Hapa 英会話 show

Hapa 英会話

Summary: 日米ハーフがロサンゼルスからお届けするネイティブの自然な英会話。ネイティブ二人が日常の課題について英語で会話をします。英語と日本語の解説が入りますので、初心者の方も楽しく学習できます。リスニング力とスピーキング力アップに効果的。現地に住んでいるアメリカ人の「活きた英語」を楽しく身に付けましょう!

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  • Artist: Jun Senesac: バイリンガル 英会話 & ビジネス英語 講師
  • Copyright: Hapa Eikaiwa


 第8回「カリフォルニア旅行」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:52

第8回目のポッドキャストは「カリフォルニア旅行」です。日本より面積が広いカリフォルニア州は北から南の距離は770 mile (1,239 km)もあり、サンフランシスコからサンディエゴの間は旅行できる数多くの都市があります。今日はマーガレットさんとジャンソンさんがカリフォルニアで旅行したことのある場所について話します。旅行についての聞き方や返事の仕方を身につけましょう。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「旅行について」 【Jansen】Hi Margaret. 【Margaret】Hi Jansen. 【Jansen】Um where have you traveled to in California? 【Margaret】Hm, I’ve traveled to uh San Diego and I’ve traveled to San Francisco. When I was younger uh my family and I traveled to uh Yosemite. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Jansen】Nice. 【Margaret】I’ve been to Tahoe and like Big Bear…yeah those places. 【Jansen】OK. Have you ever been uh north of San Francisco? I’m very interested in traveling around the northern half of California. 【Margaret】I don’t think I’ve traveled north…north of California. But I’ve been to Seattle. 【Jansen】(Laugh) I mean sorry sorry. No sorry north of San Francisco. 【Margaret】I’m sorry. Oh sorry yeah you did say north of San Francisco. I misheard you. Um I haven’t traveled um north of San Francisco other than like Yosemite. I think that’s north of San Francisco. I have traveled north of California and I’ve been to um Washington State. And I’ve been to Seattle. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Jansen】So uh yeah. So how was Seattle? 【Margaret】Uh at the time when I…when I went to Seattle it was quite beautiful. It was in the springtime. 【Jansen】Mm hm. 【Margaret】And if you go to the University of Washington um in the springtime they have cherry blossoms. 【Jansen】Oh wow. 【Margaret】So it’s actually a very sunny day because usually it rains all the time in Seattle. 【Jansen】Oh nice. Yeah I’ve always wanted to go to uh Pacific Northwest. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】I think it’s a…it’s a beautiful looking region based on like postcards and stuff I’ve seen. But I’ve never actually gone up there. 【Margaret】Oh where have you been? 【Jansen】Oh well, um well I’ve actually traveled a lot um but I really really love California. Like uh I like to travel…I like to go drive up the one. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Jansen】Drive up to PCH up to San Francisco. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】And there’s another really nice highway, the 395. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】It’s in between the uh…it’s in between the Sierras like the Nevada side and then whatever mountains are on the California side.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) Where has Margaret been to in California? マーガレットさんはカリフォルニアのどこに行ったことがありますか? What can you see at the University of Washington during spring? 春にワシントン大学に行くと何が見れますか? Where does highway 395 run through? 高速道路395号線はどこを通りますか?   Answers(解答) Margaret has been to San Diego, San Francisco, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and Big Bear. マーガレットさんはサンディエゴ、サンフランシスコ、ヨセミテ、レークタホとビッグベアに行ったことがあります。 You can see cherry blossoms. 桜が見れます。 Highway 395 runs through the Nevada and California mountains. 高速道路395号線はネバダ州とカリフォルニア州の山を通ります。   Summary(要約) Margaret has been to many places in California. She’s traveled to San Diego, San Francisco, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and Big Bear. マーガレットさんはカリフォルニアで色々な場所に行ったことがあります。サンディエゴ、サンフランシスコ、ヨセミテ、レイクタホとビッグベアに行ったことがあります。 She’s also been to Seattle. Seattle usually rains all the time but she traveled there in the spring and it was beautiful. シアトルにも行ったことがあります。シアトルは普通雨がよく降る都市ですが、春に行った時はとても奇麗でした。 You can go see cherry blossoms at the University of Washington in the spring. 春になるとワシントン大学で桜が見れます。 Jansen has always wanted to visit Seattle. ジャンソンさんはシアトルに行きたいとずっと思っていました。 He has traveled a lot but California is his favorite place to travel. ジャンソンさんは今までにちょくちょく旅行しましたが、カリフォルニアを旅行するのが一番好きです。 He enjoys driving on highways, especially PCH and highway 395. Highway 395 is a highway that runs between the mountains in Nevada and California. 彼は高速道路を運転するのが好きで、特にPCHと高速道路395号線がお気に 入りです。395号線はネバダ州とカリフォルニア州の山の間を通る高速道路です。 Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) Have you ever been to _____?(〜に行ったことはありますか?) ◎ 中学英語で学ぶ質問の仕方だと思いますが、「Have you ever been to_______?」の質問は「今までに〜に行ったことはありますか」を尋ねる質問です。この質問は旅行だけでなく、お店やレストランなどでも使えます。

 第7回「悩み事とアドバイス」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:06

第7回目のポッドキャストは「悩み事とアドバイス」がテーマです。悩み事は日本人もアメリカ人も関係なく、みんな抱えていることだと思います。今回は、みどりさんが仕事に対する悩み事をマーガレットさんに相談している会話を聞いていきます。英語ではどのように悩みごと伝え、どのようにアドバイスするのか・・・学んでいきましょう!  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容 【Margaret】Hi Midori, how’s your job going? 【Midori】Um it’s good, I actually just started um working for this Japanese company and (I) actually wanted to ask you (for) some advice. 【Margaret】Oh what’s going on? 【Midori】Well um, like sometimes I don’t know how to connect with my co-workers very well because they all speak Japanese and sometimes they’re telling stories like at lunch time and I don’t understand all of it. So I just kinda (kind of) laugh but I don’t really know sometimes what they’re talking about. But I want to get to know my co-workers more, so what do you think I should do? 【Margaret】Hm, that does sound…it does sound challenging. Um maybe what you can do is during lunch time, you know… 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】Maybe you could um share with them your dessert, you know? Maybe you might bring something and you could um offer it to your co-workers. 【Midori】OK. 【Margaret】You could say “Oh, I’m having this today, would you like some?” And then that way, they can interact with you. You could also um, you could also try um learning some Japanese phrases. 【Midori】OK. 【Margaret】And then you can try those out during lunch as well when they have more time to sit with you. 【Midori】And they can help me like teach me Japanese? 【Margaret】Yeah that might …the might be a good idea. And that way they would feel a little bit more connected to you in that way. And desserts (are) always good. 【Midori】Oh that’s true (laugh). Who doesn’t like dessert? 【Margaret】Exactly. So um if I were you, I would bring dessert and then I would maybe learn a couple Japanese words. Um like to say hello and to offer and thank you. 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】And then if they know that…if you know that they speak a little English then you can just um say “Hey, I would like to know a little bit more about um Japan and Japanese…That’s what I would try. 【Midori】Japanese culture and stuff. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Midori】To try and connect with them. 【Margaret】Yeah. And take it one day at a time. 【Midori】(Laugh) OK. 【Margaret】You just started.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) What kind of problems is Midori dealing with at work? みどりさんは仕事でどのような悩みを抱えていますか? What’s the first advice Margaret gives (to) Midori? マーガレットさんの一つ目のアドバスは何ですか? What’s Margaret’s second advice? マーガレットさんの二つ目のアドバイスは何ですか?   Answers(解答) Midori is having a difficult time connecting with her co-workers because they all speak in Japanese. みどりさんの会社ではみんな日本語で会話をするので、同僚とつながりを持つのに苦労しています。 Margaret suggests her to bring dessert and share it with her co-workers during lunch. お昼にデザートを持っていき、同僚にシェアーすることを提案します。 She also advises her to learn some Japanese phrases and try using them with her co-workers during lunch. 日本語のフレーズをいくつか学んで昼食の時間に、同僚に使ってみることを勧めています。   Summary(要約) Midori just recently started working at a Japanese company. She is having some problems at work and asked Margaret for advice. みどりさんはつい最近日本の会社で仕事を始めました。会社の悩み事があるのでマーガレットさんに相談することにしました。 Midori doesn’t know how to connect with her co-workers because they all speak Japanese. During lunch her co-workers share stories in Japanese but she can’t understand all of it. 同僚はみんな日本語で会話をするので、どのように関係を深めていくべきかを悩んでいます。お昼は日本語で色々な話しをしますが、言っていることが全て理解できていません。 Margaret advises her to bring dessert and share it with them. She thinks that bringing food and offering it to her co-workers is a great way to interact with them. マーガレットさんはデザートを会社に持って行って同僚に分けることをお勧めします。食べ物をシェアーすることで交流が深まると考えています。 She also suggests Midori to learn some Japanese phrases. みどりさんに日本語のフレーズを学習することも提案します。 Margaret thinks if Midori tried using Japanese phrases, her co-workers would feel more connected. They can also teach Midori some Japanese too. 学んだ日本語を使うことによって、同僚も親しみやすくなるとマーガレットさんは考えています。また、同僚がみどりさんに日本語を教えてあげることもできます。

 第6回「オススメの仕方/聞き方」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:58

第6回目のポッドキャストは「オススメの仕方/聞き方」です。海外旅行や出張している際、美味しいレストランやオススメのお店など現地の情報を求めると思いますが、ネットやガイドブックより現地の人に直接尋ねるのが一番です!日本に住んでいる場合は外国人からローカルのお勧めスポットを聞かれることも珍しくないでしょう。今日のエピソードではオススメの「仕方」と「聞き方」両方を身につけましょう!  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「オススメの仕方/聞き方」 【Margaret】Hi Jansen, How are you doing today? 【Jansen】Hey Margaret, I’m doing fine. 【Margaret】You know, I am craving Ramen, is there any place that you could recommend? 【Jansen】Well um around here in Orange County, I…I tend to go to "Santouka" in Mistuwa. 【Margaret】Oh. 【Jansen】So it’s uh…yup it’s uh tried and tested and true. 【Margaret】So why is it tried, tested and true? 【Jansen】I dunno (don’t know). It’s always been there. They’re never gonna (going to) close. 【Margaret】(Laugh) 【Jansen】Like a lot of Ramen places around... 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】Orange County, they just kinda (kind of) come and go. But um, "Santouka" is pretty…pretty good. 【Margaret】K (OK). So what…what makes them…what differentiates them from other places? 【Jansen】Oh wow, this is a tough question. Uh maybe uh, well I do like the broth and just like the flavor of the broth. And you know they…the noodles are…are uh…good al dente. 【Margaret】Good I love al dente. 【Jansen】Yeah they’re not all soggy. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】And they use the medium thick noodles. Oh boy, yeah. 【Margaret】K (OK). What about the portions? 【Jansen】Oh well, you know typical of a Japanese place. It’s…it’s on the smaller side but it’s OK. 【Margaret】How much does it cost to get a bowl? 【Jansen】Um I think like the regular size is about seven dollars and fifty cents I think. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】Yeah. 【Margaret】And then um are there additional cost for like… 【Jansen】Yeah yeah if you wanna (want to) get the set. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Jansen】You’re interested in the set? 【Margaret】Yeah yeah. 【Jansen】That’ll…that’ll kick it up to maybe nine. Um if you’re interested in a large set that can uh that can go up to twelve. 【Margaret】Oh my gosh. 【Jansen】Yeah. 【Margaret】Do they only take cash? 【Jansen】I think so, it’s only cash. 【Margaret】Oh. 【Jansen】Yes cash only, I can see the red sign. 【Margaret】(Laugh) That’s good. So where is this place exactly? 【Jansen】Yeah it’s on uh, it’s actually pretty close to here. It’s on Baker. Baker and uh I’m sorry it’s on Bristol and Paularino. 【Margaret】OK. Are they open late or early? 【Jansen】Oh no. 【Margaret】Oh no? 【Jansen】They’re not open late so you have to get there before I think like 7:30 or 8.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) What restaurant does Jansen recommend in Orange County? ジャンソンさんはオレンジカウンティーでどのレストランをオススメしますか? What does Jansen like about the restaurant? ジャンソンはレストランのどういうところが好きですか? What type of payments does the restaurant accept? レストランのお支払い方法なんですか?   Answers(解答) He recommends a Ramen restaurant located inside Mituwa called “Santouka” 彼のオススメはミツワマーケットの中にある「山頭火」というラーメン屋です。 He loves the flavor of the broth and the noodles that are cooked al dente. 彼はスープの味と少し固めにゆでてある麺が大好きです。 It’s cash only. 現金のみです。   Summary(要約) Margaret is craving ramen and asked Jansen if he had any recommendations. マーガレットさんはラーメンが無性に食べたく、ジャンソンさんにオススメがあるかを尋ねました。 Jansen recommends “Santouka” which is a ramen shop inside Mituwa Marketplace. ジャンソンさんはミツワマーケットにある「山頭火」をオススメします。 Many ramen shops in Orange County come and go but "Santouka" has been around for many years. オレンジカウンティーでは多くのラーメン屋さんがやって来ては消え去っていきますが、「山頭火」はもう何年間も続いています。 "Santouka" serves medium thick noodles that are cooked al dente with a broth that is very flavorful. 「山頭火」は少し固めにゆでているやや太い麺を提供しており、濃厚なスープが特徴的です。 The portions are a little smaller but it’s enough to fill you up. 食べ物の量はちょっと少ないですが、ちょうどお腹がいっぱいになる程度です。 A regular bowl of ramen goes for around $7.50. You can make it a set for about nine dollars or get a large set for twelve dollars. 並のラーメンは約$7.50です。セットにすると約$9、 大盛りのセットは$12です。 Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) Any place that you (could) recommend?(オススメの場所はありますか?)

 第5回「週末について」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:54

第5回目のポッドキャストは「週末について」です。週の始めになると、アメリカ人が必ず聞く「How was your weekend?(週末はどうでしたか?)」この質問に対して、「It was good(良かったです)」と一言で返事していませんか?今日のエピソードでは、ジャンソンさんがみどりさんに週末について聞きますので、どのように返事をするのかを聞いて学びましょう。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「週末について」 【Jansen】So how was your weekend? 【Midori】It was good. Um what did I do last weekend? 【Jansen】Oh it’s a blur huh? 【Midori】(Laugh) No um I actually teach Japanese school on Saturdays. 【Jansen】Oh wow. 【Midori】So we had an event with the kids called “Mochi Tsuki.” 【Jansen】Mochi Tsuki…OK. 【Midori】Yeah. So like um we make the mochi or the sticky rice traditionally, using the big hammer and the big bowl and just pound it. 【Jansen】Oh sounds fun. 【Midori】(Laugh) Yeah so like the little kids, I teach first and second grade. 【Jansen】Mm hm. 【Midori】So the really little kids can’t even hold the mallet because it’s so big. 【Jansen】Oh really? Oh, I feel like I would have so much fun doing that. 【Midori】Yeah it’s really fun. I remember when I used to do it um at Japanese school and then we could…we get to make our own like little mochi and dip it in soy sauce or like kinako. 【Jansen】OK. 【Midori】Soybean. 【Jansen】Nice. So what do you usually do on weekends? That sounds like a special event that doesn’t happen every weekend. 【Midori】Oh yeah well, I usually go teach still on Saturdays. 【Jansen】Oh OK, OK. 【Midori】Yeah so I teach Japanese schools on Saturdays, and then on Sundays I usually um, I usually do chores. 【Jansen】Uh huh. 【Midori】Catch up on laundry and um I’ve been getting into like growing plants lately. 【Jansen】Oh nice. Yeah. 【Midori】So I try to go to other stores and find new plants… 【Jansen】Oh cool. 【Midori】…to put on my windows so. 【Jansen】Oh yeah, me too actually. 【Midori】Yeah? 【Jansen】My apartment is… yeah…it’s just covered in like little plants. I like to re…reuse like uh broken glasses. 【Midori】Yeah. 【Jansen】Old teacups and stick little plants in there and see if they’ll grow. 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Jansen】They usually don’t grow. 【Midori】Are you successful? Oh no! 【Jansen】No. I think I just overwater them, you know, too much attention. 【Midori】Too much love. Too much love. 【Jansen】Too much love. Smothering em (them). Smother them in water.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) What did Midori do last weekend? みどりさんは先週末何をしましたか? What has Midori been getting into recently? みどりさんは最近何にはまっていますか? Why doesn’t Jansen’s plants grow? ジャンソンさんの植物は何故育たないのでしょうか?   Answers(解答) She participated in a “Mochi Tsuki” event at a Japanese school she teaches at. 彼女が教えている日本語学校の餅つき大会に参加しました。 Recently, she’s been getting into growing plants. 最近、彼女は植物を育てることにはまっています。 He overwaters his plants. 植物に水をやり過ぎているからです。   Summary(要約) Last weekend, Midori helped out with a “Mochi Tsuki” event that was held at her Japanese school. 先週末、みどりさんは日本語学校で開催された餅つき大会の手伝いをしました。 She usually teaches at a Japanese school on Saturdays and does chores on Sundays. 普段、土曜日は日本語学校で教え、日曜日は家事をしています。 Recently, she’s been getting into growing plants. She shops at many different stores to find new plants. 最近、植物を育てることにはまっています。様々なお店で新しい植物を見つけて買っています。 Jansen also likes to grow plants. His apartment is filled with a variety of plants. ジャンソンさんも植物を育てることが好きです。彼のアパートは色々な植物でいっぱいです。 SHe reuses broken glasses and teacups to plant them. He likes to see if the plants will grow. ジャンソンさんは割れたガラスやティーカップを再利用し、その中に植物を植えています。 Unfortunately, they usually don’t grow because he overwaters the plants. 残念ながら、植物に水をやり過ぎるので、植物が育ちません。 Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) How was your weekend? →「週末はどうでしたか?」 ◎ アメリカでは月曜日になると週末の出来事について聞くのが定番です。 ◎ 「How was your weekend?」が最も一般的な聞き方ですが、その他にも次のように聞けます。 What did you do last weekend? (先週末は何をしたんですか?) Did you have a good weekend? (週末は良かったですか?) What do you usually do on the weekends? (普段、週末はどのように過ごしているのですか?) 2) Used to _____ →「昔は◯◯をしていた」 ◎ 「以前は◯◯していたけど、今はしていない」と過去の習慣を表す時に使うフレーズです。 ◎「Used to」の前に「Be動詞」を加えないように気をつけましょう。「Be used to」は「〜に慣れている」になってしまいます。

 第4回「地元について」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:45

第4回目のポッドキャストは「地元について」です。地元は日本語でも話しやすいテーマだと思います。人によっては生まれた場所と育った場所が同じであれば、異なることもあります。今日は地元について、生まれた場所、育った場所を英語でスムーズに話せるようになる表現を身につけましょう。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「地元について」 【Margaret】Are you from around here? 【Midori】Actually yeah, um I was born and raised in Garden Grove so it’s not too far from here. 【Margaret】Wow I…I don’t think I’ve met anybody who’s been like born and raised in the same place and has come back. Not…not too often. 【Midori】Yeah I guess so. I mean I’ve lived in San Diego and then I also lived in Japan for a year. And then I lived in China and then I kinda (kind of) made my way back home. 【Margaret】Mm hm. Yeah I would say for me it’s hard to say, uh, where my hometown is. 【Midori】Where were you born? 【Margaret】I was born in Manila and then… 【Midori】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah and then I lived there till I was twelve. 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】And then my family moved to California. 【Midori】Oh. 【Margaret】So whenever someone says “where are you from?” 【Midori】Yeah. 【Margaret】I always just say well from California. (Laugh) But I never really say it’s like my hometown so… 【Midori】You wouldn’t want to say you’re from Manila? 【Margaret】No, because I don’t really know a lot about Manila now, I only know Manila from when I was a child. 【Midori】Yeah so you can’t really relate to it? Cuz (Because) people would probably want to ask you what it’s like. 【Margaret】Yeah so I can only say I know what it was like in the 80’s and when I was a child. So I think it’s really cool that you can say “Oh I’m from Garden Grove.” And you’ve come back to…to be near it so to speak. 【Midori】Yeah I guess so. So what…do you remember a lot from Manila or? 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】Yeah? 【Margaret】Absolutely. Yeah. I…I went to school there so um I had that experience of going to elementary and I had friends and I still have family there. 【Midori】Oh OK. But all of your immediate family lives in California now? 【Margaret】Yes they all do. 【Midori】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. Do you still talk to people from your elementary school or high school? 【Midori】Um elementary school a few people um and Facebook makes it a lot easier. (Laugh) 【Margaret】(Laugh) 【Midori】Cuz then I just started searching for my elementary school friends. Um and high school I keep in touch with a few of my good ones. 【Margaret】I see. 【Midori】So…But I feel like after I moved away for college, I don’t relate to a lot of my high school friends or friends from home anymore. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Midori】As much.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) Which countries has Midori lived in besides the U.S.? アメリカ以外でみどりさんはどこに住んだことがありますか? Where was Margaret born and raised? マーガレットさんはどこで生まれ育ちましたか? Does Midori still keep in touch with her childhood friends? みどりさんは子供の頃からの友達と連絡はまだ取っていますか?   Answers(解答) She’s lived in Japan and China. 日本と中国に住んだことがあります。 She was born and raised in Manila and moved to California when she was 12. マニラで生まれ育ち、12歳でカリフォルニアに引っ越しました。 She keeps in touch with a few of her elementary and high school friends. 小学校と高校の友達数人と連絡を取っています。   Summary(要約) Midori was born and raised in Garden Grove. みどりさんはガーデングルーブで生まれ育ちました。 She’s lived in San Diego, Japan and China and now she’s moved back home. 彼女はサンディエゴ、日本と中国に住んだことがあり、今は実家に戻ってきています。 Midori still keeps in touch with a few of her good childhood friends but after she moved away for college she lost touch with many of them. みどりさんは未だに子供の頃から仲良かった数人の友達と連絡を取っていますが、大学に行ってから地元の友達とほとんど関わりがなくなりました。 Margaret was born in Manila and moved to California when she was twelve years old. マーガレットさんはマニラで生まれ、12歳の時にカリフォルニアに引っ越してきました。 She doesn’t really have a place she can call home. She doesn’t consider Manila to be her hometown because she only remembers Manila from when she was a child. マーガレットさんは「故郷」と呼べる場所がありません。子供の時のマニラしか記憶にないので、マニラを故郷と思っていません。 She still has family and friends living in Manila but her immediate family lives in California. マニラにマーガレットさんの友達や親戚が住んでいますが、家族はみんなカリフォルニアに住んでいます。

 第3回「家族について」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:31

第3回目のポッドキャストは「家族について」です。アメリカ人は初対面でも、家族のことについてはかなりオープンに話してくれます。子供について、旦那さんや奥さんについてまたは兄弟や両親についてなど個人的なことを話してくれます。今日のポッドキャストのエピソードでは、ジャンソンさんとマーガレットさんが兄弟と家族について語り合います。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「家族について」 【Jansen】Hello Margaret, uh do you have any siblings? 【Margaret】I do. I have three siblings. I have two brothers and a sister. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. What about you? 【Jansen】I actually also have three siblings. 【Margaret】Oh wow! 【Jansen】I have three younger sisters. 【Margaret】Ah. 【Jansen】Yup. 【Margaret】You’re outnumbered. 【Jansen】Yup. 【Margaret】Where do you uh fall in there? 【Jansen】I am the, I am the oldest. 【Margaret】Ah, me too. I am the, I’m the oldest too. 【Jansen】Oh look at that. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Jansen】So uh tell…tell me about your uh siblings. Like you know, names and things like that. 【Margaret】Yeah so my um, my brother comes right after me. His name is Alvin and then my sister Michelle and then my little brother Aldridge. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So it goes, girl, boy, girl, boy. 【Jansen】OK. And like what are the ages? 【Margaret】Uh so my uh, I’m uh thirty something (laugh) and my brother is a little thirty something. He is a year younger than me then my sister is a year younger than my brother. 【Jansen】OK. 【Margaret】And then my younger brother Aldridge is six years younger than my sister. He was the surprise baby, yeah. 【Jansen】Oh I see. I see. 【Margaret】And you? 【Jansen】Uh well, uh yeah I’m thirty and I’m five years older that the uh the next sister. 【Margaret】Really? 【Jansen】She’s twenty five. 【Margaret】Wow. 【Jansen】And then twenty three and then twenty one. 【Margaret】I see. So are your um, is your younger sister still in college or has everybody graduated? 【Jansen】Um…I don’t know. (Laugh) 【Margaret】(Laugh) So I take it you’re not as close to your sisters? 【Jansen】Uh we’re close but I don’t ask them about school. 【Margaret】Ah I see. 【Jansen】(Laugh) But I think she’s still in college. Yes definitely. 【Margaret】How often do you talk to them? 【Jansen】Uh we talk every day. Just you know, on chat and stuff. 【Margaret】Oh. 【Jansen】How about yourself? 【Margaret】Uh I…My uh…I don’t talk to them really every day. 【Jansen】Mm hm. 【Margaret】Um but there are…I see them often in a month so. 【Jansen】OK. 【Margaret】Um, my… my brother and my sister live in Anaheim and right now I’m with…I’m actually crashing at my parents with my little brother. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So um my brother and his wife and then my sister and her husband um they have families and the have children so then they go over to my parents house. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So that’s when I go see them.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) How many brothers and sisters does Jansen have? ジャンソンさんは兄弟何人いますか? How often does Jansen talk to his sisters? ジャンソンさんはどのくらいの頻度で妹と連絡をとっていますか? Who does Margaret live with? マーガレットさんは誰と住んでいますか?   Answers(解答) He has three younger sisters. 妹が三人います。 He talks to them every day. 毎日連絡を取っています。 Margaret lives with her parents and her little brother. マーガレットさんは両親と末の弟と一緒に住んでいます。   Summary(要約) Margaret has three siblings. She has two younger brothers and a younger sister. マーガレットさんは兄弟が三人います。弟が二人と妹が一人います。 Her brother and sister live in Anaheim. They are both married and have kids. マーガレットさんの弟と妹はアナハイムに住んでいます。二人とも結婚をしていて、子供がいます。 Margaret currently lives with her parents. Her youngest brother also lives there too. マーガレットさんは今両親と住んでいます。末の弟もそこに住んでいます。 Jansen also has three siblings. He is the oldest and has three younger sisters. ジャンソンさんも兄弟が3人います。彼が長男で妹が3人います。 His youngest sister is still in college. 彼の末の妹はまだ大学生です。 He is close to his sisters. They talk to each other every day. 妹とはとても仲が良く、毎日連絡を取り合っています。 Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) Do you have any siblings?(兄弟はいますか?) ◎ 英語で兄弟のことを「Siblings」と言います。「Brothers and sisters」も使われますが「Siblings」のほうが短くて、すっきりとした言い方です。 Do you have any siblings?(兄弟はいますか?) How many siblings do you have?(兄弟は何人いるのですか?)

 第2回「趣味について」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:13

第2回目のポッドキャストは「趣味について」です。日本語では自分の趣味について話したり、また相手の趣味について尋ねたりすることは少ないと思うのでいきなり「What are your hobbies?(あなたの趣味はなんですか?)」と聞かれると戸惑うのではないでしょうか。アメリカでは仕事外で過ごす時間をとても大事にしますので、日常会話では必ずと言っていい程出てくる話題です。今日のエピソードでは趣味の聞き方だけでなく、返答の仕方を覚えましょう。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「趣味について」 【Midori】So what do you like to do in your free time? 【Jansen】Hm, my free time, uh well I enjoy music. 【Midori】What kind of music? 【Jansen】Uh well I play guitar so…I’ve been playing guitar for 15 years now. 【Midori】Wow so you must be really good. 【Jansen】Oh well you’re too kind. 【Midori】(laugh) 【Jansen】Um yeah so I play, I play guitar and I’ve played for a few bands so. 【Midori】oh really? 【Jansen】Mm hm. 【Midori】(Do) You guys play still or was that like in school with a group? 【Jansen】Um well we’re still together but it’s just I haven’t had a lot of time recently. 【Midori】Oh OK. 【Jansen】Yeah so. Yeah it’s good. I played in Japan a few times so it was fun. 【Midori】Oh like at a concert or like a bar or something? 【Jansen】Yeah like little bars. 【Midori】oh very cool. 【Jansen】Yeah it was neat. Our band’s name is “Man Eating Cats.” 【Midori】“Man Eating Cats.” Is there a specific reason why you guys came up with that name? 【Jansen】Oh well actually it’s uh, it’s uh Haruki Murakami short story that I really really like. 【Midori】I haven’t read that one. 【Jansen】Yeah it’s..it’s a…it’s a good story. I don’t want to get into it cuz (because) it’s pretty complicated. 【Midori】(Laugh) Well a lot of his books are pretty complicated. I’ve only read one but… 【Jansen】It sounds like you like to read so… 【Midori】Yeah. 【Jansen】What are your hobbies? 【Midori】Um, well I hm I like to dance. 【Jansen】Oh. 【Midori】But I haven’t really been doing it recently. 【Jansen】Uh huh. Like what kinda (kind of) dancing? 【Midori】Salsa. 【Jansen】 oh wow! 【Midori】Yeah so you’d think that I started in America especially in California. 【Jansen】Uh huh. 【Midori】But when I studied abroad in Japan, I actually joined a Salsa club. 【Jansen】Uh huh. 【Midori】At my University. 【Jansen】Uh huh. 【Midori】And that’s how I started Salsa. 【Jansen】Oh wow cool. Very cool. Have you seen that movie “Shall We Dance?” 【Midori】Of course. (Laugh) 【Jansen】(Laugh) 【Midori】But nowhere near that level. 【Jansen】OK.   Expressions(表現) You must be _____(_____でしょう) It was neat(良かったですよ) Get into _____(_____について話す) You’d think that _____(_____と思うかもしれませが) Cuz(「Because」の砕けた言い方)   Response(相づち) Oh really?(本当に?) Oh (very) cool(いいね) Oh wow!(すごいね!)   Question of the day(今日の質問) What does Jansen like to do in his free time? ジャンソンさんの趣味は何ですか? How did he come up with the band name? バンド名はどのように思い付いたのでしょうか? When did Midori start Salsa dancing? ミドリさんはいつサルサダンスを始めましたか?   Answers(解答) He likes to play the guitar. ギターを引くのが好きです。 The band name came from Murakami Haruki’s short story “Man Eating Cats” 村上春樹の短編小説「人食い猫」から発想を得ました。 She started Salsa dancing in Japan when she was studying abroad. 日本で留学をしている時にサルサダンスを始めました。   Summary(要約) Jansen likes to play the guitar in his free time. He has been playing guitar for 15 years. Unfortunately, he has been busy lately and hasn’t played much. ジャンソンさんは時間があるときにギターを引くのが好きです。彼は15年間ギターをひいています。 最近は忙しくて中々ギターを引けていません。 Jansen is in a band called “Man Eating Cats” Their band name was inspired by Murakami Haruki’s short story. ジャンソンさんのバンド名は「Man Eating Cats(人食い猫)」です。村上春樹の短編小説に刺激され、バンド名が生まれました。 Midori enjoys Salsa dancing. She started Salsa dancing when she was studying abroad in Japan. She joined a Salsa club at her University. ミドリさんの趣味はサルサダンスです。日本へ留学をした時にサルサダンスを始め、大学のサルサ部に入部しました。 Phrase of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) What do you like to do in your free time?(暇なときは何をしていますか?) ◎ 趣味は「Hobbies」と教わってきたと思いますが、そのほかにも会話では「Free time(自由な時間)」というフレーズがよく使われます。 ◎ 「What do you usually do in your free time?」「How do you spend your free time?」や「What are your hobbies?」も「趣味は何ですか?」を意味する聞き方です。 What do you like to do in your free time? I like to go hiking.

 第1回「仕事について」 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:44

第1回目のポッドキャストは「仕事について」です。アメリカでは初対面で会う人に職業を尋ねます。職業を聞かれたら単に職名を伝えるのではなく、具体的にどのようなことをしているのか話しを膨らますことが必要です。今日のエピソードでは、職業の尋ね方と返事の仕方をご紹介します。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「仕事について」 【Midori】So what do you do? 【Margaret】I’m an ESL teacher. 【Midori】Oh cool. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】What grade do you teach? 【Margaret】I actually teach um, various levels. Um I do enjoy teaching adults. So many of my students are anywhere from…the majority of them are 20, uh 20 years and up. 【Midori】Mm hm 【Margaret】Um I currently have one student who is in middle school. 【Midori】Ah how cute. 【Margaret】Yeah. She’s really lovely. She uh, she is trying very hard um her family just moved here from Japan… 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】…quite recently. So she’s trying to navigate both the language and also the uh kind of social, um situation with middle school. 【Midori】So she’s going to an American middle school? 【Margaret】She’s going to, yeah, she’s going to an American public school. So she’s just like you know, the majority of other kids going to school. 【Midori】Ah. Is it…How has it been for her adjusting to school? 【Margaret】Um I think so far it’s been uh pretty OK. She seems to be…um she’s quite diligent in trying to do her work but there are some uh language challenges um since she has a base uh a foundation speaking Japanese and there are a lot of the words are getting more technical especially like in the sciences. So any eighth grader is going to encounter those issues but for someone who has um um like other learning a second language as they’re growing up they’re trying just to negotiate, you know, what works for them at this moment. 【Midori】Yeah. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】So what other, I guess where are your other students from? 【Margaret】So the majority of my students are from Japan. And many of them uh are professionals. So um there are uh few um there are a few women who are stay-at-home moms. And they would like to improve their conversational English. And then there are also uh many um their husbands um who are here on business. So whether they’re by themselves or they’re with their family they wanna (want to) improve all aspects of their uh language skill. 【Midori】Oh cool.   Phrases(フレーズ) _____ and up(_____以上) Pretty(結構) Work for 〜(〜に役立つ) Wanna 〜(“want to”の砕けた言い方。〜がしたい)   Response(相づち) Oh cool(いいね) How cute(可愛いね。女性がよく使う) Mm hm(ええ)   Question of the day(今日の質問) What does she do? 彼女の職業はなんですか? What kind of challenges is the middle school student facing? 中学生の生徒はどのようなチャレンジに立ち向かっていますか? What types of students does she teach? 彼女はどのような生徒さんを教えていますか?   Answers(解答) She is an ESL teacher. 彼女は英語の講師です。 She is facing language challenges. 言語を習得することがチャレンジです。 She teaches students from Japan. The majority are 20 years or older who are stay-at-home moms and businessmen. She also teaches some kids. 日本から来ている生徒さんを教えています。ほとんどの生徒は20歳以上の専業主婦かビジネスマンです。子供も教えています。   Summary(要約) Margaret is an ESL teacher. The majority of her students are Japanese businessmen from Japan but she also teaches stay-at-home moms and kids. マーガレット先生は英語の講師です。ほとんどの生徒は日本人のビジネスマンですが、専業主婦と子供も教えています。 She is currently teaching a middle school girl from Japan who recently moved to the U.S. The girl is trying her best to adjust to American school life and the language. マーガレット先生は最近アメリカに引っ越してきた中学生の女の子を教えています。彼女はアメリカの学校生活に馴染むことと、英語を習得することに一所懸命頑張っています。 Margaret enjoys teaching English to adults. Most of her students want to improve conversational English. マーガレット先生は大人に英語を教えるのが大好きです。彼女が教えているほとんどの生徒さんは日常英会話を上達させることが目標です。 Phrase of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) What do you do?(職業は何ですか?) ◎ 相手の職業やどんな仕事をしているかを尋ねる時に使います。 ◎ 返事の仕方:「I'm a/an」 の後に職業を言います。 What do you do? I'm an office worker.(サラリーマンです) I'm a student.(学生です) I'm a stay-at-home mom.(専業主婦です) ※ 主婦は「Housewife」や「Homemaker」ともいいますが、ロサンゼルスでは「Stay-at-home mom」が良く使われます。男性の場合は「Stay-at-home dad」です。 2) Majority of(ほとんど) ◎ 大半や大部分を表します。 ◎「Most」や「Most of」も代わりに使える表現です。


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