Episode35 - Getting Things Done At Home

The Brave Yes show

Summary: Factoring in the fun while being productive Rising early to face the day Working alongside our children Being flexible above all else. This episode's Abundant Mama Intention: May you find ease in your day today. May your day open up new opportunities for you to be present, peaceful and playful so you can embrace your happy place. Discuss: What time management tips do you have to offer for getting things done while still remaining present and playful? Inside the Episode: The Abundant Mama's Guide to Savoring Slow on Kindle or PDF http://www.abundantmama.com/savoringslow/ #BanBusy Challenge - http://www.abundantmama.com/banbusy/ The Work-At-Home Mamafesto -http://www.abundantmama.com/work-at-home/ The Abundant Mama's Guide to Peaceful Mornings -http://www.abundantmama.com/peaceful-mornings-ebook/ Be Flexible - http://www.abundantmama.com/how-to-create-effective-loving-rules/