Episode 26 - 3 Simple Mantras for Achieving Work-Life Balance

The Brave Yes show

Summary: When it comes to achieving work-life balance, we seem to fall into two camps. "I work too much" Or "I waste too much time" We all want to get things done. A lot of things, really. We want to be successful in our jobs. We want clean, cozy and peaceful homes. We want time for ourselves and our kids and our marriages. But as mothers raising children we find that we're often pulled in many directions -- none of which feels like the direction we SHOULD be heading. This leads to feelings of guilt. And distraction. And shame. In this latest Abundant Mama podcast, I'm talking about the complicated intersection of work-life balance that is a real struggle for all of us -- no matter if we work outside the home full-time or something different than that. And by work I mean anything you're trying to get done WHILE also raising children and keeping a home. The big issue with achieving that work-life balance myth is understanding that it's a journey. It's a process we'll always be trying to master. It's not something that someone else has got down and you don't. We're all trying to figure this thing out. But it helps to practice a few of my 10 Habits of Highly Effective Mamas techniques. And it helps to read my book Savoring Slow, where I share a bunch of my favorite mantras to use when I really, really want to get things done but can't ... because of life, kids, house, or some other crazy aspect in the life balance equation. Resources Inside this Episode: Abundant Mama Podcast Savoring Slow More Mantras The Mantras in this episode include: Everything I need is Here Not Right Now Choose the Important Stuff First