The Expat Money Show show

The Expat Money Show

Summary: Want to learn how to build your business overseas… how to travel the world freely and make more money at the same time? Join your host Mikkel Thorup every week for conversations with successful Entrepreneurs and learn actionable skills you can use to double your own income and get some adventure into your life today. Visit us at to get exclusive content not found anywhere else!


 EP 039: Frank Bures – World Renowned Freelance Writer and Essayist Talks About Penis Theft! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:02

World Renowned Freelance Writer and Essayist Talks About Penis Theft! Award-winning freelance writer and essayist, Frank Bures, shares his unique perspective on the world he has lived in and written about in depth.  As a world-renowned Travel Writer, Frank talks about the historical features and the geography of a city/country, that we have no idea exist and because of that, we have become fascinated with his ability to see and to write about the most interesting of cultural differences.   How Does a Travel Writer Get Started Frank Bures began his love of language and travel when he was young and his family took in an exchange student from Italy.  A few years later he returned the favour and lived with this boys family back in Italy.  He was immersed in the culture and language and learned how to speak Italian with the locals.  Find out how he learned to speak Italian quickly and efficiently!  In Ep 033: Tim Leffel shares his love of travel and how his career blossomed and he became such an amazing Travel Writer.   Teaching English as a Second Language If you've ever considered teaching English as a second language overseas, then listen to this episode as Frank Bures tells his story of first living in Tanzania learning Swahili and teaching English, to living in the south of Thailand with his wife, in a small town called Yala earning their living as teachers.   Getting Paid as a Travel Writer I'm sure many of you love the idea of being a Travel Writer and seeing the world.  There are a few ways to get paid to do what you love and Frank Bures tells us how he and his colleagues interact with Editors and Publishers.   The other question you may ask is, do I write first? then get a publisher? or do I wait for an assignment?  Great questions and Frank Bures takes us all through that in detail.   What is a Freelance Writer and Essayist You may be wondering what it takes to be a freelance writer or essayist.  Do you need a degree? What are the different styles of writing?  Are they important?  Frank walks us through his style of writing and how he has become such a prolific writer.  He also talks about how he gets his inspiration, where it comes from and why he writes.   Countries Discussed in Detail * Uganda * Rwanda * Djibouti * Nigeria * Tanzania * and more!   Bucket List Travel Countries Mikkel Thorup and Frank Bures talk about their bucket list.  We know that Mikkel has wanted to go to Mali, Africa for 20 years.  Do you have a destination you've always wanted to visit?  The world offers such an education for those that go and immerse themselves in the language, heritage, cultural differences.   What's next for Frank Bares? Like so many of my guests, Frank and his family want to travel for a year; he says to mostly Spanish speaking countries as his children are locally immersed in Spanish in Minneapolis, and teach their children along the way.  Similar to  Ep 032: David McKeegan and his family.  Living and working and travelling the world!  It really doesn't get any better than that.   Author The Geography of Madness: Penis Thieves, Voodoo Death and the Search for the Meaning of the World's Strangest Syndromes Published in English, Spanish and Turkish   How can we reach Frank Bures:

 EP 038: Gundi Gabrielle – Learn What it Takes to Self Publish and Create 10 #1 Amazon Best Selling Books All While Travelling The World! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:39

Learn What it Takes to Self Publish and Create 10 #1 Amazon Best Selling Books All While Travelling The World! Ever wondered what it would be like to travel the world for free, for as long as you want, staying as long as you would like in any one destination?  Then this interview with Gundi Gabrielle is for you.  Listen in to hear from a 10 x best selling author on Amazon, Gundi Gabrielle, and her thoughts on how to self-publish, and how to have your business on Auto-Pilot!     Gundi's favourite places on earth! Travelling the world really changes your outlook on life.  In this interview with Gundi Gabrielle, we go into depth about her travels in Spain, Bali, Thailand and in South Africa, it reminds me of my own travels.  Recently, in Ep 036: Jim Rogers, we talked about the most dangerous places to travel alone.  Gundi Gabrielle shares some of her stories about places that she was told NEVER to travel to, and just using common sense she was able to view the amazing scenery and meet the most wonderful people.  Had she listened to all the naysayers she never would have lived her dream.  Don't let fear stop you from experiencing the wonders of our world.     Have you been to your Urgent Countries? This is a great question for so many of you?  Have you seen all you want to see?  Are you just at the beginning of your travel life or have you done all you want to do?  Mikkel & Gundi talk about all of the countries they've been to and where they still want to go.     The World of Self Publishing Should you Publish your book FIRST before you have a following? or LAST after having an audience to sell to?  Gundi Gabrielle says, 'start with the end in mind'.  Write the book FIRST, then everything else will follow.  It's not how most entrepreneurs have done it, but hearing Gundi's tale of success, I'd say to those that are listening...try it!  It has worked for Gundi Gabrielle and given her some amazing results We talk about a power launch; how to write your first book and become #1 best seller on Amazon in just 4 weeks.  Don't think it can be done, Gundi will tell you differently.     What does your business look like on Auto Pilot? Would you like your business to be on Auto Pilot...every day you wake up and someone has either purchased a book or one of your courses?  Make sure you listen carefully, Gundi tells us all how she has done it and how you can too!     What's in the future for SassyZenGirl and where can we find her: Free Webinar:     Final Thoughts I loved doing this interview with Gundi Gabrielle!  From being a Classical Musician that needed a change to Cat Sitting in South Africa to finally having her amazing business SassyZenGirl on autopilot!   Wow!  What an amazing life Gundi has created for herself!  For all of you that wonder 'what else is there', make sure you listen in as Gundi Gabrielle walks us through what it takes to leave a job that no longer satisfies the needs you have and to create a really nice life for yourself with some well thought out plans.   I hope you get as much value from this interview with Gundi Gabrielle as I did… and if you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at The Expat Money Show make sure you sign up for our Newsletter below. Some of my best stuff comes out by email and I don’t want you to miss it!

 EP 037: Zak Slayback – Learn From A Career Expert How To Land Your Dream Job By Writing Perfect Emails And Utilizing Your Attractive Character! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:25

Learn from a Career Expert How To Land Your Dream Job by Writing Perfect Emails and Utilizing your Attractive Character! In this Interview with Zak Slayback, we talk about how important being coachable is and that it's not so much about what he can add to your business structure, rather what he can take away so that you land your dream job while teaching you the proper skills of writing the perfect email and how to create your attractive character.   Zak Slayback was the perfect student.  He got great grades, got into an Ivy League College but didn't know what he wanted to do.  Do you find yourself here too?  Maybe you're in University or College, maybe you never went and are out working somewhere that you hate and don't really know how to get out of that rut.   Writing Proper Emails   Listen in to this episode as Zak Slayback takes us through the many steps that are required to find the job that you want and how to write proper emails so that the correct person will take the time to read your resume.   Have you ever sat down and tried to write the perfect email? and when you thought you had it nailed, you sent it out and no one replied?  Zak lets us in on some secrets of making sure your email gets to the right person and they get read.  If you can conquer these two items, your chances of getting hired go way up!     Zak Slayback on Creating Your Dream Job   Career Expert   What does a Career Expert do you might ask.  Zak Slayback really goes into detail on who he feels is qualified to work with him.  Not everyone is a good fit, and there are so many people out in the field of self-development and working with young entrepreneurs that you really have to find that perfect fit.  Zak tells me that he doesn't do LIFE COACH STUFF!  AT the end of the day Zak is a communicator, sales, and career expert.   Listen in as Zak & Mikkel discuss   The Trust Factor Attractive Character Call to Action (CTA) An Incentive Map The Big 5 Copywriting voices (which one are you?)   Zak Slayback on Education   37 episodes of The Expat Money Show and time and time again we talk about education.  Without realizing it, almost 1/2 of our guests have some form of opinion on what has happened in the world regarding education.  In Ep 004: Clara Day Herrera talks about her daughter and the education system in the Philippines.  Zak Slayback talks about the USA and here is a direct quote:   'School should have taught you how to succeed at work and build a great career.  Instead, it taught you that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.  Thankfully, I teach what school never taught'   I love it because it's true.  If you listened to Ep 034: Michelle Dale she'll tell you the same thing.  Life is about doing, getting out there and learning the skills required to be a professional.  Attending College or University doesn't always give you the skills to make sure you know what you're doing once you've received that diploma.  Zak Slayback realized this a long time ago and has built a system to help those that are stuck in a job they hate.   Short Cuts to Success   Have you ever wondered if there really is such a thing as a shortcut to success?  People talk about it, but does it really exist? Yes, Virginia, it does exist! Zak goes into detail about the methods he uses,  you can shortcut success ethically and morally!

 EP 036: Jim Rogers – Legendary Investor Shares His Opinions On North Korea, China, Mandarin And The Current State Of Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:23

Legendary Investor Shares His Opinions on North Korea, China, Mandarin and the Current State of Education. In this Interview with Jim Rogers, I get updated opinions on everything from North Korea and China to the Mandarin language and the current state of education around the world. Jim Rogers tells me what he is teaching his own children and where he as an investor is putting his own money today.   Jim Rogers is a world-renowned investor, famously known for his co-founding of the Quantum Fund.  He has frequently appeared on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg. He is a multiple best selling author and has multiple Guinness world records for his around the world trips visiting nearly every country on the planet. (listen in to hear which countries he has yet to visit!)   Jim Rogers Talks about his Current thoughts on Education On this episode of The Expat Money Show,  Jim Rogers and Mikkel Thorup talk in depth about education, specifically about their children and what kind of education they believe will propel them forward in this new and most difficult time. Jim writes in one of his earlier books why moving to China or another Asian country is such a vital move for parents.  If you really want to give your children an unfair advantage, the education system in Singapore or China is rigorous and difficult, unlike schools in the USA.   As with many of the guests, education is such an important topic. To hear from another multimillionaire entrepreneur on education listen to this fantastic interview with Jim Cockrum.   Jim Rogers spent most of his adult life not wanting children. He believed children were a horrible waste of time, energy, money and everything else, feeling sorry for people who had children, so he was not ever going to do it. Jim now believes everyone should have children and that he was just wrong for not having them earlier in his life.   In 2002, arriving back home in NYC after completing his third Guinness World Record being on the road for 3 years, covering more than 245,000 kilometres in a one-of-a-kind Mercedes-Benz taking them to six continents and 116 countries, they decided to have children.   Jim Rogers claims this was the best decision of his life. His two girls are now the center of his universe, in fact,  his 2009: A Gift to My Children book was written for his daughters. Listen in to hear about why he wrote this most special gift to his children.  This may spark some creativity in yourself for your children to follow!   Jim Rogers Opinion on Mandarin Mikkel and Jim discuss in lengths about what they believe the most important languages their children should speak. Due to the fact that Jim and his family live in Singapore, his two daughters are fluent in Mandarin and have actually won awards for the best Mandarin Speakers in the Nation.  Jim believes that this is the second most important language to learn, behind English.   In Ep: 025 Mikkel shares his own opinions about China and Mandarin and what he is doing in his own life to prepare.   Jim Rogers Books * 1994:  Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers * 2003: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip * 2004: Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Greatest Market * 2009: A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life and Investing * 2013: Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets   Jim Rogers talks about the possibility of a new book

 EP 035: Ben Hammersley – Is Your Life And Business Ready For Artificial Intelligence And The Radical Changes That will happen In The Next 3-5 Years? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:12

Is your life and business ready for Artificial Intelligence and the radical changes that will happen in the next 3-5 years?  Ben Hammersley is a futurist, but that's not how he started his career some 20 years ago.  Similar to so many of us, his career path has evolved into something he absolutely loves as he helps companies and individuals create a more productive and effective workspace.   Let's start with the obvious..what is a Futurist?  and why is it so important in our daily lives and in our businesses?   FUTURIST 'a person who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends'   Today on the Expat Money Show Ben Hammersley and Mikkel Thorup discuss what a futurist might do for Big Corporate America who thinks they're ready to implement artificial intelligence and how you yourself can change your life radically using concepts that Ben will teach you.   Ben describes what most companies want for the future.  They see their business as moving forward and being innovative and being companies of the future.  But in reality, they are still using fax machines, their staff don't know how to use the systems that are currently in place properly, and in most cases, the systems they do have in place are old and antiquated.  So wanting to move into the future really takes going back into the past and moving them into the present.  If you work for a company that this sounds familiar, or you own a company and see yourself here, then this is the episode for you.   FUTURISM Futurism is a fascinating topic and I believe that most of you will really love this episode.   When it's time to implement changes in your life.  Ask yourself these two questions first: * What problem am I solving by doing this action (the why?) * If I was to be solving this problem today, but I was doing it for the 1st time and I was using modern tools how would I do it?   Imagine that you change 2-3 things a month in your life.  That's 36 things a year!  WOW!  Year after year, implementing new strategies that help to bring you up today and into the future.   Ben is hired by large companies and governments to talk about using AI and to bring them into the future. After he stops rolling his eyes, he tells them they can't use AI, you can't even use 'Outlook' properly!   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Mikkel get's Ben to reveal what are the biggest companies that have welcomed AI and innovating in a way that will take them into the future seamlessly.  I'm sure none of you will be surprised! And who are the companies that have refused to move forward?  Again, no surprises!   IN A NUTSHELL    What an interesting chat Ben and I had.  I thought for sure we were going to talk about artificial intelligence and the big monolithic theory, when in fact we talked about the micro changes that can be made in our everyday lives and in our business.   BEN'S WORDS TO LIVE BY:     Pay attention to what's happening day to day and be responsible for your life!   HOW CAN WE REACH BEN HAMMERSLEY: Twitter @BenHammersley   WHAT BEN WANTS YOU TO KNOW ABOUT HIMSELF!   I'm 6'6 with a handlebar mustache and full of tattoos.  So if you see someone that's 6'6 with a handlebar mustache full of tattoos, it's likely me so come up and say hi!

 EP 034: Michelle Dale – How Using Virtual Assistants Can Grow Your Business To 7 Figures Quickly So You Can Be Truly Location Independent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:23

How using virtual assistants can grow your business to 7-figures quickly so you can be truly location independent.  Michelle Dale is the creator of Virtual Miss Friday, an online Virtual Assistants company that helps entrepreneurs realize their dreams starting with what Michelle would say is the most important aspect of a successful business: Mindset.  Michelle equates working on mindset and being an entrepreneur as one in the same.   Specializing in digital product sales and working with 6 and 7 figure earners, Michelle has spent a considerable amount of time crafting her trade and loves working with the location independent contractors by helping them scale up using virtual assistants in smart and creative ways.   Today on the Expat Money Show Michelle Dale and Mikkel Thorup walk down the path of what it takes to be a successful location independent entrepreneur.  What are the steps that need to happen, how do they happen and why? And specifically why mindset is the key to all success!     GOING IT ALONE! Listen in to hear what Michelle Dale does with clients to get them ready for their online success.  She understands that it can't be done alone, and why would you want to do it alone?   This theme seems to come up time and time again.  Don't go it alone.  Get help from the professionals that do the job you don't want to do, like Facebook ads, YouTube, SEO, Marketing, whatever that job is there is someone out there that usually does it better than you.   Maybe you are wondering where on earth would I find support staff that is knowledgeable, honest and trustworthy, and willing to work for me for a decent wage?  Look no further!  Michelle lets us in on the secrets of hiring a top-notch freelancer!   BUSINESS MODEL The virtual assistants business model is brilliant. If you are tired of trying to create an online digital marketing company, or are tired of living in your country of birth and want that amazing life as an expat entrepreneur, don't miss this episode.   WHAT LIFE IS LIKE BEING AN EXPAT ENTREPRENEUR Mikkel Thorup and Michelle Dale talk about being expat entrepreneurs and how similar their paths have been and how they got to be where there are today using the skills they have learned along the way.  They both credit their success to being creative and thinking outside the box, and how they chose not to follow the conventional rules of education.   Michelle is a native Brit but left when she was 24 to pursue her dream of travelling the globe.  We talk in depth about what it took for her to leave her home in the UK, to pack her bags and make that crucial decision to not buy a return ticket home, to make her crazy idea of living and working outside her country of birth a reality.   INSPIRATIONAL STORIES Michelle tells us stories of her families travels, the places they have lived and worked and the excitement.  When her family decides it's time to move and start a new chapter in their lives, one filled with excitement and passion, people ask her how her children feel about selling everything they own other than a few suitcases of their personal effects and set out for the unknown.   Most of you would be surprised to hear that it is her children, all 3 of them, that get the urge to leave their home and travel and make a new home for themselves somewhere new.  They love the travel, the food, the culture just as much as Michelle and her husband do!   That was so inspiring to hear.  We always worry about how our children will be affected by the changes we make in our lives,

 EP 033: Tim Leffel – Expat Entrepreneur Shares What He Has Learned In His 3 Decades As A Professional Travel Writer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:28

Expat Entrepreneur Shares What he has Learned in his 3 Decades as a Professional Travel Writer. Tim Leffel, an award-winning travel writer and author of several travel books, including, Travel Writing 2.0: Earning Money From Your Travels in the New Media Landscape, and, A Better Life for Half the Price: How to prosper on less money in the cheapest places to live. Joins us on The Expat Money Show to talk about travel writing, life as an Expat Entrepreneur, and to give advice to new travel bloggers and travel writers in the industry.   Tim started backpacking in the 90’s through a number of countries and learned how to make money. From teaching English to writing articles for hotels.  Over the next 3 decades Tim Leffel’s journey has taken many turns along the way, so let’s see into the life of an entrepreneur Travel Writer!     LIFE BEFORE THE INTERNET?? Have you ever wondered what life was like before the internet? Before YouTube sensations, Adsense, and computers and there was only TV, News and a typewriter?  And to travel as an entrepreneur travel writer was considerably more expensive and time-consuming. That’s where Tim started, long before what we know today was the norm in the world of blogging.   With Tims experience and knowledge we break down how you can become successful in a career where you might see yourself in the next few years.     Listen in with Mikkel and Tim as they talk about the secrets to being successful as an expat entrepreneur travel writer and blogger:   Being Focused Having passion The fundamentals of writing for a living Is SEO really all that important How often should I write How often should I post What’s the key to writing a good blog post   Where to next? Ever wonder where someone who has been travel writing for 3 decades still hasn’t been to.  We talk about that one special place that Tim and his family have yet to be to (hint: I lived there for 1 year as an expat).     EXPAT ENTREPRENEURS It doesn't surprise me how many people leave their home to travel, to see the world and to educate themselves and their family. Many just want to travel, but a lot of our listeners will attest to this, they find their home country is heavily taxing them and their freedom could be in jeopardy.       LIVING OUTSIDE YOUR COUNTRY OF BIRTH Many Americans have figured out they can live somewhere else and not in the USA.  Tim and his family live part time in Mexico and part-time in Florida. In this interview, we talk about a number of benefits to living outside your country of birth and how you really can make life work on your terms.   WHERE YOU CAN FIND TIM: Twitter: @timleffel     FINAL THOUGHTS I loved this interview with Tim Leffel because he is living the life of his dreams.  He set out to do something he loved and has become an expert in his field. For an hour we talk about how he has made his dream a reality as an expat entrepreneur, and what you can do to follow in a similar path, and as one of my mentors always says, find someone who is having success doing what you want to do and model them...   On The Expat Money Show, I aim to bring in the best expat entrepreneurs from around the globe who are d...

 EP 032: David McKeegan – Designing The Life Of Your Dreams As An Expat Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:46

Designing The Life Of Your Dreams As An Expat Entrepreneur. David McKeegan and Mikkel Thorup talk in detail about what it takes to be an expat entrepreneur.  How a young couples life looks like starting in NY City as students, moving to Barcelona Spain for an MBA program, starting their careers in Finance in London, England and realizing that they just didn’t want to raise a family with both parents working 12 hour days and how could they achieve their dream life.     Here starts the life of an expat entrepreneur David McKeegan and Mikkel Thorup go back and look at how one family created their dream life abroad, and what would it took to make it a reality.   David and his wife Carrie now live in Bali, Indonesia with their 3 boys and are owners of a Greenback Expat Tax Service that does taxes for expat Americans with clientele coming from 212 countries.  Listen in to hear how David and Carrie decided on Taxes for Americans but more importantly how life can be living outside of your country of birth.     WHY AMERICAN EXPAT TAXES? Mikkel Thorup goes deep with David McKeegan on how and why they decided on American expat taxes.  Of all the businesses they could do, why American expat taxes? Listen carefully because David and Mikkel talk about how a business is born and how you can create your business if you go about it methodically yet creatively.     LIVING OUTSIDE YOUR COUNTRY OF BIRTH    We all know what an expat is, right?  For those of you that are not sure, here is Wikipedia's definition: An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native country.     How To Grow Your Business For The Life You Really Want David McKeegan is a brilliant marketer.  You have to be to build a company that is successful and allows you and your family to move and live in other countries around the world. David talks about best marketing practices of outsourcing and what not to outsource.  And so much more!   What’s hot for Expat communities What pushing through looks like Being resilient Overcoming adversity Travel vision for the future and what that looks like How to build a really really successful business   In a Nutshell I had such an amazing time chatting with David McKeegan.  I loved his stories of how he interacts with freelancers from around the globe and how he’s creating his tribe and really, why and how his business model works and how it can work for you too.     Books: * The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom without the 9-to-5  By Taylor Pearson * The Millionaire Fast Lane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Life Time  By MJ DeMarco * 4 Hour Work Week  By Tim Ferris * Topgrading By Bradford D. Smart, PhD * Beyond the E-Myth: The Evolution of an Enterprise: From a Company of One to a Company of 1,000!   By Michael E Gerber     DAVID’S MOTTO:  Live an Adventurous Life How can we reach David McKeegan:   FINAL THOUGHTS On The Expat Money Show,

 EP 031: James Ellsmoor – How You Can Make A Difference In Small Island Nations With Renewable Energy And Sustainable Innovation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:18

How You Can Make A Difference In Small Island Nations With Renewable Energy And Sustainable Innovation.   Today’s guest on The Expat Money Show is James Ellsmoor. James is a Social Entrepreneur with expertise in renewable energy, sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in rural, remote and island regions.  He has experience living, working and travelling in over 40 countries.   James lives a fascinating life helping Small Islands Developing States (SIDS). There are about 50 different jurisdictions around the globe.  James has found that entrepreneurship in these countries is strong and it’s what drives these small nations. Take a look at Jamaica and the impact this small country has had on North America.  Their music, their food, their athletes. As a Canadian, and we love our Reggae music, our curry goat and Jamaican patties and Red Stripe beer!     What’s really impressive is that James is a Forbes 30 under 30 winner and top 100 most powerful young entrepreneurs under 25.  This guy is smart and creative. And for an entrepreneur that’s the winning ticket!!   As most of you know, I love to travel.  I love to experience what the locals experience and chatting with James really got me interested in so many places that I have never had the pleasure of visiting, and now are on my list of countries to see .  My reasons are very different than most, and James agrees, what he finds fascinating is also different.   We dove deep into what renewable energy looks like.  Is it the same for each area? Does Jamaica require the same as Samoa? Or Guyana?  What do countries like this require to be self-sufficient, with their government, the infrastructure and food crops?   SOLAR HEAD OF STATE James and his company, Solar Head of State, tried to put solar panels on the White House, which is how his company name came to be.  James and his team work with countries to reduce their carbon footprint, teach them about renewable energy and sustainable energy.  I’m just really happy that someone is working with these smaller nations. Their electricity costs are extremely high and their incomes are extremely low so let’s work on bringing them closer together.   HOW DOES RENEWABLE ENERGY IMPACT AGRICULTURE? I truly believe that we all need to understand the impact of using renewable energy can make on the countries we visit. So many of these small nations Import 90% of their food because it’s cheaper to buy chickens from China than to grow them locally.  So, in the end, these countries rely heavily on canned food even tho it’s a tropical paradise.   It’s why 9 out of 10 countries that have an issue with obesity are Pacific island countries. Using renewable energy to power the machinery and the agricultural equipment is a step in the right direction to allowing these nations to not be as reliant on food imported from abroad.   WHAT HAPPENS TO A SMALL NATION AFTER A NATURAL DISASTER Our conversation about Puerto Rico was fascinating.  After the hurricane in 2017, the island was devastated and literally had to shut down.  I know they rely heavily on tourism, with dozens of cruise ships docking every day, and the US came to the rescue.     Millions of dollars were spent to get the country back up and running. Interestingly, they had to rebuild new electricity grids and they started to use sustainable energy and renewable energy, and how smart is that.  If we, North Americans, had to rebuild our grids, we just wouldn’t build them the same way, we would use far more renewable energy.   James and I talk about how people are leaving, 500,

 EP 030: Greg Rollett – Video Marketing! The New Age Of Video Marketing Is Easier Than You Ever Imagined!  Find Out How Video Can Change Your Business Forever! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:43

Video Marketing! The New Age Of Video Marketing Is Easier Than You Ever Imagined!  Find Out How Video Can Change Your Business Forever!     Today’s guest on The Expat Money Show is Greg Rollett.  Greg is a fast-talking, energized, crazy video marketing genius, who is an Emmy Award Winning Producer, Best Selling Author and Marketing Expert who works with the likes of Brian Tracy, Michael Gerber and Coca-Cola.   Who better to learn about Video Marketing than from an expert TV producer that has created ‘Ambitious Life’ a weekly show on air for 98 consecutive weeks, and ‘Ambitious Adventures’ which was just picked up by ‘Entrepreneur and Amazon Prime’, very impressive!   Maybe you’re wondering if video marketing is for you and your company, I wondered the same.  After my hour with Greg, I better understood how and why videos work and most importantly, how to repurpose my videos.  And why it’s just not good enough to produce ONE video and leave it at that.   HOW DO I CREATE A VIDEO?   Greg and I talk about the iPhone and is it good enough to use to make a 5 or 6-minute video.  He tells us ‘It’s fine, just get started’ When you have a little experience and some confidence add a couple of hundred dollars to amplify your iPhone so that the lighting is great, (no shadows), the sound is crisp and clear, (no humming) and the picture is clear!  One of the other tips from Greg was to use a 2nd camera, for many reasons like editing. It just works better!   But here’s the truth, it doesn’t HAVE to be video, but if you have taken a great video there are so many ways you can use that video and repurpose the content.   3 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT TIPS FOR VIDEO MARKETING   Start with  a 5-6 minute Video Be consistent - don’t do 1 video and leave it at that.  If you want success, true success keeps the content coming every week.  And don’t over commit. If you’re just starting out, don’t say you’re going to create a video every day, you’ll get burnt out.   Solve your clients' problem (pain point)   NOW WHAT DO I DO?   HOW TO REPURPOSE YOUR VIDEO MARKETING   Greg really delves in deep with every way you can repurpose the content, and it’s crazy!  Ways I never even thought about. He starts with a 5-6 minute video, and here are just a few tips from Greg how to repurpose that video:     Break down the video into bite-size snackable pieces Use it for YouTube, FB, Twitter (listen carefully how this is done) Strip it down and use as a podcast Have it transcribed so you can use it ... As a blog,(or many blogs)   Broken down as a guest blog Use  little snippets and have quotes designed (Greg talks about how he does this) And more… much more!   What was really cool about having a video marketing expert on The Expat Money Show, was that everything Greg talked about I could use to grow my business.  I gotta tell you, my guests here on the podcast are brought here for me, as much as they are for you, my listeners.  I know that to grow my business, to create likeability, for you to trust me, all of Greg’s tips are super important. I’m pretty sure for most of my listeners, you will be stopping and starting this episode because it has heaps of value for those just starting out in business to those with years of experience.     Greg and I chat about not stopping just because you only got 30 views on YouTube with your video.

 EP 029: Jim Cockrum – How Creating Engaging Content On Social Media Is Translating into 25 Million In Sales On Amazon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:55

How Creating Engaging Content On Social Media Is Translating into 25 Million In Sales On Amazon. Today’s guest on The Expat Money Show is Jim Cockrum. Jim was ranked among the most trusted Internet Marketers in the world, his best selling book “The Silent Sales Machine” has been read by an estimated 800,000 people around the globe. Jim is a constant top 10 seller on Amazon, and along with his two closest partners (Nathan Bailey & Brett Bartlett), run a combined $25 million annual sales empire. You can join Jim's Facebook group of 48,000 members, where they are always creating engaging content not just about Amazon selling but about internet marketing as a whole.   When I heard Jim was going to be on our show I was ecstatic! Jim is such a well-known influencer in the world of Internet Marketing and has such a reputation for creating engaging content I knew our audience would go crazy to hear him.   What I found fascinating was that you would think a guy making heaps of money, having over 150 staff, and being in the business for almost 2 decades would have a pretty high opinion of himself, but nothing could be farther from the truth.  I’ve got to say that Jim Cockrum has to be one of the nicest, most down to earth guy I’ve ever met.   How creating engaging content on Facebook is driving his Amazon business Jim and I dig deep into what it takes to dominate the market with Amazon.  We discuss his tactics with Facebook and how their teams' creativity is unparalleled and how they are selling millions of dollars worth of Toys!  We talk about how creating engaging content with something as simple as your mobile phone is beating out the monster brands like Mateel in the toys department. And how they have been able to get tens of millions of organic views of their products on Facebook.   In a Nutshell * Learn what three concepts are needed to totally rock as a human being * Take away solutions for life * Top books as suggested reading * What Jim looks for when hiring a new employee * How important is getting your MBA? (his answer for this is hilarious) * What does a CEO of over 150 employees and $25 Million a year do? * How DO you create an 8 figure product line on Amazon?   Hot Topics for 2018 As a lot of our interviews go on The Expat Money Show, we start our conversation talking about family, schooling, and education. For those of you that know me well I am opposed to traditional education. I believe there is a better way to learn. Interestingly enough many of my guests have the same beliefs and even some, like Jim Cockrum, have opted to homeschool his children (all 5 of them).   Why Traditional Education is Failing Jim and I discuss why it is so vitally important for the future of our children to not rely on others to teach them.  That we just can’t sit back and expect the current social schooling system to teach our children the fundamentals for being a successful human being.   That we need to show our children, day in and day out how to be the best. How to accomplish their goals, and not to have the expectation that they will be able to read a book and then understand it. That we need to be interactive with our children.   Jim shares how is 8-year-old son would never ‘expect’ his mom and dad to just pay for something.  He reaches inside and figures out a way that he can create a business that will ultimately fund his desires!  Wow! If that isn’t motivation for becoming an entrepreneur I don’t know what i...

 EP 028: Nydia Monarrez – Learn What It Takes To Dominate In The Hispanic Market Of 56 Million Americans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

Learn what it takes to dominate in the Hispanic market of 56 million Americans. Today’s guest on The Expat Money Show is Nydia Monarrez. She is a top-rated Voice Over Talent, International Speaker, Hispanic Marketer and Business Consultant. Nydia has worked with the likes of McDonald's, Toyota and Walt Disney. She is focused on helping you to get your business ready to dominate in the Hispanic market.   In this episode, we talk in detail about why it is so vitally important to market to the Latinos inside the USA from Mexico, Columbia, Chili and other Latin American Countries.  Nydia Monarrez goes into detail about how you can get your company ready for this booming market.   Early on, Nydia quickly realized that the interpreters that had been hired to translate from English to Spanish for the major companies in the USA were missing out on the most important aspect of the translation, the culture of the Latin American people.  They had never grasped what it meant to be a Latino and couldn’t understand why they couldn’t dominate in the Hispanic market. This is a market that grew roughly 50% from 2010 to 2015 and they lost such a massive opportunity.    Nydia goes deep and really explains what the hot buttons for the Hispanic people are and how you can incorporate these hot buttons into your marketing (these are gold, don't miss these).   WE TALK ABOUT HISPANIC MARKETING SOLUTIONS! As Nydia says, "We came and we’re not leaving."   Born and raised in Mexico, Nydia understands fully what it takes to market to this powerful growing market.  She takes her clientele to the next level of marketing and tapping into the 1.5 Trillion $$ buying power. You heard me, 1.5 Trillion USD buying power!!     I ASKED NYDIA ‘HOW DOES A BUSINESS KNOW IF THEY ARE RIGHT FOR THE HISPANIC MARKET? Chiropractors, Doctors, Dentists Information Products/Webinars/Books/Educational Products Physical Stores, Grocery Stores   Are all perfect fits Nydia tells me, It doesn’t matter the type of business you are in.  We shop for everything, and everywhere and we prefer to buy from someone that understands our needs and takes the time to speak to us in our native language.  So to really make a killing for your company you must start paying attention and learn the how’s and why’s to dominate in the Hispanic market.   WHERE YOU CAN FIND NYDIA MONARREZ: Website: Email:   FINAL THOUGHTS On The Expat Money Show, I aim to bring in the best Entrepreneurs from around the globe who are doing some really incredible things. It was an amazing and exciting experience to chat with Nydia and I found the idea of how to get your business ready to dominate in the Hispanic market fascinating. If you want to have a huge advantage over competitors, this is a great way to do it!   I hope you get as much value from this Podcast Episode as I did… and if you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at The Expat Money Show make sure you sign up for our Newsletter below. Some of my best stuff comes out by email and I don’t want you to miss it!   Always Remember, Endeavour to Greatness Mikkel Thorup    

 EP 027: Stephan Spencer, Part 2 – Search Engine Optimization Expert Breaks Down The 3 Pillars Of SEO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:42

Search Engine Optimization Expert Breaks Down The 3 Pillars Of SEO   Today's returning guest on The Expat Money Show is Stephan Spencer and he's here to talk to us about the 3 pillars of SEO (along with a dozen other awesome concepts!)   Last weeks episode of The Expat Money Show Stephan Spencer and I spent our time together talking about how what he did in his personal life showed up so dramatically in his business life.  How his love of seminars, books, and conferences has made him such a powerhouse in the world of SEO.  In this episode of the Expat Money Show Stephan Spencer gets down to the nitty gritty Science of SEO; how it works, why it works, and most importantly can you do it yourself?  Then Stephan breaks down the 3 pillars of SEO and how to conceptually think about them when you produce content.   Follow me on Bloglovin   We talk About the Big Questions that Everyone Wants to Know: What the Heck is SEO and Why is it so Important?    When I wanted to know and understand WHAT SEO is.  Stephan directed me to his 1000 page book, The Art of SEO (funny guy) Stephan explains that SEO is such a massive subject, with layers upon layers of understanding that it takes years to really master this Science. And he feels that if you attempt to do it by yourself, or you hire someone that doesn’t really understand SEO, you could do more harm than good. Often an expert in SEO is needed to be called in after you’ve tried to do it yourself and the process can take months to correct.   Here is a great article that explains what SEO is   We love our entrepreneurs!  Especially this episode with Jim Cockrum, EP 029: How Creating Engaging Content on Social Media is Translating into 25 Million in Sales on Amazon.   How about videos? Do you love video? Thinking of adding video in your business? Then here is a really great interview with Oren Klaff, author of Pitch Anything!   I had so many questions for Stephan Spencer What ARE the 3 pillars of SEO? And can you Break down the 3 pillars of SEO? Explain Keywords for me? What can I do to rank higher on Google? What is ‘Black Hat’ and ‘White Hat’? Best resources for SEO How do I hire someone I can trust to do my SEO? How long should it take for a website to rank #1 on Google? And on and on...   Are you thinking about that one big question, same as me?   What About Ranking Higher For Your Personal Name? I really want to own that first page of google for my own name. How can I do it, and how long will it take me? Stephan breaks down the way you can move into the top spot in Google and dominate that space!!  (okay, maybe it’s just me, but Stepan rocks this answer!)   Stephan has graciously given our audience the ability to read Chapter 7 of his book ‘The Art of SEO’  ‘How do I create great content’ which you can download free at   WHERE YOU CAN FIND STEPHAN SPENCER: Website: Email:  

 EP 026: Stephan Spencer – How One Of The Best SEO Experts In The World Stays Competitive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:43

How One of the Best SEO Experts in the World Stays Competitive Today's guest on The Expat Money Show is Stephan Spencer. He is one of the best SEO experts in the world and a self-proclaimed ‘seminar junkie’.  Over the past 20+ years, Stephan has spoken on more than 100 stages worldwide about SEO. He has attended dozens upon dozens of personal seminars and through those learning experience, lot's of hard work focus and drive he has proven himself to be one of the best SEO experts in the world.  These experiences radically changed who Stephan was, and because he changed himself, he was able to influence everyone around him in positive ways.   In 1994 Stephan started down the path of studying for a Ph.D. in Chemistry and had a few websites on the side for fun to pay for his tuition in Med School then in 1999 Stephan decided to drop out of his PhD program realizing he could work from anywhere in the world instead and followed his passion for SEO, so he moved his family to New Zealand and began to dominate the SEO market.   On The Expat Money Show, Stephan Spencer really shows us how to be at the top of our game and what is possible in life, business, health, and family when you are connected spiritually. We talk about what is possible.  Stephan delves into his experiences of where he started from to where he is as an entrepreneur, speaker, coach and how being connected has created great wealth for him and his family and what he is able to do with his wealth, is all so inspiring!   Stephan has offered listeners of The Expat Money Show his SEO Bull S#!t Detector and his SEO Hiring Blueprint completely FREE, you can download them now at   Passion, Self Awareness, Rish Taking - What Do These Have To Do With SEO? Everything! Listen in to hear what Stephan Spencer and Mikkel talk openly about: The very best version of yourself Stem Cell Therapy Up-leveling your life & soul Amazing guests on his podcast; Byron Katie, Oneness Monk, Tim Ferris Longevity Escape Velocity?  What the heck is this? And why you’ll love it! And of course, how this all helped him to be one of the best SEO experts in the world   During this interview, we chat about living abroad with your family.  Over the past several months we have had several guests that have moved with their families and they share with us their trials and tribulation.  If you're interested to hear more, EP 078 with Brandon Pearce, he tells us his story of leaving the US and setting up residence both in Mexico and in Bali.  You'll love this interview!   The second interview I know you'll enjoy is in EP 043: Sam McRoberts - Discover How to internationalize your life so you can protect your wealth and protect your family.  Sam owns Vudu Marketing, an SEO company and he shares his vast knowledge as an SEO expert traveling the world with his family.  Enjoy!   WHERE YOU CAN FIND STEPHAN SPENCER: Website: Email:   Author of:   * The Art of SEO *

 EP 025: Mikkel Thorup – Lets Us All Into His World Of Adventure, Reading And History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:12

Mikkel Thorup - Lets Us All Into His World Of Adventure, Reading And History.   Why Mikkel Thorup Decided to Interview Himself This is a momentous occasion for the Expat Money Show.  Episode 25! Pretty impressive really! 24 guests, 24 amazing stories have been recorded, listened to, and downloaded from all over the world.  Mikkel wanted to celebrate this achievement and record his story, his adversities, his love of travel and entrepreneurship.     Is anything achievable with the right books, right coach, right attitude? In this episode of Expat Money Show, Mikkel Thorup decides to let you into his mind and to tell you a little bit about himself. Where he’s been, and where he wants to go. For many of his listeners, you know where Mikkel Thorup started and the adversities he overcame as a child.  For many of you listening to Mikkel Thorup’s compelling story will help you understand why it has become his life passion to help other entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Why he is so compelled with being a world-renowned coach and mentor.     In this episode Mikkel Thorup discusses: Top 3 questions that his listeners want to know ….   Absolute top 5 books that helped change his life   * Tao Te Ching written 500 BC by  Lao Tzu interpreted by Steven Mitchell   * Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - Carol S. Dweck   * Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell   * The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran   * The Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand   And for the complete list of Mikkel Thorup's most influential books... the books that every entrepreneur MUST read you can follow this link:     What Mikkel Thorup’s favourite countries have been to visit? Listen in to find out why he loved these countries so much! * Morocco * Colombia * Iran     Why does Mikkel Thorup study Chinese?   Mikkel explains in depth why he feels Chinese is the language of the future and why you might want your children to know this valuable language skill.     Highlights of Episode 25 What Mikkel Thorup has been up to lately What amazing books he has read in the past few weeks His upcoming podcast with Stephan Spencer, the #1 SEO expert in the world Why he is so excited for June and July Courses, Books and Projects for The Expat Money Show Facebook Live with Daniel Mac Sweeney, Gabe Lara from Superconference GKIC Daily Vlogs And so much more!   Final Thoughts: Make Sure to listen to the Complete Episode to understand the mind of Mikkel Thorup himself and to celebrate Episode 25!!! Make sure to comment below your thoughts on books you’ve read that have helped change your life, countries you’ve visited and what you learned from your visit and anything you really want to discuss here on the Expat Money Show!    


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