
Hapa 英会話 show

Summary: 第7回目のポッドキャストは「悩み事とアドバイス」がテーマです。悩み事は日本人もアメリカ人も関係なく、みんな抱えていることだと思います。今回は、みどりさんが仕事に対する悩み事をマーガレットさんに相談している会話を聞いていきます。英語ではどのように悩みごと伝え、どのようにアドバイスするのか・・・学んでいきましょう!  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容 【Margaret】Hi Midori, how’s your job going? 【Midori】Um it’s good, I actually just started um working for this Japanese company and (I) actually wanted to ask you (for) some advice. 【Margaret】Oh what’s going on? 【Midori】Well um, like sometimes I don’t know how to connect with my co-workers very well because they all speak Japanese and sometimes they’re telling stories like at lunch time and I don’t understand all of it. So I just kinda (kind of) laugh but I don’t really know sometimes what they’re talking about. But I want to get to know my co-workers more, so what do you think I should do? 【Margaret】Hm, that does sound…it does sound challenging. Um maybe what you can do is during lunch time, you know… 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】Maybe you could um share with them your dessert, you know? Maybe you might bring something and you could um offer it to your co-workers. 【Midori】OK. 【Margaret】You could say “Oh, I’m having this today, would you like some?” And then that way, they can interact with you. You could also um, you could also try um learning some Japanese phrases. 【Midori】OK. 【Margaret】And then you can try those out during lunch as well when they have more time to sit with you. 【Midori】And they can help me like teach me Japanese? 【Margaret】Yeah that might …the might be a good idea. And that way they would feel a little bit more connected to you in that way. And desserts (are) always good. 【Midori】Oh that’s true (laugh). Who doesn’t like dessert? 【Margaret】Exactly. So um if I were you, I would bring dessert and then I would maybe learn a couple Japanese words. Um like to say hello and to offer and thank you. 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】And then if they know that…if you know that they speak a little English then you can just um say “Hey, I would like to know a little bit more about um Japan and Japanese…That’s what I would try. 【Midori】Japanese culture and stuff. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Midori】To try and connect with them. 【Margaret】Yeah. And take it one day at a time. 【Midori】(Laugh) OK. 【Margaret】You just started.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) What kind of problems is Midori dealing with at work? みどりさんは仕事でどのような悩みを抱えていますか? What’s the first advice Margaret gives (to) Midori? マーガレットさんの一つ目のアドバスは何ですか? What’s Margaret’s second advice? マーガレットさんの二つ目のアドバイスは何ですか?   Answers(解答) Midori is having a difficult time connecting with her co-workers because they all speak in Japanese. みどりさんの会社ではみんな日本語で会話をするので、同僚とつながりを持つのに苦労しています。 Margaret suggests her to bring dessert and share it with her co-workers during lunch. お昼にデザートを持っていき、同僚にシェアーすることを提案します。 She also advises her to learn some Japanese phrases and try using them with her co-workers during lunch. 日本語のフレーズをいくつか学んで昼食の時間に、同僚に使ってみることを勧めています。   Summary(要約) Midori just recently started working at a Japanese company. She is having some problems at work and asked Margaret for advice. みどりさんはつい最近日本の会社で仕事を始めました。会社の悩み事があるのでマーガレットさんに相談することにしました。 Midori doesn’t know how to connect with her co-workers because they all speak Japanese. During lunch her co-workers share stories in Japanese but she can’t understand all of it. 同僚はみんな日本語で会話をするので、どのように関係を深めていくべきかを悩んでいます。お昼は日本語で色々な話しをしますが、言っていることが全て理解できていません。 Margaret advises her to bring dessert and share it with them. She thinks that bringing food and offering it to her co-workers is a great way to interact with them. マーガレットさんはデザートを会社に持って行って同僚に分けることをお勧めします。食べ物をシェアーすることで交流が深まると考えています。 She also suggests Midori to learn some Japanese phrases. みどりさんに日本語のフレーズを学習することも提案します。 Margaret thinks if Midori tried using Japanese phrases, her co-workers would feel more connected. They can also teach Midori some Japanese too. 学んだ日本語を使うことによって、同僚も親しみやすくなるとマーガレットさんは考えています。また、同僚がみどりさんに日本語を教えてあげることもできます。