
Hapa 英会話 show

Summary: 第3回目のポッドキャストは「家族について」です。アメリカ人は初対面でも、家族のことについてはかなりオープンに話してくれます。子供について、旦那さんや奥さんについてまたは兄弟や両親についてなど個人的なことを話してくれます。今日のポッドキャストのエピソードでは、ジャンソンさんとマーガレットさんが兄弟と家族について語り合います。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「家族について」 【Jansen】Hello Margaret, uh do you have any siblings? 【Margaret】I do. I have three siblings. I have two brothers and a sister. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. What about you? 【Jansen】I actually also have three siblings. 【Margaret】Oh wow! 【Jansen】I have three younger sisters. 【Margaret】Ah. 【Jansen】Yup. 【Margaret】You’re outnumbered. 【Jansen】Yup. 【Margaret】Where do you uh fall in there? 【Jansen】I am the, I am the oldest. 【Margaret】Ah, me too. I am the, I’m the oldest too. 【Jansen】Oh look at that. 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Jansen】So uh tell…tell me about your uh siblings. Like you know, names and things like that. 【Margaret】Yeah so my um, my brother comes right after me. His name is Alvin and then my sister Michelle and then my little brother Aldridge. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So it goes, girl, boy, girl, boy. 【Jansen】OK. And like what are the ages? 【Margaret】Uh so my uh, I’m uh thirty something (laugh) and my brother is a little thirty something. He is a year younger than me then my sister is a year younger than my brother. 【Jansen】OK. 【Margaret】And then my younger brother Aldridge is six years younger than my sister. He was the surprise baby, yeah. 【Jansen】Oh I see. I see. 【Margaret】And you? 【Jansen】Uh well, uh yeah I’m thirty and I’m five years older that the uh the next sister. 【Margaret】Really? 【Jansen】She’s twenty five. 【Margaret】Wow. 【Jansen】And then twenty three and then twenty one. 【Margaret】I see. So are your um, is your younger sister still in college or has everybody graduated? 【Jansen】Um…I don’t know. (Laugh) 【Margaret】(Laugh) So I take it you’re not as close to your sisters? 【Jansen】Uh we’re close but I don’t ask them about school. 【Margaret】Ah I see. 【Jansen】(Laugh) But I think she’s still in college. Yes definitely. 【Margaret】How often do you talk to them? 【Jansen】Uh we talk every day. Just you know, on chat and stuff. 【Margaret】Oh. 【Jansen】How about yourself? 【Margaret】Uh I…My uh…I don’t talk to them really every day. 【Jansen】Mm hm. 【Margaret】Um but there are…I see them often in a month so. 【Jansen】OK. 【Margaret】Um, my… my brother and my sister live in Anaheim and right now I’m with…I’m actually crashing at my parents with my little brother. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So um my brother and his wife and then my sister and her husband um they have families and the have children so then they go over to my parents house. 【Jansen】Oh OK. 【Margaret】So that’s when I go see them.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) How many brothers and sisters does Jansen have? ジャンソンさんは兄弟何人いますか? How often does Jansen talk to his sisters? ジャンソンさんはどのくらいの頻度で妹と連絡をとっていますか? Who does Margaret live with? マーガレットさんは誰と住んでいますか?   Answers(解答) He has three younger sisters. 妹が三人います。 He talks to them every day. 毎日連絡を取っています。 Margaret lives with her parents and her little brother. マーガレットさんは両親と末の弟と一緒に住んでいます。   Summary(要約) Margaret has three siblings. She has two younger brothers and a younger sister. マーガレットさんは兄弟が三人います。弟が二人と妹が一人います。 Her brother and sister live in Anaheim. They are both married and have kids. マーガレットさんの弟と妹はアナハイムに住んでいます。二人とも結婚をしていて、子供がいます。 Margaret currently lives with her parents. Her youngest brother also lives there too. マーガレットさんは今両親と住んでいます。末の弟もそこに住んでいます。 Jansen also has three siblings. He is the oldest and has three younger sisters. ジャンソンさんも兄弟が3人います。彼が長男で妹が3人います。 His youngest sister is still in college. 彼の末の妹はまだ大学生です。 He is close to his sisters. They talk to each other every day. 妹とはとても仲が良く、毎日連絡を取り合っています。 Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ) 1) Do you have any siblings?(兄弟はいますか?) ◎ 英語で兄弟のことを「Siblings」と言います。「Brothers and sisters」も使われますが「Siblings」のほうが短くて、すっきりとした言い方です。 Do you have any siblings?(兄弟はいますか?) How many siblings do you have?(兄弟は何人いるのですか?)