orthodox WorldLas velas de ShabbatEpisode 152: Chani Ehrentreu, Host of Boss Maidel & Co-Founder of ShmuzyJLP Profile: Ronit Spiwak WolfHanukkah: A Special Kind of Crazy B”H These are some of the questions I tackle in today’s Jewish Latin Princess Podcast Episode of Ask Yael: * Any meditations that incorporate Judaism and its principles? Download a FREE Guide HERE. * I’m very interested in your money date concept but not sure where to start. Download your FREE Money Date Checklist HERE * I’m feeling exhausted of managing the financial life in our marriage. What do I do?   * I’m feeling frustrated about my inability to focus on one thing;  not finding “what’s my thing” and making money at it.  Download your FREE guide: Jewish Meditation to Build Trust & Increase Abundance right HERE. Download your FREE Money Date Checklist right HERE. You may also like | Puede que también te gusteEpisode 126: Mixed Messages About Money in the Orthodox World


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