EP 029: Jim Cockrum – How Creating Engaging Content On Social Media Is Translating into 25 Million In Sales On Amazon

The Expat Money Show show

Summary: How Creating Engaging Content On Social Media Is Translating into 25 Million In Sales On Amazon.<br> Today’s guest on <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/">The Expat Money Show</a> is Jim Cockrum. Jim was ranked among the most trusted Internet Marketers in the world, his best selling book <a href="https://amzn.to/2JjUDad">“The Silent Sales Machine”</a> has been read by an estimated 800,000 people around the globe. Jim is a constant top 10 seller on Amazon, and along with his two closest partners (Nathan Bailey &amp; Brett Bartlett), run a combined $25 million annual sales empire. You can join <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/">Jim's Facebook group</a> of 48,000 members, where they are always creating engaging content not just about Amazon selling but about internet marketing as a whole.<br> <br>  <br> <br> When I heard Jim was going to be on our show I was ecstatic! Jim is such a well-known influencer in the world of Internet Marketing and has such a reputation for creating engaging content I knew our audience would go crazy to hear him.<br> <br>  <br> <br> What I found fascinating was that you would think a guy making heaps of money, having over 150 staff, and being in the business for almost 2 decades would have a pretty high opinion of himself, but nothing could be farther from the truth.  I’ve got to say that Jim Cockrum has to be one of the nicest, most down to earth guy I’ve ever met.<br> <br>  <br> How creating engaging content on Facebook is driving his Amazon business<br> Jim and I dig deep into what it takes to dominate the market with Amazon.  We discuss his tactics with Facebook and how their teams' creativity is unparalleled and how they are selling millions of dollars worth of Toys!  We talk about how creating engaging content with something as simple as your mobile phone is beating out the monster brands like Mateel in the toys department. And how they have been able to get tens of millions of organic views of their products on Facebook.<br> <br>  <br> In a Nutshell<br> <br> * Learn what three concepts are needed to totally rock as a human being<br> * Take away solutions for life<br> * Top books as suggested reading<br> * What Jim looks for when hiring a new employee<br> * How important is getting your MBA? (his answer for this is hilarious)<br> * What does a CEO of over 150 employees and $25 Million a year do?<br> * How DO you create an 8 figure product line on Amazon?<br> <br>  <br> Hot Topics for 2018<br> As a lot of our interviews go on <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/">The Expat Money Show</a>, we start our conversation talking about family, schooling, and education. For those of you that know me well I am opposed to traditional education. I believe there is a better way to learn. Interestingly enough many of my guests have the same beliefs and even some, like Jim Cockrum, have opted to homeschool his children (all 5 of them).<br> <br>  <br> Why Traditional Education is Failing<br> Jim and I discuss why it is so vitally important for the future of our children to not rely on others to teach them.  That we just can’t sit back and expect the current social schooling system to teach our children the fundamentals for being a successful human being.<br> <br>  <br> <br> That we need to show our children, day in and day out how to be the best. How to accomplish their goals, and not to have the expectation that they will be able to read a book and then understand it. That we need to be interactive with our children.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Jim shares how is 8-year-old son would never ‘expect’ his mom and dad to just pay for something.  He reaches inside and figures out a way that he can create a business that will ultimately fund his desires!  Wow! If that isn’t motivation for becoming an entrepreneur I don’t know what i...