EP 036: Jim Rogers – Legendary Investor Shares His Opinions On North Korea, China, Mandarin And The Current State Of Education

The Expat Money Show show

Summary: Legendary Investor Shares His Opinions on North Korea, China, Mandarin and the Current State of Education.<br> In this Interview with Jim Rogers, I get updated opinions on everything from North Korea and China to the Mandarin language and the current state of education around the world. Jim Rogers tells me what he is teaching his own children and where he as an investor is putting his own money today.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Jim Rogers is a world-renowned investor, famously known for his co-founding of the Quantum Fund.  He has frequently appeared on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg. He is a multiple best selling author and has multiple Guinness world records for his around the world trips visiting nearly every country on the planet. (listen in to hear which countries he has yet to visit!)<br> <br>  <br> Jim Rogers Talks about his Current thoughts on Education<br> On this episode of The Expat Money Show,  Jim Rogers and Mikkel Thorup talk in depth about education, specifically about their children and what kind of education they believe will propel them forward in this new and most difficult time.<br> <br> Jim writes in one of his earlier books why moving to China or another Asian country is such a vital move for parents.  If you really want to give your children an unfair advantage, the education system in Singapore or China is rigorous and difficult, unlike schools in the USA.<br> <br>  <br> <br> As with many of the guests, education is such an important topic. To hear from another multimillionaire entrepreneur on education listen to this fantastic interview with <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/jim-cockrum-creating-engaging-content/">Jim Cockrum.</a><br> <br>  <br> <br> Jim Rogers spent most of his adult life not wanting children. He believed children were a horrible waste of time, energy, money and everything else, feeling sorry for people who had children, so he was not ever going to do it. Jim now believes everyone should have children and that he was just wrong for not having them earlier in his life.<br> <br>  <br> <br> In 2002, arriving back home in NYC after completing his third Guinness World Record being on the road for 3 years, covering more than 245,000 kilometres in a one-of-a-kind Mercedes-Benz taking them to six continents and 116 countries, they decided to have children.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Jim Rogers claims this was the best decision of his life. His two girls are now the center of his universe, in fact,  his 2009: A Gift to My Children book was written for his daughters. Listen in to hear about why he wrote this most special gift to his children.  This may spark some creativity in yourself for your children to follow!<br> <br>  <br> Jim Rogers Opinion on Mandarin<br> Mikkel and Jim discuss in lengths about what they believe the most important languages their children should speak. Due to the fact that Jim and his family live in Singapore, his two daughters are fluent in Mandarin and have actually won awards for the best Mandarin Speakers in the Nation.  Jim believes that this is the second most important language to learn, behind English.<br> <br>  <br> <br> In <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/mikkel-thorup/">Ep: 025 Mikkel</a> shares his own opinions about China and Mandarin and what he is doing in his own life to prepare.<br> <br>  <br> Jim Rogers Books<br> <br> * 1994:  Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers<br> * 2003: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip<br> * 2004: Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Greatest Market<br> * 2009: A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons For Life and Investing<br> * 2013: Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets<br> <br>  <br> Jim Rogers talks about the possibility of a new book<br>