
Hapa 英会話 show

Summary: 第4回目のポッドキャストは「地元について」です。地元は日本語でも話しやすいテーマだと思います。人によっては生まれた場所と育った場所が同じであれば、異なることもあります。今日は地元について、生まれた場所、育った場所を英語でスムーズに話せるようになる表現を身につけましょう。  iTunesでダウンロード 会話内容「地元について」 【Margaret】Are you from around here? 【Midori】Actually yeah, um I was born and raised in Garden Grove so it’s not too far from here. 【Margaret】Wow I…I don’t think I’ve met anybody who’s been like born and raised in the same place and has come back. Not…not too often. 【Midori】Yeah I guess so. I mean I’ve lived in San Diego and then I also lived in Japan for a year. And then I lived in China and then I kinda (kind of) made my way back home. 【Margaret】Mm hm. Yeah I would say for me it’s hard to say, uh, where my hometown is. 【Midori】Where were you born? 【Margaret】I was born in Manila and then… 【Midori】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah and then I lived there till I was twelve. 【Midori】Mm hm. 【Margaret】And then my family moved to California. 【Midori】Oh. 【Margaret】So whenever someone says “where are you from?” 【Midori】Yeah. 【Margaret】I always just say well from California. (Laugh) But I never really say it’s like my hometown so… 【Midori】You wouldn’t want to say you’re from Manila? 【Margaret】No, because I don’t really know a lot about Manila now, I only know Manila from when I was a child. 【Midori】Yeah so you can’t really relate to it? Cuz (Because) people would probably want to ask you what it’s like. 【Margaret】Yeah so I can only say I know what it was like in the 80’s and when I was a child. So I think it’s really cool that you can say “Oh I’m from Garden Grove.” And you’ve come back to…to be near it so to speak. 【Midori】Yeah I guess so. So what…do you remember a lot from Manila or? 【Margaret】Yeah. 【Midori】Yeah? 【Margaret】Absolutely. Yeah. I…I went to school there so um I had that experience of going to elementary and I had friends and I still have family there. 【Midori】Oh OK. But all of your immediate family lives in California now? 【Margaret】Yes they all do. 【Midori】Oh OK. 【Margaret】Yeah. Do you still talk to people from your elementary school or high school? 【Midori】Um elementary school a few people um and Facebook makes it a lot easier. (Laugh) 【Margaret】(Laugh) 【Midori】Cuz then I just started searching for my elementary school friends. Um and high school I keep in touch with a few of my good ones. 【Margaret】I see. 【Midori】So…But I feel like after I moved away for college, I don’t relate to a lot of my high school friends or friends from home anymore. 【Margaret】Mm hm. 【Midori】As much.   Questions of the day(今日の質問) Which countries has Midori lived in besides the U.S.? アメリカ以外でみどりさんはどこに住んだことがありますか? Where was Margaret born and raised? マーガレットさんはどこで生まれ育ちましたか? Does Midori still keep in touch with her childhood friends? みどりさんは子供の頃からの友達と連絡はまだ取っていますか?   Answers(解答) She’s lived in Japan and China. 日本と中国に住んだことがあります。 She was born and raised in Manila and moved to California when she was 12. マニラで生まれ育ち、12歳でカリフォルニアに引っ越しました。 She keeps in touch with a few of her elementary and high school friends. 小学校と高校の友達数人と連絡を取っています。   Summary(要約) Midori was born and raised in Garden Grove. みどりさんはガーデングルーブで生まれ育ちました。 She’s lived in San Diego, Japan and China and now she’s moved back home. 彼女はサンディエゴ、日本と中国に住んだことがあり、今は実家に戻ってきています。 Midori still keeps in touch with a few of her good childhood friends but after she moved away for college she lost touch with many of them. みどりさんは未だに子供の頃から仲良かった数人の友達と連絡を取っていますが、大学に行ってから地元の友達とほとんど関わりがなくなりました。 Margaret was born in Manila and moved to California when she was twelve years old. マーガレットさんはマニラで生まれ、12歳の時にカリフォルニアに引っ越してきました。 She doesn’t really have a place she can call home. She doesn’t consider Manila to be her hometown because she only remembers Manila from when she was a child. マーガレットさんは「故郷」と呼べる場所がありません。子供の時のマニラしか記憶にないので、マニラを故郷と思っていません。 She still has family and friends living in Manila but her immediate family lives in California. マニラにマーガレットさんの友達や親戚が住んでいますが、家族はみんなカリフォルニアに住んでいます。