The Brave Yes show

The Brave Yes

Summary: The Brave Yes show is hosted by Shawn Fink and The Brave Yes show uses interviews and solocasts to encourage women to take Brave Yes Leaps to be more authentic and whole.

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 Episode 39 - From The Archive - The Art Of Rest | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:06:28

Listen to the Abundant Mama Show as I break down this concept of rest and give you a special assignment to do right now to perhaps help you feel more rested, while allowing you to #BanBusy in your life a bit more each day. Show Notes:

 Episode 38 {AMP Deep Breath] -- A Minisode To Notice The Beauty In The Everyday | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:27

This week, I'm starting a new feature on the podcast where I will share an Abundant Mama Deep Breath -- a meditation of some sort to help YOU stay more present in your life, breathe more and just be more relaxed. I'm choosing one of my favorites to kick this off. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do when I read it/listen to it. Press and hold the link to visit the show notes page:

 Ep. 37 - Coping As A Highly Sensitive Mom + Reading Recommendations With Anne Bogel | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:36:21

In this latest episode of The Abundant Mama Show Shawn Fink, founder of The Abundant Mama Project, is speaking to Modern Mrs. Darcy's Anne Bogel. Anne, a mom of four and a blogger, and I talk about being highly sensitive women and mothers and how that impacts everything -- time management, raising highly sensitive kids, triggers and, of course, reading. Because she's the yoga of reading. Press and hold the link to visit the show notes page:

 Ep 36 - What I'm Loving (October Edition) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:23:16

In this latest episode of The Abundant Mama Show Shawn Fink, founder of The Abundant Mama Project, shares three tools she recommends for creating a more peaceful family. She walks you through several ways you can implement these very tools in your family. Press and hold the link to visit the show notes page:

 Episode35 - Getting Things Done At Home | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:40

Factoring in the fun while being productive Rising early to face the day Working alongside our children Being flexible above all else. This episode's Abundant Mama Intention: May you find ease in your day today. May your day open up new opportunities for you to be present, peaceful and playful so you can embrace your happy place. Discuss: What time management tips do you have to offer for getting things done while still remaining present and playful? Inside the Episode: The Abundant Mama's Guide to Savoring Slow on Kindle or PDF #BanBusy Challenge - The Work-At-Home Mamafesto - The Abundant Mama's Guide to Peaceful Mornings - Be Flexible -

 Episode 34 - Is Screen Free Parenting Easier And Does It Even Matter | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:52:29

In my latest Abundant Mama Show Podcast I'm talking with the husband-wife duo behind Screen-Free Parenting, a counterculture website for parents who are trying to raise young kids with very little -- if any -- screens. What I love about this podcast is that they provide scientific evidence for why young children should have very little access to screens and why introducing it at age-appropriate levels is essential. We can argue all day about how much is too much or what children should have access to once they are online. But the proof in this podcast is that going completely screen-free might be better -- for your family and your kids. Highlights in this Show * What exactly do they mean by screen-free parenting? * How are families impacted more now than ever by screens? * Are screens addicting -- or as addicting as heroin as one viral internet post claims. * Power struggles ... and what they mean in a family. * How do we introduce screens and when -- and what's the best way to moderate their use? * Is screen-free parenting EASIER? Or not? * How do we as parents model screen behaviors and use? Resources Inside this Episode Screen-Free Parenting Website - Screen-Time Recommendations for Kids by Age - Make Your Smart Phone Dumb - Learn more about the Screenagers showing - 9 Must-Have Outdoor Toys - The ReKindle Program -

 Episode 33 -Married With Kids Answering The Big Questions | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:27:46

One of the biggest questions I get about marriage is this: How can I make peace with the fact that my partner gets to go off to work while I stay home with the children. In this week's workshop, this was the No. 1 question that women voted on -- clearly this is a source of angst. And, by the way, the women saying this is a significant source of resentment also admit that their partners are also working hard and doing what they have to do. This is not about the fact that one is working and one is staying home. This is about finding peace of mind in our choices in our marriages, and in raising children. Finding peace of mind is about changing out mindset that currently centers around lack and scarcity into one of abundance and gratitude. I talk about finding peace in marriage and much more on the podcast this week as I take a step back to answer SOME of the many questions asked in the workshop forum. Inside the Episode The Free Workshop -

 Episode 32- Seasons Of Motherhood And What I'm Loving Right Now | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:23:21

In this latest episode, I'm going personal about the seasons of motherhood and what I'm loving right now. I give you lots to think about in this new season of life, weather and family changes. Listen below or subscribe and listen on iTunes. Inside this Episode Read more about the Seasons of Motherhood Savoring Slow book Savoring Slow Facebook Group Sign up for Create Your Mindful Marriage Workshop Create Your Own Space

 Episode 31 - Building A Mindful Marriage Vienna Pharaon | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:39:23

Vienna Pharaon is a family and marriage therapist in New York and a great speaker on many topics related to marriage and family life. I love how she talks about tears and repairs in a marriage, especially. She offers a strategy for healing that goes like this: Let down. Step back. Calm down. Relax. Communicate effectively. But perhaps the best advice in this show is this: Start off soft. This is a great conversation perfect for any woman who wants to put more energy back into her marriage after putting all of her energy into raising her children. I especially love her tips in this episode on sharing fears -- something that I think we don't talk nearly enough about in our relationships. Inside this Episode Vienna's website: Vienna's Instagram account -- with great advice. The Happy Couple to Joyful Family Class on Motherly -- $79

 Episode 30 - Marriage, Motherhood And Money With Bari Tessler | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:45:39

Money is one of those big reasons couples end up divorced -- or at least disgruntled. And it can easily destroy families. In this lastest Abundant Mama Show podcast, I'm talking with Bari Tessler, author of the book The Art of Money. Bari talks about money shame -- what it is and how it shows up in motherhood -- and how being a mother really does change our money story. And she offers up a beautiful tool you -- and your partner -- can do to work on your money matters together in harmony. Or, by all means, do them on your own without a partner. Read Bari's book The Art of Money. Visit Bari's Website Read: Lost and Found: One Woman's Story of Losing Her Money and Finding Her Life by Geneen Roth

 Episode 29 -- Imposter Complex In Motherhood With Tanya Geisler | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:47:46

Tanya Geisler is a leadership coach and helps high-performing women combat their Impostor Complex so they can achieve their ultimate goals. Her clients include best-selling authors, public speakers, and rockstar motivators. She has written The 12 Lies of the Impostor Complex (and One Truth), The Joy Pages, created Board of Your Life and the transformational Step into Your Starring Role coaching program, has blogged for the wildly popular The Daily Love, has served as contributor and was featured in Canadian Living, and is an in-demand TEDx speaker who talks with great passion about the Impostor Complex, personal leadership, on all things joy, meaning and purpose (just try to stop her). Grab her free primer on the Impostor Complex here

 Episode 28 - The Power Of Waking Up And Being Present | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:25:00

These are things worth waking up for .. and waking up to. These days, with our busy lifestyles rushing from here to there, working long hours and cell phones being used in every corner of the world -- and park -- it's easy to just float by each day. It's easy to miss all that is beautiful and wonderful. In this latest podcast episode, I'm talking about the power of waking up ... to being awake to what is happening around you. And I tell you a pretty funny story, too.

 Episode 27 -- Practicing Self-Compassion With Lisa McCrohan | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:39:08

As mothers, we often mess up. Yep. You heard me. We. mess. up. Some of us more than others. (ahem) And, beyond raising our children, there are other moments in our lives when we did something or said something, we regret or wish we had done differently. This is called being human. None of us are perfect, despite our attempts. In this latest episode of what is soon going to be The Abundant Mama Show Podcast, I'm talking with Compassion Coach, Lisa McChrohan. Lisa gives us a very simple three-step strategy to use in those hardest of hard moments, to feel grounded and find some peace so that we can move on through it and rise above it.

 Episode 26 - 3 Simple Mantras for Achieving Work-Life Balance | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:27:33

When it comes to achieving work-life balance, we seem to fall into two camps. "I work too much" Or "I waste too much time" We all want to get things done. A lot of things, really. We want to be successful in our jobs. We want clean, cozy and peaceful homes. We want time for ourselves and our kids and our marriages. But as mothers raising children we find that we're often pulled in many directions -- none of which feels like the direction we SHOULD be heading. This leads to feelings of guilt. And distraction. And shame. In this latest Abundant Mama podcast, I'm talking about the complicated intersection of work-life balance that is a real struggle for all of us -- no matter if we work outside the home full-time or something different than that. And by work I mean anything you're trying to get done WHILE also raising children and keeping a home. The big issue with achieving that work-life balance myth is understanding that it's a journey. It's a process we'll always be trying to master. It's not something that someone else has got down and you don't. We're all trying to figure this thing out. But it helps to practice a few of my 10 Habits of Highly Effective Mamas techniques. And it helps to read my book Savoring Slow, where I share a bunch of my favorite mantras to use when I really, really want to get things done but can't ... because of life, kids, house, or some other crazy aspect in the life balance equation. Resources Inside this Episode: Abundant Mama Podcast Savoring Slow More Mantras The Mantras in this episode include: Everything I need is Here Not Right Now Choose the Important Stuff First

 Episode 25 - Holding Space For Our Kids And Ourselves With Heather Plett | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:42:19

What does it mean to hold space? The concept went viral as soon as Heather Plett wrote a single blog post on the idea. At the time, she was talking about holding space for her dying mother. But the term holding space has evolved. As I was putting together my playlist of ideal podcasts, I knew that I needed to talk to Heather about motherhood and how we can hold space for ourselves. But, more than that, how can we hold space for our children, for all of their emotions and challenges? As my daughters have grown up, the bigger they've become the bigger the challenges become. You hear this but you never believe it could be possible. But it is true. And what I've learned from Heather and many others -- and what I teach in my Abundant Mama programs every single day -- is that the idea of holding space for ourselves is how we take care of ourselves. And it's how we can take care of our children best of all, too. When I offer space for my daughters' big emotions, I offer up a part of myself that is sacred and peaceful. I offer space for you to be you. And ideally we get that same respect back so we can be ourselves. But when that doesn't happen, we have to learn to hold space for ourselves. Heather and I chat long and hard on this topic and I'm grateful for the beautiful insights she's offered in this podcast conversation. Listen below or subscribe and listen on iTunes. Resources Inside this Episode: Heather Plett's Website The Abundant Mama online program (next live session Jan. 2017!)


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