EP 037: Zak Slayback – Learn From A Career Expert How To Land Your Dream Job By Writing Perfect Emails And Utilizing Your Attractive Character!

The Expat Money Show show

Summary: Learn from a Career Expert How To Land Your Dream Job by Writing Perfect Emails and Utilizing your Attractive Character!<br> In this Interview with Zak Slayback, we talk about how important being coachable is and that it's not so much about what he can add to your business structure, rather what he can take away so that you land your dream job while teaching you the proper skills of writing the perfect email and how to create your attractive character.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Zak Slayback was the perfect student.  He got great grades, got into an Ivy League College but didn't know what he wanted to do.  Do you find yourself here too?  Maybe you're in University or College, maybe you never went and are out working somewhere that you hate and don't really know how to get out of that rut.<br> <br>  <br> Writing Proper Emails<br>  <br> <br> Listen in to this episode as Zak Slayback takes us through the many steps that are required to find the job that you want and how to write proper emails so that the correct person will take the time to read your resume.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Have you ever sat down and tried to write the perfect email? and when you thought you had it nailed, you sent it out and no one replied?  Zak lets us in on some secrets of making sure your email gets to the right person and they get read.  If you can conquer these two items, your chances of getting hired go way up!<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> Zak Slayback on Creating Your Dream Job<br>  <br> Career Expert<br>  <br> <br> What does a Career Expert do you might ask.  Zak Slayback really goes into detail on who he feels is qualified to work with him.  Not everyone is a good fit, and there are so many people out in the field of self-development and working with young entrepreneurs that you really have to find that perfect fit.  Zak tells me that he doesn't do LIFE COACH STUFF!  AT the end of the day Zak is a communicator, sales, and career expert.<br> <br>  <br> Listen in as Zak &amp; Mikkel discuss<br>  <br> <br> The Trust Factor<br> Attractive Character<br> Call to Action (CTA)<br> An Incentive Map<br> The Big 5 Copywriting voices (which one are you?)<br> <br>  <br> Zak Slayback on Education<br>  <br> <br> 37 episodes of The Expat Money Show and time and time again we talk about education.  Without realizing it, almost 1/2 of our guests have some form of opinion on what has happened in the world regarding education.  In <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/clara-day-herrera/">Ep 004: Clara Day Herrera</a> talks about her daughter and the education system in the Philippines.  Zak Slayback talks about the USA and here is a direct quote:<br> <br>  <br> <br> 'School should have taught you how to succeed at work and build a great career.  Instead, it taught you that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.  Thankfully, I teach what school never taught'<br> <br>  <br> <br> I love it because it's true.  If you listened to <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/michelle-dale-location-independent/">Ep 034: Michelle Dale</a> she'll tell you the same thing.  Life is about doing, getting out there and learning the skills required to be a professional.  Attending College or University doesn't always give you the skills to make sure you know what you're doing once you've received that diploma.  Zak Slayback realized this a long time ago and has built a system to help those that are stuck in a job they hate.<br> <br>  <br> Short Cuts to Success<br>  <br> <br> Have you ever wondered if there really is such a thing as a shortcut to success?  People talk about it, but does it really exist? Yes, Virginia, it does exist! Zak goes into detail about the methods he uses,  you can shortcut success ethically and morally!<br> <br>