
Hapa 英会話 show

Summary: 第1回目のポッドキャストは「仕事について」です。アメリカでは初対面で会う人に職業を尋ねます。職業を聞かれたら単に職名を伝えるのではなく、具体的にどのようなことをしているのか話しを膨らますことが必要です。今日のエピソードでは、職業の尋ね方と返事の仕方をご紹介します。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「仕事について」 【Midori】So what do you do? 【Margaret】I’m an ESL teacher. 【Midori】Oh cool. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】What grade do you teach? 【Margaret】I actually teach um, various levels. Um I do enjoy teaching adults. So many of my students are anywhere from…the majority of them are 20, uh 20 years and up. 【Midori】Mm hm 【Margaret】Um I currently have one student who is in middle school. 【Midori】Ah how cute. 【Margaret】Yeah. She’s really lovely. She uh, she is trying very hard um her family just moved here from Japan… 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】…quite recently. So she’s trying to navigate both the language and also the uh kind of social, um situation with middle school. 【Midori】So she’s going to an American middle school? 【Margaret】She’s going to, yeah, she’s going to an American public school. So she’s just like you know, the majority of other kids going to school. 【Midori】Ah. Is it…How has it been for her adjusting to school? 【Margaret】Um I think so far it’s been uh pretty OK. She seems to be…um she’s quite diligent in trying to do her work but there are some uh language challenges um since she has a base uh a foundation speaking Japanese and there are a lot of the words are getting more technical especially like in the sciences. So any eighth grader is going to encounter those issues but for someone who has um um like other learning a second language as they’re growing up they’re trying just to negotiate, you know, what works for them at this moment. 【Midori】Yeah. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】So what other, I guess where are your other students from? 【Margaret】So the majority of my students are from Japan. And many of them uh are professionals. So um there are uh few um there are a few women who are stay-at-home moms. And they would like to improve their conversational English. And then there are also uh many um their husbands um who are here on business. So whether they’re by themselves or they’re with their family they wanna (want to) improve all aspects of their uh language skill. 【Midori】Oh cool.   Phrases(フレーズ) _____ and up(_____以上) Pretty(結構) Work for 〜(〜に役立つ) Wanna 〜(“want to”の砕けた言い方。〜がしたい)   Response(相づち) Oh cool(いいね) How cute(可愛いね。女性がよく使う) Mm hm(ええ)   Question of the day(今日の質問) What does she do? 彼女の職業はなんですか? What kind of challenges is the middle school student facing? 中学生の生徒はどのようなチャレンジに立ち向かっていますか? What types of students does she teach? 彼女はどのような生徒さんを教えていますか?   Answers(解答) She is an ESL teacher. 彼女は英語の講師です。 She is facing language challenges. 言語を習得することがチャレンジです。 She teaches students from Japan. The majority are 20 years or older who are stay-at-home moms and businessmen. She also teaches some kids. 日本から来ている生徒さんを教えています。ほとんどの生徒は20歳以上の専業主婦かビジネスマンです。子供も教えています。   Summary(要約) Margaret is an ESL teacher. The majority of her students are Japanese businessmen from Japan but she also teaches stay-at-home moms and kids. マーガレット先生は英語の講師です。ほとんどの生徒は日本人のビジネスマンですが、専業主婦と子供も教えています。 She is currently teaching a middle school girl from Japan who recently moved to the U.S. The girl is trying her best to adjust to American school life and the language. マーガレット先生は最近アメリカに引っ越してきた中学生の女の子を教えています。彼女はアメリカの学校生活に馴染むことと、英語を習得することに一所懸命頑張っています。 Margaret enjoys teaching English to adults. Most of her students want to improve conversational English. マーガレット先生は大人に英語を教えるのが大好きです。彼女が教えているほとんどの生徒さんは日常英会話を上達させることが目標です。 Phrase of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) What do you do?(職業は何ですか?) ◎ 相手の職業やどんな仕事をしているかを尋ねる時に使います。 ◎ 返事の仕方:「I'm a/an」 の後に職業を言います。 What do you do? I'm an office worker.(サラリーマンです) I'm a student.(学生です) I'm a stay-at-home mom.(専業主婦です) ※ 主婦は「Housewife」や「Homemaker」ともいいますが、ロサンゼルスでは「Stay-at-home mom」が良く使われます。男性の場合は「Stay-at-home dad」です。 2) Majority of(ほとんど) ◎ 大半や大部分を表します。 ◎「Most」や「Most of」も代わりに使える表現です。