The Expat Money Show show

The Expat Money Show

Summary: Want to learn how to build your business overseas… how to travel the world freely and make more money at the same time? Join your host Mikkel Thorup every week for conversations with successful Entrepreneurs and learn actionable skills you can use to double your own income and get some adventure into your life today. Visit us at to get exclusive content not found anywhere else!


 EP 069: Richard Maybury – Seeing Into The Future – How Will The Trade War With China Affect You And Your Investments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:02

Seeing Into The Future - How Will The Trade War With China Affect You And Your Investments. Richard Maybury is the author of 22 books and monographs including his Uncle Eric series of books which focuses on economics, law and history and he has written The US and World Early Warning Report, an investment newsletter that follows an Austrian School of Economic perspective of what is happening in the world for nearly 30-years. Early Warning Report is read inside the CIA and the Pentagon and Former Libertarian Presidential Candidate Ron Paul said: "I look forward to reading every issue of your Early Warning Report."   Over the past 18 months, we have had some amazing guests.  Guests who have alternative viewpoints with regards to economics and politics.  Guests like in Ep 036: Jim Rogers and recently Ep 60: Doug Casey who share their views on how our government can benefit from no government at all.   Mikkel believes that he is carrying the torch to show his generation that there is something more than just the left and right governments and how important it is in this day and age to seek this information out.   Natural Law Natural Law can be summed up in 17 words - Do All You Have Agreed to Do and do not encroach on other persons or their property. Humans cannot progress unless they are obeying these 17 words.  Every legal system going back 6,000 years has followed this. Want to test Natural Law? Break Natural Law every day at every chance you get, and at the end of a week ask yourself "Has my life gotten better OR worse"?   We touch on * Latin America Wars * USA Global Empire * Understanding Natural Law * Discussion on Austrian School of Economics * Scientific Law and Governmental Law * Early Warning Report * and so much more!   Early Warning Report Early in Richards career, he started in the US Air Force and flew missions in South and Central America.  Very quickly Richard realized what the governments were doing, and they were certainly not telling the American public. Since 1991, Richard Maybury has been the author of the Early Warning Report, which is a monthly publication discussing what the governments don't want you to know, what's happening around the world politically and what to do about it. Make sure you sign up for this report and get 40% off as a listener of The Expat Money Show   The Early Warning Report is as applicable today as it has ever been!   Austrian School of Economics Wikipedia defines Austrian School of Economics as a body of economic theory developed in the late 19th century by Austrian economists who, in determining the value of a product, emphasized the importance of its utility to the consumer.   Richard Maybury Books The Richard Maybury books use stories and examples to gives clear, simple explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts. Richard Maybury has penned eleven books in the Uncle Eric series.  For anyone wanting to understand economics, these are a must read.

 EP 068: Gunnar Garfors – Travel Adventurer Visits Every Country In The world! Not Once But Twice! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:44

Travel Adventurer Visits Every Country In The world! Not Once But Twice! Gunnar Garfors is a Norwegian media professional, traveller, and author who has circumnavigated the globe, visiting every country in the world. Not once, but twice!  Author of Nowhere, his newest book walks us through the 20 least visited countries in the world. The first time for Gunnar Garfors was on May 8th, 2013.  He entered the 198th and last country, Cape Verde, as a  37 years-and-344-days-old, which made him the youngest person to visit all the countries of the world while working full-time, or as a hobby traveller.   Recently, he became the first person to have visited every country in the world TWICE.  Consequently, while accomplishing this amazing feat, he has set several Guinness World Records.   Guinness World Record ~  5 Countries on 5 Continents in just one day ~  19 Countries in 24 hours ~  22 US states in 24 hours     Travel Changes You Gunnar Garfors says he's a Globetrotter and seeing the world has opened his eyes in so many ways that he would like to inspire others to do the same, or at least travel more.   We hear that a lot from our guests that are avid travelers.  They all agree, Travel Changes You!  And almost always for the best!     Travel Makes People Unite We've had some pretty awesome guests on our show.  With Mikkel being such an avid traveller himself, he loves to hear stories about exotic and unknown countries.  In Ep 60: Doug Casey or Ep: Frank Bures - we talk about dangerous adventures in Africa, really a fascinating episode.  If you haven't listened in yet, definitely go back and enjoy!   Nowhere - The 20 Least Visited Countries in the World Gunnar Garfors newest book, Nowhere - The 20 Least Visited Countries is due in Norway bookstores this April.  The rest of the world will have to wait until later this year!  The concept behind his new book Nowhere is to showcase the 20 least visited countries in the world.   Mikkel does his very best to figure out which 20 countries out of 198 are the least visited!  It's quite funny really as Mikkel manages to figure out about 1/2 of them.  Gunnar Garfors talks about a few in this wonderful interview. He recounts stories of how he got into some of these war-torn countries and lived to tell the tale.  Countries like Comoros, Africa getting 28,000 visitors a year. Why don't more visit this tiny island nation?  What's there to attract tourism?  What can be done to bring more tourists?   If countries like Comoros, or any other island nation interests you, you must go back and listen to Ep 031: James Ellsmoor as he talks about small island nations and the problems that they deal with today.   We talk about the South Pacific.  Countries you may not have heard of, and why most don't go for a visit. It's usually not that they are not beautiful in their own right, it's usually infrastructure, government policies, etc.   Have you always wondered what countries like Iran and North Korea would be like to visit?  Mikkel and Gunnar have both been...fascinating how they both felt the same about these two beautiful countries.   How about South Sudan, Yemen or Somalia?  What does it take to enter into these countries? Are you somewhat interested?

 EP 067: Lobo Tiggre – Is Speculating Evil? Generate Additional Streams Of Income As An Independent Speculator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:10

Is Speculating Evil? Generate Additional Streams Of Income As An Independent Speculator. Lobo Tiggre is the founder, CEO, and principal analyst and editor at Louis James, LLC and The Independent Speculator.  He has dedicated his work to the causes for free markets and individual liberty and is currently a member of the board of directors of Liberty International.  He is a writer and publisher with many books to his name, along with co-authoring two of Doug Casey books from International Man; whom he worked alongside with for 16 years writing under the pen name ‘Louis James’.   Speculator "a person who invests in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of making a profit" I know many of you want to know if it's safe? are there risks involved? how much money can I make? or lose?  Do I need a University degree to be a Speculator?   What Does It Take to be a Top Notched Speculator? Lobo Tiggre explains what makes a great speculator.  Is it different than a gambler?  What are the important distinctions between the two? When you hear the word 'Speculator' what comes to mind?  Mikkel Thorup and Lobo Tiggre discuss this as a profession or how becoming a Speculator could be an additional source of income. We talk about how Gold is mined?  where is it mined? What does gold mining look like in the beginning, with the Geologists and coming in contact with illegal miners.  Lobo Tiggre tells a story about how creative locals can be when they believe there is something of value in the land they own.  In Africa, many countries have a rule for artisan miners.  If you can dig out of the ground by hand on your ancestral grounds with hand tools than that's free for you.   Lobo Tiggre in front of the Reverse Ziggurat in Africa   Additional Streams of Income After 67 episodes of The Expat Money Show, we have a few recurring themes with our guests and that is how to create additional streams of income. As an Expat we feel that it's important to have at least one additional stream of income and there are so many to choose from.  In Episode 058: Pete Sisco, we talk about how to start an online business so you can safely leave the rat race.  In episode 044: Ian Bond, we talk about E-Commerce and Drop Shipping. This episode with Lobo Tiggre is another way to add additional streams of income. Becoming a Speculator.  I believe you will really get a ton of value from this episode, so make sure to listen to all of the stories that Lobo shares with us, they are really incredible. Even in episode 036: with Jim Rogers, he explains why these types of professions are so important!   Who is Louis James? "Louis James” was legendary speculator Doug Casey’s protégé at Casey Research for almost 14 years, until early 2018. By 2007, he was writing and making investment recommendations in Casey’s flagship newsletter, the International Speculator. Now he brings his experience, his connections, and his deal flow directly to you, without the barrage of marketing hype used by larger p...

 EP 066: Christoph Heuermann – Free Private City Project in Honduras and Alternative Investments in Walnut Farms Overseas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:24

Free Private City Project in Honduras and Alternative Investments in Walnut Farms Overseas. In this interview with Christoph Heuermann, we talk in detail about Libertarian concepts like his association with the Free Private City Project in Honduras; plus, alternative investments in Walnut farms overseas. Christoph Heuermann has been to 140 countries as of this interview. That's pretty impressive for sure, and along the way, he does his best to understand the culture and the way of life that each country offers.  When an alternative investment presents itself he has a better understanding of how the idea can play out.   Libertarian Concepts So the theme for today's interview with Christoph Heuermann was to look at alternative ways to make investments.  Most would consider these Libertarian concepts.  Things we were not taught in school, and not taught in University economic classes.  So where do you learn about these Libertarian concepts?   Great question for our listeners!   Alternative Investments "Alternative Investments are investments or funds that invest in asset classes other than stocks, bonds, and cash.  The term is a relatively loose one and includes tangible assets such as precious metals, arts, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps and some financial assets such as real estate" Christoph Heuermann walks us through how he defines Alternative Investments and the risks involved.  Risks can be anything from the local government buying back the land you've purchased, or bad weather for agriculture.  Listen in to hear more!   Investing in Walnut Farms Alternative Investments like investing in walnut farms may seem like an unusual concept, but as we listen to Christoph Heuermann talk in depth about how it all begins and how each year plays out, we can get a feel for why so many leave the traditional investments and look elsewhere for healthy returns. Walnut Farm   Free Private City Project After listening to this podcast regarding Free Private City Project in Honduras, you may be asking for more.  If we could go back in time, even 50 years ago, and invest some money in Singapore or Hong Kong, would you do it?  Of course you would!  Free Private City Project could be just that; the twist will be the Libertarian concepts applied.  Take notes from this episode, lots to learn!   How to Reach Christoph Heuermann personal blog   FINAL THOUGHTS Fascinating interview with Christoph Heuermann from  I'm certainly intrigued about the Libertarian concept of the Free Private City Project in Honduras.  I truly believe that this interview will help many of our subscribers see a brighter future.   If you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at The Expat Money Show make sure you sign up below for our newsletter; EMS Pulse. – My behind the scene daily correspondence where I give you all the intel as I travel the world and build my business, develop key relationships and invest in non-traditional investments overseas (very profitably I might add!)     Sign up below! Always Remember, Endeavour to Greatness Mikkel Thorup     Subscribe To EMS Pulse Our Daily Newsletter Get Boots On The Ground Intel Not Found Anywhere Else

 EP 065: Joel Bowman – Real World Economic Examples on How to Internationalize Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:22

Real World Economic Examples on How to Internationalize Your Life. Joel Bowman, the Editorial Director for International Man, talks to us today about real-world economic examples.  He works alongside Doug Casey and Dr. John Hunt helping individuals around the world to understand how internationalizing your life can free you from the State.   During Joel Bowman's professional career, he has written from more than 85 countries, a dozen of which he called temporary home. His columns have appeared in well know libertarian outlets, such as,, and The Daily Reckoning, which he managed for 5 years with Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin. He speaks regularly at conferences around the world on topics including philosophical anarchism, internationalizing your life and the decentralization revolution.   Real World Economic Examples Listen in to this amazing episode to hear Joel Bowman and Mikkel Thorup discuss real-world economic examples.  We've never done an episode like this, so if you want to understand world economics past, present, and future, then you'll love this interview. Also, we delve into how our life can look when these lessons are implemented; therefore, creating a more interesting and peaceful life.   Internationalizing Your Life Have you ever wondered what this means? 'Internationalizing Your Life'  Today we chat about why and how this can be done, from the beginning of deciding this life is for you, to implementing all of the steps for yourself.  Here are a few of the ideas you can look at to see if internationalizing your life is for you: * Cost of Living in your current home city * Monthly outlay, examples: mortgage, credit card repayment, car insurance * Health Insurance Cost * Also, never think you can't afford it, you can afford it!   Travel is Fatal to Prejudice, Bigotry and Narrow Mindedness, and Many of Our People Need It Sorely on These Accounts ~ Mark Twain 1869   Once you start traveling and seeing the world, the way others live, you start to question how you were brought up, what the governments have been telling you; most importantly, our schooling.  Besides that, we have thousands of different ways to see culture, and there is no right way or wrong way.   'Learn By Doing' - Doug Casey   You can learn more about Joel Bowman and his work at   FINAL THOUGHTS This interview is a real-life model of how to internationalize your life with Joel Bowman and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.  The how-to episode for those that don't think they can do it.   If you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at The Expat Money Show make sure you sign up below for our newsletter; EMS Pulse. – My behind the scene daily correspondence where I give you all the intel as I travel the world and build my business, develop key relationships and invest in non-traditional investments overseas (very profitably I might add!)     Sign up below! Always Remember, Endeavour to Greatness Mikkel Thorup     Subscribe To EMS Pulse Our Daily Newsletter Get Boots On The Ground Intel Not Found Anywhere Else

 EP 064: Kathleen Peddicord – World’s Foremost Authority on the Best Places to Retire Overseas Shares Her Top 10 List | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:35

World's Foremost Authority on the Best Places to Retire Overseas Shares Her Top 10 List. Today's interview is with Kathleen Peddicord, founding Publisher of Live and Invest Overseas. After more than 30 years in the business, she is considered the world’s foremost authority on the best places to retire overseas. She has traveled to more than 75 countries, established businesses in 7, and invested in property in 21. Today, she writes regularly for U.S. News & World Reports and Forbes.  She shares with us her Top 10 Places to retire or live in 2019, and we discuss in detail the Best Places to Retire Overseas.   You may wonder how much work actually goes into making a report like this?  Kathleen tells us that 3-4 months are dedicated to finding the best of the best, year in and out.  Listen in and you be the judge!   Top 10 Places to retire or live in 2019 What a wonderful, eclectic list of the top 10 places to retire or live in 2019.  I'm not going to ruin it by listing them all.  Just a sneak peek!   3.  Mazatlan, Mexico - Mexico is still the #1 choice for Americans to live and invest overseas.  Mazatlan is a beautiful colonial city with 21st-century amenities.  A manageable sized city of 650,000 people on the western coast of Mexico.  With amazing beaches, great food, and very close to the USA, for those that want to travel back home quickly.   6.  Occitanie, France - If you thought France would be just too expensive, think again!  This country living city in France has everything you could want or desire, and that's why it's made the list of best cities to retire 2019.  Think of the movie 'Beauty & the Beast' and that's Occitanie.   9.  Citta Sant' Angelo, Italy - Another European City on the list!  Fantastic, a small town in Italy.  Think about Citta as a Tuscany that you can afford.  Europe is more affordable than you think.   Live and Invest Overseas Have you wondered if you are either too young? or too old to live and invest overseas?  Kathleen Peddicord will tell you with certainty, this is for ANYONE, ANY AGE, FROM ANY COUNTRY.   Best Cities to Retire 2019 Listen in to this episode with Kathleen Peddicord from Live and Invest Overseas to hear how she so eloquently describes the best cities to retire 2019.  Each city and each country.  The criteria for this report are made of up 13 different categories: * Health care * Recreation * Amount of English Spoken * Cost of Living * What would you do with your time each day * How much of an expat community exists * Infrastructure * Environment * Crime * Taxes * Affordability fo Real Estate * Access to North America * Residency   Best Places to Retire Overseas We talk about countries, cities, regions.  Not everyone wants pristine beaches and sun all year round.  If that's you, then listen in to hear Kathleen Peddicord discuss mountain towns, cities with rain forests, and outdoor nature lovers paradise. Lief Simon, Kathleen Peddicord's husband, and business partner was on our show late last year,  here is his interview: Ep 053:  Lief Simon, Live and Invest Overseas   How to Reach Kathleen Peddicord from Live and Invest Overseas   FINAL THOUGHTS This was a really fun episode with Kathleen Peddicord.  I was so intrigued by her list of 10 Best Places to Retire Overseas that I want to now go and visit the...

 EP 063: Joel Nagel – How To Protect Your Assets So No-One Would Ever Dare To Sue You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:04

How To Protect Your Assets So No-One Would Ever Dare To Sue You. In this interview with Joel Nagel, we discuss what asset protection is, how to protect your assets, the offshore markets, estate planning and how to make sure no-one would ever dare to sue you. Grab our brand new infographic report called "15 Global Strategies to Protect Your Wealth" for free that Joel and I created.   Interview with Joel Nagel Joel Nagel is an internationally-recognized lawyer, visionary, and strategic thinker. He has been featured in countless business publications across the world and quoted in U.S. News & World Report as well as in Forbes Magazine. He is the founder and managing partner of Nagel & Associates, LLC, which specializes in international law, estate planning, global commercial transactions, and asset protection.  And has been the Ambassador to Austria and other countries in Europe.   What are the Offshore Markets? We start the episode off with two important definitions: What is Asset Protection? and What are the Offshore Markets?   Investopedia's Definition of Offshore "What is Offshore? - "Offshore" refers to a location outside of one's national boundaries, whether or not that location is land- or water-based. The term "offshore" may be used to describe foreign banks, corporations, investments and deposits. A company may legitimately move offshore for the purpose of tax avoidance or to enjoy relaxed regulations."   I ask Joel Nagel some questions like: "Why do you use the offshore markets? Is there anything illegal, dodgy, or unethical about using the offshore markets in this manner?"   What is Asset Protection? Investopedia's Definition of Asset Protection: "Asset protection is the concept of and strategies for guarding one's wealth. Asset protection is a type of financial planning intended to protect one's assets from creditor claims. Individuals and business entities use asset protection techniques to limit creditors' access to certain valuable assets while operating within the bounds of debtor-creditor law."   I also ask Joel Nagel some questions about asset protection like: "Why do we need asset protection? Why don't people just use a normal asset protection lawyer and keep things onshore, or inside the USA?"   Hear how Joel Nagel describes asset protection and why he decided to practice this field of law, and the very personal reasons for doing so as it will help you understand why asset protection is so important.   Estate Planning Joel talks about how using the offshore markets and international trusts are more than just asset protection. Estate Planning is often just as important and is one of the three main reasons people go down this road. Listen in to the complete episode to hear the third major reason you might want to consider the offshore markets for more than just asset protection. Hear how the offshore markets can set your family up for generational wealth with Estate Planning and how you can responsibly pass your wealth on to your descendants.   How To Protect Your Assets In this interview with Joel Nagel, we go into depth on multiple strategies you can use to make creditors double think about coming after you and attorneys terrified to even consider suing you. For a complete outline on how to protect your assets download "15 Global Strategies to Protect Your Wealth" in PDF for free right now.   FINAL THOUGHTS Joel has really become a mentor to me this last year.

 EP 062: Ronald Stöferle – Author of In Gold We Trust Report Talks Predictions And China’s Role In Gold Markets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:44

Author of In Gold We Trust Report Talks Predictions And China's Role In Gold Markets. In this episode of The Expat Money Show, we speak to Ronald Stöferle, author of In Gold We Trust Report.  We talk about the relationship between The Austrian School of Economics And The Gold Standard.  Also, China's Role In Gold Markets, and his Gold Prediction 2019.   Ronald Stöferle Ronald Stöferle is one of four managing partners in Incrementum AG, an independent investment and asset management company based in Liechtenstein. They specialize in a holistic form of asset management and professional portfolio management for retail investors.  Along with his partner Mark Valek, they have created an annual gold report, In Gold We Trust Report, which is the gold standard of all gold studies.     The Austrian School of Economics And The Gold Standard I ask Ronald Stöferle about The Austrian School of Economics and the Gold Standard and their relationship together.  Ronald explains it is not so much about gold and the gold standard.  The Austrian School of Economics is a way to look at investing in general and how investing and monetary flow fits into our world. Listen in to hear Ronald Stöferle's views on The Austrian School of Economics and the Gold Standard in his own words.     China's Role In Gold Markets China's role in gold markets is extremely interesting.  Obviously, we know that governments like China are using gold as a way to hedge against inflation, and as Ronald Stöferle explains in this interview it's pretty much a non-secret that China holds a considerable amount more gold than they are reporting to the rest of the world. Listen to Ronald Stöferle's stories of visiting Shanghai and his opinions on China's role in gold markets.   Gold Prediction 2019 We discuss not only gold predictions for 2019 but also for 5 and 10 years out. Will it be 5k an oz? 6k an oz? Listen to today's interview with Ronald Stöferle to hear where he thinks gold is heading.  And as importantly, WHY he believes it will go in that direction.   In Gold We Trust Report In Gold We Trust Report is the gold standard in gold reports. Last year it was downloaded more than 1.7 million times and is available in English and German (2019 will also be available in Chinese). The report is now more than 230 pages long and has taken a team of analysts months of work to compile. Listen in to hear Ronald Stöferle explain how he has tried to incorporate an Austrian School of Economics view of the world in his report and how he uses fun easily understood examples of the value of gold in relation to things like the price of 1L of beer at Octoberfest in Munich, or gold in relation to the price of a ticket to Walt Disney World. Ronald Stöferle and his team do a fantastic job of explaining gold in a way that anyone can understand.  I guess that's why the In Gold We Trust Report is so wildly popular! Download your copy for free and learn more about what Ronald Stöferle and his team do here:     FINAL THOUGHTS Obviously, by listening to this episode, you will see I am massively into tracking and understanding the gold markets and how it relates to the financial affairs for Expats around the world.  I see this as a worldwide currency that combats out of control governments from completely eroding our wealth. One of the best ways you can store your gold and silver is through an

 EP 061: Olivier Wagner – CPA Gives A Masterclass In How To Renounce US Citizenship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:08

CPA Gives A Masterclass In How To Renounce US Citizenship. In this episode of The Expat Money Show, we interview Oliver Wagner to talk about a very controversial subject.  That is,  how to renounce US citizenship. We get answers to questions like: Why do people renounce their US citizenship? What is an Accidental American? How To Renounce US Citizenship? What are the pros and cons of renouncing US citizenship? What are the tax implications of renouncing US citizenship? and How much does it cost to renounce US citizenship?     Notes on Today's Interview with Oliver Wagner You may be asking yourself, is this for me?  Let me tell you, this is not for 99% of the population. However,  for a certain portion of my audience, it is extremely valuable.   In my research, I've found a lack of reliable information for American Citizens who want to renounce their citizenship.   We get into details why some people choose to do this and I am not saying people should do this, but for certain Expats, it really does make sense.   Americans are taxed on worldwide income no matter where they live… so it can mean tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every year.   I will also tell you that this interview is really dense.  It is a Masterclass in how to renounce your citizenship, by a CPA who does this every day, all day.   This interview is so packed full of information I decided to have the entire episode transcribed.  This way you can go through it carefully.  The transcription is at the bottom of the show notes for today's interview.   To access the transcript for this interview, go to the bottom of the page and download the PDF.     Who is Olivier Wagner Today's guest is an IRS Enrolled Agent and CPA (Certified Public Accountant) who specializes in tax services for US expats.  He is the best selling author of ‘U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans' and with his company, 1040 Abroad, his goal is to eliminate tax anxiety - by helping expatriates become US tax compliant.     Why do people renounce their US citizenship? There are a whole host of reasons people renounce their US citizenship.  The main reason is the tax implications.   Oliver Wagner explains that it is often not the taxes themselves that people owe money for.  It is the fee from their CPA or accountant who must file their tax return every year.   Add to this all the yearly bureaucratic paperwork that goes into filing your taxes,  renouncing your citizenship makes sense.   Make sure to listen in to this complete episode with Olivier Wagner.   Or you can download the transcripts at the bottom of this page to get the full explanation.     What is an Accidental American? Who should consider renouncing their US citizenship? An Accidental American is someone who has dual citizenship and does not live in the USA. Perhaps they never actually lived in the USA at all.  They may have been born there or one of their parents are American, so they are subject to citizen-based taxation.  Or, as it is often referred to as worldwide taxation.   If you are an American citizen or American green card holder and earn more than $10,000 a year it is your obligation to file a tax return no matter where you live in the world.   If you are an American taxpayer and live as an Expat feel free to fill out the form at the bottom of this page for recommendations on a competent and trustworthy Expat CPA,  like Olivier Wagner,

 EP 060: Doug Casey – Anarcho-Capitalist Speculator Talks About His Early Life And Discusses The Possibilities Of An Autobiography | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:50

Anarcho-Capitalist Speculator Talks About His Early Life And Discusses The Possibilities Of An Autobiography. Doug Casey, an American writer, speculator, and anarcho-Capitalist walks us through his early life and how he became a household name in the Libertarian world of Anarchists. In this interview with Doug Casey from International Man & Casey Research, we talk in depth about the writings of some of the most influential people in this field, what our government should be doing; education, the good and bad; and travel... lots of travel.   International Man & Casey Research In this interview with Doug Casey from International Man & Casey Research, we start with his life as he currently lives in Uruguay & Argentina.  Why there?  Why South America in particular?  Do they offer more than other countries do?  Doug Casey & Mikkel Thorup discuss these questions.   Doug Casey has been a household name for decades now.  Doug recreates his life story for us to hear where he started and how he began his life in business.  We talk about college, what it was like then and what it is like now. His early years and the possibility of writing an autobiography about his life.   If you or a family member are contemplating higher education, for the sake of getting a degree, listen in to this episode.  You will save yourself thousands of dollars!   Doug Casey - The Author Life is so interesting when you hear how people get started down the path as an Anarcho-Capitalist.  Writing his first book in 1976, called International Man, Doug Casey has led a most intriguing and insightful life and has been a mentor to thousands of young people.   Casey's 1979 book Crisis Investing was number one on The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Seller List in 1980 for multiple weeks. It was the best-selling financial book of 1980 with 438,640 copies sold   Doug Casey has also written several books on economics and investing.   Highground Series by Doug Casey & John Hunt Book 1:  Speculator Book 2:  Drug Lord   If you're waiting for the next book in this amazing series, you don't have to wait long.  #3 is due out later this year with #4 coming in 2020! Anarcho-Capitalist "Is a political philosophy and school of anarchist thought that advocates the elimination of centralized state dictum in favour of self-ownership, private property, and free markets"   Doug Casey considers himself an Anarcho-Capitalist.  Listen in to this episode as we discuss what being an anarcho-capitalist means to him.   In Episode 055: Bobby Casey, and Episode 057: Jeff Berwick, we hear two stories from fellow Anarcho-Capitalists.   Capitalism & Morality seminar in Vancouver, Canada Doug Casey - Migrants and the Future of the West. Jayant Bhandari - The Third World: Regressing to a Malthusian Equilibrium Frank Raymond - Implications of Mexican Migrant Inflow Jonathan Roth - Civil War Coming to America?   Speculator 1. Form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence. 2.

 EP 059: Buck Joffrey – 8 Figure Real Asset Investor Explains How He Gets Double-Digit Returns With Private Placement Opportunities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:35

8 Figure Real Asset Investor Explains How He Gets Double-Digit Returns With Private Placement Opportunities. Surgeon turned investor, Dr. Buck Joffrey with his company Wealth Formula talks to us today about what is a real asset investor,  what private placement opportunities in investing are, and how to create real wealth in your lifetime.  Sound like a great podcast show? then listen in to find out what others just aren't telling you!   Interview with Buck Joffrey In this interview with Buck Joffrey,  Mikkel asks questions like: * Was your cosmetic surgery business not scaleable? * How do you decide when to scale a business? * How do you decide your strengths and weaknesses? * And how did Buck Joffrey go from med school to an 8 figure business?   Entrepreneurship vs Small Business Owner First, let's talk about the difference between Entrepreneurship vs Small Business Owner.  Have you ever wondered what the difference is between these two?  You're not alone as people can be confused.  In this interview with  Buck Joffrey and Mikkel Thorup they discuss the fact that they are both entrepreneurs and not self-employed, find out why that is!   What is a Real Asset Investor? Next, what is a real asset investor?  A real asset is something you can touch/feel/see with your own eyes.  Like real estate, gold & silver..something tangible.  What it's not are stocks & bonds.  Listen in to hear about stories from the crash of 2008 when the possibility of losing your entire portfolio was possible.  And if you had real estate, your portfolio may have taken a dip, but you still owned the piece of land, it never goes away!   What is Private Placement in Investing? Then we chat about what is private placement in investing.  The rules to follow, who to trust, and how to find the perfect operator that you can feel comfortable and work with, and if you find someone that fits all the boxes, what next?   Wealth Formula Wealth Formula is Buck Joffreys tool for people to follow if they really want true wealth.  So many people spend their entire lives making money.  They concentrate on the how-to and when it happens they wonder, 'well what next'  What do I do with this wealth I am accumulating?  how do I protect it?   If you fit into this box, visit  where you can sign up for Buck's free ebook '7 Secrets of Eternal Wealth' a pdf file that will be sent directly to your email address.   You say you want more? Buck Joffrey offers a course, called 'Your Road Map to Real Wealth' and that too can be found at   Final Thoughts I hope you got as much value from this interview with Buck Joffrey as I did… and if you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at The Expat Money Show make sure you sign up below for our newsletter; EMS Pulse. – my behind the scene daily correspondence where I give you all the intel as I travel the world and build my business, develop key relationships and invest in non-traditional investments overseas (very profitably I might add!)   Sign up below! Always Remember, Endeavour to Greatness Mikkel Thorup     Subscribe To EMS Pulse Our Daily Newsletter Get Boots On The Ground Intel Not Found Anywhere Else

 EP 058: Pete Sisco – How To Start An Online Business So You Can Safely Leave The Rat Race | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:37

How To Start An Online Business So You Can Safely Leave The Rat Race. Pete Sisco is a 30 year veteran in the online marketing space and has been an expat for the past 40 years. Through his various business, he has made millions of dollars, including his company, Safely Leave The Rat Race.  In this Interview with Pete Sisco, we delve deeper into how to start an online business, what the best business model is, paid social media versus free social media and so much more!     How to Start an Online Business Entrepreneurship is growing each and every year because as it allows you the freedom to be the boss, to be who you want to be and to be creative.  So much more than if we are tied to a desk and have to answer to the big boss.  Those of us that are terrible employees, want to learn how to start an online business because that is where the money is.  It is also a lot of hard work and dedication, but at the end of the day, you have the ability to double your income year after year after year.   Pete Sisco knows how to start an online business and with his company Safely Leave The Rat Race,  and his ebooks and courses can guide you to be profitable and explain to you what type of business model might be best for you and your chosen niche.     Safely Leave The Rat Race Pete Sisco and his wife run a very successful online business called Safely Leave The Rat Race.  Here are a few topics that Mikkel Thorup and Pete Sisco chat about: * Do you need to be a professional in your field? * How many English speakers are on the internet that are your potential clients? * Internet economy growing exponentially year after year * Life Style Arbitrage * How to get started in an online business     Best Business Model Do you know what your best business model?   if not, listen in to this episode with Pete Sisco, you will learn a ton.   Pete Sisco started his online business with something he knew all about, Fitness.  He created a product that became in demand and when he started 30 years ago it was so much more difficult than it is today.  Listen in as Pete walks us through how starting an online business looked in the '90s and early 2000s and how it looks today.     Traffic, Traffic and more Traffic Where to find traffic, how to get it and most important, how to keep the traffic flowing!  In this interview with Pete Sisco, he'll help you to understand what the different forms of marketing are and the costs associated with the different forms.     Paid Social media versus Free Social Media This is probably one of the biggest questions we get...paid social media vs free social media.  What is the best way to go?  Is there a right way or wrong way, and does it depend on what you're selling?  Listen in to this interview with Pete Sisco as he really tells us how it is and what really works best.   What else can people do to be successful? and do you know the value of your customer once you have them?  In this interview with Pete Sisco, Mikkel Thorup wants to know everything he knows.  Mikkel understands that knowing the answers to all of these questions can really help the new entrepreneur make fewer mistakes in the beginning.     How to Reach Pete Sisco   I hope you got as much value from this interview with Pete Sisco as I did… and if you would like to stay up to date with all new content that comes out at

 EP 057: Jeff Berwick – Founder Of The Dollar Vigilante Discusses Libertarianism and Anarchy For Expats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:22

Founder Of The Dollar Vigilante Discusses Libertarianism and Anarchy For Expats. Jeff Berwick from The Dollar Vigilante and Anarchapulco discusses Libertarianism and Anarchy with a big discussion on Unschooling and how the governments continue to lie to us about freedom and safety in our own countries and countries afar.  See for yourself and make the decisions that are right for you.   Jeff Berwick and Mikkel Thorup discuss in great detail how impossible the US government is and why it's time to leave and take up residency in one of over 100 fabulous countries that are safer, have a higher standard of living, with tons of history, beautiful landscapes, and people.   Definition of a Dollar Vigilante "A dollar vigilante is a free market individual who protests the government monopoly on money and financial policies such as fractional reserve banking and un-backed fiat currencies by selling those same fiat currencies in favor of other assets, often including gold, silver, foreign real estate and bitcoin."     Libertarianism and Anarchy Such a great conversation with Jeff Berwick from The Dollar Vigilante about Libertarianism and Anarchy.  Listen in as Jeff and Mikkel talk about what these terms really mean and why it is so important to understand them and to incorporate them into your life.  They truly believe that for the future, you will see the Libertarianism and Anarchy movement grow and be mainstream instead of just a few, it will be the many.     Safest Countries in the World Both Jeff Berwick and Mikkel Thorup have been to 100 countries + and both agree on their favourite places to visit and some of the cities and countries they have both visited and both disliked. Such an interesting topic to discuss!   They discuss countries like Mexico, Colombia, Iran, Polland, Cambodia, Somalia, Iraq, and Afganistan.  They both have such love for most of these countries and will tell you that the governments have it wrong, terribly wrong.   Other than Somalia, Iraq, and Afganistan, which are truly dangerous!!  So maybe don't plan a vacation there, but the other countries!  they just love!     Unschooling Unschooling is discussed, as with many of our guests, and why it is really the ONLY way to educate your children.  After listening to several of our guests discuss Unschooling, and you are still not satisfied that this is the platform of the future, listen in to this interview with Jeff Berwick from The Dollar Vigilante.  Listen to his views of the children that come and join in at their conferences each year, Anarcupluco, and their family camp.  How clear and bright these children are and how free from constraints they are with other families that are also Unschooled.   Click below to listen to other incredible interviews with Expat Entrepreneurs who are homeschooling and unschooling their kids   UNSCHOOLING PIONEER: IN MEMORIAM JOHN TAYLOR GATTO (1935-2018) Read Mikkel's insight on Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto     Anarchapulco For the past 5 years, Jeff Berwick and The Dollar Vigilante have put on their conference called Anarchapulco in Aculpuco, Mexico.  They started with 100 guests and the 2019 conference is expecting 3000 guests.  That really does tell you the state of the minds of people from around the globe.  They discuss libertarianism and anarchy, along with Cryptocurrency, health and wellness,

 EP: 056 Gregory Diehl – Work With An Independent Publisher On Books That Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:51

Work With An Independent Publisher On Books That Matter. How To Work With An Independent Publisher Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with an independent publisher?  Here are some of the ideas we talk about in this interview with Gregory Diehl.   * Is it difficult * What do they require * What if I have something to say but don't know how to put in down on paper * Where do I begin..and end? * And everything in between     Interview with Gregory Diehl In this interview with Gregory Diehl, we talk in depth about his own writings.  The books he has self-published and what he has learned along the way. Gregory Diehl has certain things he wants to teach you, the budding author like how to work with an independent publisher.   Also in this interview with Gregory Diehl, we discuss how important writing a book can be for your future as an entrepreneur. What it can do for your branding and your authority.     How Can I Write and Publish A Book In this interview with Gregory Diehl, we talk a lot, and I mean a lot about how to write and publish a book.  What is needed, what is not important and if you're cut out to write and publish a book.   I know that for many of you listening to our podcast, you've always wanted to write and publish a book.  You have so many great ideas, and you're sure that if you could put it on paper, someone would buy.   And I can only assume that for many of you that can come true.  But where do you start?  What do you need to do? What is a waste of time?  In this interview with Gregory Diehl and Mikkel Thorup, all of that is covered and more.     Are book Reviews Important What a great question Mikkel Thorup asks Gregory Diehl.  Are book reviews important? and why?  Why is it so important to get book reviews especially as a new author.  You may ask 'are they difficult to do' or 'do they take a lot of time'?  Gregory explains it all, so don't miss this amazing episode.   Mikkel talks about his experience with book reviews and why he believes they are so darn important.  He tells us that when he wrote and published his new book Expat Secrets that he sent copies to some of his most trusted mentors and asked them for an honest review to be published on Amazon.  Mikkel tells everyone, Please Leave me an honest review on iTunes for my podcast, and an honest review on Amazon for my book!!      How Can Travel Change Your Life Then, as this interview with Gregory Diehl starts to unwind, they discuss Mikkel Thorup's favourite, and how travel can change your life.  Gregory is 30 years old and has visited 56 countries, which is unbelievable.  Mikkel has been to more than 100 so they had so much to discuss.  They discuss how it has shaped their lives in such a good way.  Travel is not always about just the positive aspects but also about the negative things that can happen while you are away from your home country.  The language barrier, the food differences, the water...the list is quite extensive.   Don't miss this interview with Gregory Diehl. He has some fascinating stories to tell and I know you'll be genuinely interested in hearing them all.     How to reach Gregory Diehl Facebook: Gregory V Diehl

 EP 055: Bobby Casey – An Expat Anarchist Explains How Blockchain Can Replace Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:11

An Expat Anarchist Explains How Blockchain Can Replace Government. In this interview with Bobby Casey, we talk about the definition of an Anarchist and how blockchain and anarchy give you true personal freedom. We also touch on the definition of a Libertarian and what the differences between this and Anarchy is. Bobby Casey is an expat anarchist who believes that blockchain is the way of the future, creating smart contracts for just about anything you want, and a way to replace the government.   Like so many of our guests, at 19 years old, Bobby Casey only lasted 1 year in college before realizing that this was not how he wanted to spend his life, taking 4 years of college to start working for someone else.  Coming from an Entrepreneurial family, Bobby Casey was destined to become a leader, to help others live a better life.   After many attempts and failures, Bobby Casey hit a home run with a company that grew into an $8 Million venture.  Then something happened that no one saw coming.  A new company on the block came along with a new, better software platform.  In Bobby Casey's words: they got their asses kicked.   His company, along with a lot of his competitors, could not compete and eventually many of them shut down.  By the time these large companies realized that this new company with fantastic software couldn't deliver, it was too late.  The good news for Bobby was that he sold his venture for a nice profit.   So with money in hand, he recalled family dinner topics.  Like, 'how to properly structure an LLC, asset protection, and investments'  Even as a 14-year-old he was part of the family discussions and recalled them later in life realizing that he didn't want to pay high taxes, and wondered how he could protect himself from liability.   The Next Step Bobby Casey talks us through how in 2007,  his company Global Wealth Protection came about.  Where he started, why it was so important for him and who he works with.  As Bobby realized, he needed to plug his holes, so his friends were likely in the same boat.   In this interview with Bobby Casey we spend a ton of time talking about the Blockchain and Anarchy, also: * Crypto Currency * Gold & Silver * Stock Market * Overseas Real estate * Block Chain is the way of the future * Decentralized currency * Smart Contracts   What's the Difference Between a Libertarian and an Anarchist Answer: About 7 years!  As Bobby would say!  Once you've made the decision to become a Libertarian, it takes 7 years to make the move to being a full-blown Anarchist!   Definition of a Libertarian The definition of a libertarian is a person who believes in free will.   Definition of an Anarchist The definition of an Anarchists are people who want to live under their own authority. They are against having a political party making the rules.  Anarchists are extremely peaceful, but when pushed they will take action. Also, the definition of an anarchist is a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power.   Blockchain and Anarchy You might be wondering how Blockchain and Anarchy could solve the problems with how governments currently run, so we could move away from traditional government and no longer have lines in the sand. 100 years ago we had around 100 countries; today, we have 193...why?   How to Reach Bobby Casey  


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