Europe Calling show

Europe Calling

Summary: Award winning weekly podcast with Vince Tracy, Terry Whitehead and Neil Colbourne, Matt King, Mike Payne and Barbara Anne taking a weekly look at the news from Europe and the UK..

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 First Catalonia now Northern Ireland | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Supreme Court Judge Pablo Llarena made an unexpected change of course on Tuesday against the independence leaders and, also, at the beginning of the 21-D electoral campaign. The magistrate has withdrawn the European and international arrest warrants issued against former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and ex-advisors ; and has ordered that his decision be communicated to the Belgian authorities so that they can make the collaboration requested by Spain. Llarena, however, maintains the Spanish arrest warrant against Puigdemont and the escaped ex-counsellors, so, according to high court sources, the five will be arrested when they return to Spain.. .Language barriers may no longer be a problem thanks to Travis the Translator, a new device capable of translating 80 languages in real time.And with more than 42,500 people around the world forced to flee their homes each day, the device is set to provide much-needed assistance to NGOs that help those affected by the refugee crisis. ;More than 200 devices have been given to Open Learning Exchange, a UN program aimed at improving access to basic education, as well as Movement on the Ground, an organization that supports refugees. Over 572 million people speak Spanish worldwide, of which 477 million people are native speakers, according to a new report from the Spanish governmen. Spanish in the World of 2017, the language and culture institute found that the number of Spanish native speakers jumped by 5 million between 2016 and 2017. In the UK the Manchester bombing might have been stopped and MI5 was investigating the ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack at the time of his rampage, a security review has found. Commuters were left furious today after it was revealed rail fares will rise by more than most people's salaries from next month despite missed punctuality targets. ;The Rail Delivery Group said the increase was below both the regulated fares rise of 3.6 per cent and the Retail Price Index measure of inflation at 4 per cent for October DUP leader Arlene Foster refused to back down in a row over Brexit tonight insisting she was just as 'unequivocal' as Dublin about the terms of the Irish border.In a clear signal there will not be a quick fix as Theresa May scrambles to reassemble a draft deal that was ready for agreement yesterday lunchtime, Mrs Foster said there was 'no way' she could endorse the current version. The DUP leader was due to finally speak to the Prime Minister later last night, more than 24 hours after her call yesterday that forced Mrs May to quit a crucial round of Brexit talks without a deal.

 God for Harry Meghan and St George | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Spain has been given its worst rating in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, coming in at 41st place out of 176 countries with a score of 58. In 2015 it came in 36th out of 168 countries, with the same score. Thousands took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday to protest violence against women, just as Spain reels from a trial over an alleged gang rape. Many Catalans are growing weary of a pro-independence process that has been dragging on for five years now. A new survey shows that 80% of them want to see a governing team emerge from the December 21 elections that will help heal the wounds created by the politics of division. Forty people were injured after a section of floor at a packed nightclub on Spain's holiday island of Tenerife collapsed on Sunday, sending revellers plunging into the basement, officials said. Pollution is choking Spain’s main cities, a situation that is being exacerbated by atmospheric stability and a lack of rain. In the last two weeks alone, 18 cities exceeded European Union limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10), according to the green group Ecologists in Action. Specialized crews are fighingt the threat posed by Asian wasp nests full-time. The death of a man unleashed an avalanche of distress calls in Galicia In the UK Divorcee Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will marry in church after the Archbishop of Canterbury gave them his blessing. The Most Reverend Justin Welby said yesterday that he was ‘so happy’ they had ‘chosen to make their vows before God’. He had already made clear he had no objections to Miss Markle, who divorced film producer Trevor Engelson in 2013, marrying Harry in a church, and indicated he would be willing to conduct the service if asked. Theresa May's husband's investment bank employer has paid no UK corporation tax in the past eight years, it was revealed today. Philip May, 60, works as a relationship manager for Capital Group, an American financial services company with assets of £1.1 trillion with offices in Belgravia. Since 2009 the company has turned over £467million but made losses of £125million meaning they don't have to pay corporation tax - a levy on profits. Despite the huge losses it directors were paid £43million in salaries, pensions and other benefits - but it is not known what Mr May earns. The first year of tough new A-level exams has confirmed there is still a big north-south divide in achievement when it comes to England's secondary school education. Ex-Coronation Street star Bruno Langley wept as he avoided jail for grabbing women by the breasts, crotch and bottom during a drunken night out. The actor molested four women at a Manchester music venue last month, but was only charged with sexually assaulting two of them. He wept in the dock today as he avoided jail after admitting both offences. Academics from an anti-Brexit university have portrayed people who voted to leave the EU as 'narcissists' who dislike foreigners. The Goldsmiths College researchers suggested the 17 million people who voted Leave were motivated by xenophobia and were similar to Donald Trump supporters. The findings were based on just 161 leave voters and 345 remain voters paid to participate in an online survey. he UK population could hit 70million three years earlier than expected if migration does not fall, according to 'alternative' official estimates. The number of people living in Britain is due to top 70million by mid 2029 under the main forecast.

 Never a Dull Moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

President, Mariano Rajoy, has ensured that the Spanish law and the Constitution contain sufficient instruments so that on December 21 the Catalan elections can be held without foreign interference , "things work democratically" and you can vote "with full freedom " Rajoy has shown confidence in these resources in the face of possible sabotage by foreign destabilizers, as has happened in the elections in some European nations, such as France and the Netherlands, and in light of the facts detected during the independence process where from Internet accounts in Russia or Venezuela has been interfered with false information..........although there are clear ties between some of Podemos’s driving members and the Venezuelan and Iranian regimes. The PSOE and the PSC agree to rule out any government agreement after the Catalan elections with Esquerra Republicana and the list of Carles Puigdemont, although they renounce unilateral independence. The trial for the alleged gang rape of an 18-year-old girl during the Sanfermines of 2016 held on Tuesday one of the key sessions to establish the future of the process that sits on the bench to five young Sevillians, in provisional detention since then. In her testimony, the complainant stated that at no time was it a consensual relationship and, on questions from the lawyer of one of the defendants about why she only presented slight injuries after the assault, she said that if she did not put more physical resistance it was because she entered in "state of shock" and only thought that it would end sooner. The drought suffered by Spain after three consecutive years with less than normal rainfall hits especially the northwest of the Peninsula . The reservoirs of the Duero and Miño basins have never, since the reliable records of the Ministry of Agriculture started in 1990, had reached such a low level he Association for Human Rights of Granada (APDH) has denounced the expulsion of two Muslim women from a municipal swimming pool for bathing in a full swimsuit or burkini . According to the APDH, the events took place on Sunday at the Centro Deportivo Municipal Periodista Antonio Prieto Tory Remainers were branded ‘collaborators’ last night as they threatened to side with Labour to frustrate Brexit in Parliament. As the EU Withdrawal Bill began its detailed scrutiny in the Commons, the rebel group said they were ready to inflict a series of damaging defeats on the Government. Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak al Nahyan, who is minister for tolerance in the UAE, says a licensing system should be brought in to tackle radicalisation in Europe. A new report from Migration Watch said it was 'false and misleading' for Sajid Javid to say two-thirds of housing demand has 'nothing to do with immigration'. The BBC has finally bowed to pressure to disclose details about its complaints and will give fortnightly updates of objections registered by viewers across the UK. The Electoral Reform Society dubbed 33 of them 'couch potato peers' for taking part in less than a quarter of votes and yet claiming £462,510 in expenses – an average of £14,015 each. A trainee primary school teacher, who tried to have sex with a 14-year-old boy he met on Grindr, has been spared jail because a judge ruled he 'succumbed to temptation'. Compare this story with Pulp Fiction-obsessed Will Cornick, now 19, is serving a minimum 20-year sentence for stabbing Ann Maguire during a Spanish lesson at Corpus Christi Catholic College in Leeds.

 Catalonia Strikes and Paradise Papers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The general strike called by the union Intersindical-CSC in Catalonia and supported by the independentist parties and organizations is having very little follow-up Concern over secession push soared from 7.8% in September to 29% in October, according to new survey by the Spanish government research agency CIS. In a recorded message broadcast on Wednesday night, Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont criticized King Felipe VI’s televised speech the night before about Catalonia, and reiterated his call for mediation in order to rebuild institutional bridges between the region and the rest of Spain.Puigdemont..... insisted on the need for mediation, but without renouncing his plans for a unilateral declaration of independence. A Lidl manager, who we will refer to only as Jean P., has been fired for working too hard. Jean managed a Barcelona branch of the German supermarket chain until June this year when the company discovered he was committing the deadly sin of starting work before the designated time in order to “get the shop ready to open to the public”. Without clocking in, Jean was “dealing with orders, changing prices and loading up entire palettes with goods,” according to the notice he received, informing him the company was letting him go. The Danish authorities confirmed on Thursday the sale of 20 tons of eggs contaminated with fipronil , a toxic insecticide banned in the European food chain, related to the case that started in Belgium and the Netherlands and that has spread to a dozen countries. In Austria hundreds of kilos of cooked and peeled eggs from some German lots suspected of being contaminated have been sold to the gastronomic sector, local media reported on Thursday. Conrad Wolfram (Oxford, 1970) thinks that we have a problem with mathematics. No one is happy: students believe that it is a difficult and uninteresting subject, teachers are frustrated with the results of their students and governments realize that they are determinants for the economy but do not know how to update the academic programs. "Every time we live in a more mathematical world and yet education is stagnant," says Wolfram, a physicist and mathematician at the University of Cambridge and founder of Computer Based Math , a company focused on redesigning the mathematics subject that two years ago launched its pilot program in collaboration with the Government of Estonia . Theresa May in ther UK continues to suffer more scandals within her cabinet and we can see how the media is ganging up on her. The Paradise Papers are now telling us what we already knew very much as the BBC is explaing daily the sexist behaviour we were already aware. One of Britain's richest families and a Tory peer are among the latest people named in the so-called Paradise Papers revealing details of offshore wealth funds. The disclosure of 13.4 million documents dramatically revealed the ties of major companies and political figures to secretive overseas arrangements.It emerged today that the Duke of Westminster's estimated £9.35 billion estate, which has been passed on between the generations, has included holdings in Bermuda and Panama. One of Britain's richest families and a Tory peer are among the latest people named in the so-called Paradise Papers revealing details of offshore wealth funds. The disclosure of 13.4 million documents dramatically revealed the ties of major companies and political figures to secretive overseas arrangements. It emerged today that the Duke of Westminster's estimated £9.35 billion estate, which has been passed on between the generations, has included holdings in Bermuda and Panama. Ann Widdecombe yesterday warned the Westminster sexual harassment scandal has mostly been ‘a lot of nonsense’ as she called for a ‘sense of proportionality’. The former Conservative minister said serious cases needed to be examined, but raised concerns that many were in fact trivial. However, A top Welsh Labour politician who is believed to have committed suicide

 Cataluña is still in Spain! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Cataluña saga contines as Sr Puigdemont, former president of the Catalan Generalitat and the five former councilors who accompany him could ignore the possible citation of the courts and ask for political asylum, although it is not easy for them to achieve it within the European Union. A politician from South Ossetia known for his political affinities with Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Barcelona this week, with the goal of establishing ties between Kremlin circles and a hypothetical independent Catalonia, according to Spanish intelligence sources. Two Britons, believed to be about 25, were attacked in Majorca's capital Palma by a group of two men and three women in their 20s at 5am this morning. Police in Gran Canaria have arrested four Moroccans who took turns to rape and sexually abuse a tourist in an island holiday resort popular with British tourists. Both the cost of eggs in Spain and the cost of butter in France are cause for concern. Responding to the terrorist atrocity in Manhattan , Mrs May tweeted: 'Appalled by this cowardly attack, my thoughts are with all affected. Together we will defeat the evil of terrorism. UK stands with #NYC.' Two 14-year-old boys have been arrested on suspicion of plotting a 'Columbine-style' massacre at their school in Northallerton, a Yorkshire market town.....and The Home Office said 11 people were taken into custody in London, Birmingham and Gateshead on suspicion of assisting illegal immigration, while a further 15 were arrested in Belgium. Yesterday it emerged that Justice Secretary David Lidington had put forward plans to let inmates take part in elections – but only those on day release who are still on the electoral roll. British TV regulator Ofcom has received 390 complaints from distressed Coronation Street viewers over Friday night's episode which showed 'appalling' violence before 9pm. Plus more bad news for Corrie as the actor, who made his debut as Todd Grimshaw in 2001 and was the first openly gay character in the soap, had a claim made against him of inappropriate behaviour by a woman in Manchester. How cash-strapped are the police? Fenland Police in Cambridgeshire posted a images on Twitter showing a uniformed officer, jokingly named PC Frankenstein inside a police station dressed in a cartoon mask. More than 100 over 65s died because of dehydration or malnutrition in Britain last year, according to damning figures by the Office for National Statistics.

 Cataluña Still in Turmoil | File Type: | Duration: Unknown

First it was a yes, then it was a no. Following midday reports that Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont would appear before the Spanish Senate on Thursday afternoon to argue against the application of emergency measures in his region, the speaker of the Catalan parliament told political groups that Puigdemont will not be attending after all. As the pro-independence movement has waged a war to destroy not only Spain but also the free press....THE Spanish government is reportedly planning to rid Cataluña’s police force of officers who support the independence movement. Far-left CUP party rejects a move that could potentially halt the suspension of home rule after Madrid invoked Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution SPAIN’S foreign minister, Alfonso Dastis, has said British expats will be allowed to continue living in Spain even if Britain doesn’t strike a Brexit deal with the European Union. Experts and stakeholders weigh in on the controversy over whether there s been indoctrination, with mixed opinions LOW-COST airline Norwegian is scrapping all its flights from Birmingham to Spain with effect from this weekend. The economy grew by 0.4 per cent in between July and September, new economic data reveals data. The figure from the Office for National Statistics reveals faster growth than most economists predicted. Forecasts suggested growth of 0.3 per cent. The figure for the third quarter makes it more likely the Bank of England will raise interest rates next month. Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg today branded Mark Carney an 'enemy of Brexit' after the Bank of England governor warned quitting the bloc will harm household finances. Mr Rees-Mogg said the finance chief has 'consistently complained' about Britain departure from the Brussels club. And he also tore into the BBC for being based against Brexit in its coverage on television and radio. A Brexit deal could be agreed as soon as Christmas - but only if the UK pays £48bn, EU leaders said on Friday. In a meeting held after Theresa May attended a Brussels summit, EU leaders gave the order to prepare for a trade deal. However the talks will only go ahead if the Prime Minister agrees to pay the eye-watering sum, according to reports. Prisoners at HMP Wayland in Norfolk are being given laptops so they can order treats to their cells as well as telephones to stay in touch with their friends and family. Labour peer Lord Kirkhill pocketed £43,896 last year despite failing to speak, table a written question or sit on a committee, while Scottish Labour peer Baroness Adams earned £41,287. Horrifying pictures show the bruised and battered face of a woman beaten up by her bare-knuckle boxer boyfriend - while her kids slept in the next room. Sarah Wheatley, 37, has bravely spoken about her ordeal and says she wants people to see the horrific injuries she suffered to raise awareness of domestic violence. Her jealous now ex-partner, Russell Mason, from Wyken in Coventry, was jailed for just 20 months yesterday.

 Dreadful Fires in Portugal and Spain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A state of emergency was declared in Portugal as 4,000 firefighters worked to contain the 65 fires still blazing on Monday. AT LEAST 35 people have died in the wildfires that have swept northern Spain and Portugal after more than 500 fires were declared over the weekend. However, a dramatic change in weather will aid the efforts of firefighters working to extinguish the wildfires that swept northern Spain and Portugal. A SPANISH court has sent two senior pro-independence activists to prison, without bail, who are being detained on sedition charges. FOR the second time in a week, a Spanish pilot has died following a crash, this time of an F-18 aircraft. NATIONAL POLICE officers in La Linea de la Concepcion have arrested a married couple who were selling drugs from their residence in a street known locally as ‘Death Alley.’ The weather in the UK has been dominated by the remnants of hurricane Ophelia. The President of the European parliament, Antonio Tajani, accused Theresa May of being 'unrealistic' and said the divorce bill should be around 60billion euros. Hillary Clinton told the BBC's Andrew Marr the link between Brexit and the election of Donald Trump was a breakthrough of 'false stories' in the media. The inmates of some of the United Kingdom’s toughest prisons are being trusted to harvest sensitive information – sometimes involving financial affairs from inside their jails. The inmates of some of the United Kingdom’s toughest prisons are being trusted to harvest sensitive information – sometimes involving financial affairs from inside their jails. Karen Eastwood,a grandmother from Denton, Greater Manchester, was arrested for driving erratically while awaiting trial for another drink-driving offence after being found three times the limit She has avoided jail!

 Give Peace a Chance! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

So, Cataluñan Independence was declared then suspended. What does this mean? Who will benefit? Is Russia really in the mix? German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stressed her backing for the "unity of Spain" in a phone call with Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy amid a threat by Catalan separatists to declare independence, her spokesman said on Monday. Leaders of far-right parties in other countries are being blamed. A group of Catalan professors at prestigious universities in the United States has become a crucial pillar of the independence drive. Their defense of a referendum and independence has helped to project an image of academic support. Some of these academics now strongly and forcefully defend a unilateral declaration of independence following the October 1 referendum, which was outlawed by the Constitutional Court. Barcelona, which the Financial Times once defined as the best city to live in, made the front page of Europe’s financial publications last week. This is because several major listed companies – including CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell, Gas Natural and Agbar – decided to join a growing list of small and medium enterprises moving their corporate headquarters out of Catalonia over fears of political turmoil should a declaration of independence be announced. Meanwhile, Ryanair and all the travellers involved Easyjet have been greatly disrupted by the French air traffic controllers. This does not seem to have made the headlines in the UK where the major interest seems focussed around the antics of wayward film directors and film stars. ....despite the fact that an estimated 1 million illegals roam around the UK. David Wood, an ex-director general of immigration enforcement, told MPs there are 'enormous difficulties' in removing overseas nationals who are in the UK unlawfully. The headlines tell us that jailbirds are returning to prison to help smuggle drugs into the jails.....A third of youngsters under 5 own a tablet and Researchers from the University of Nottingham found greater immaturity among young girls makes them 31 per cent more likely to be told they have ADHD, while boys are 26 per cent more likelyto be told they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the research adds. Barack Obama and his aides regarded the idea of a special relationship between Britain and the US as a joke, it was claimed. As more than 700,000 people in Lancashire had to boil their water in summer 2015 when microbial parasite cryptosporidium was found in the Franklaw water treatment works in Preston. The resultant fine was a mere 300, 000.

 Thoughts and Prayers with Victims of Las Vegas Shooting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We first must share our prayers and good wishes to all those caught up in the tragic events in Las Vegas. Two days after Catalonia held a banned independence referendum, the region was operating at half speed on Tuesday due to a general strike called by small unions. The two large Spanish general workers’ unions, UGT and CC OO, have encouraged people to demonstrate in a “paro de país” (country stoppage) to protest the police violence on Sunday, but underscored that they are not participating in the call for a general strike. Europe has had a rocky ride with referendums in recent years: think of Greece’s anti-austerity vote in 2015, or the Brexit shock and Italy’s failed constitutional referendum in December 2016. As the UK found with the 2014 Scottish independence vote, even holding a referendum at all can be highly destabilising to the traditional political order and political party systems. Shouting slogans such as “¡Viva España!” and chants such as “I am Spanish,” around 10,000 people, according to figures from the central government delegation in Madrid, attended a demonstration at midday on Saturday in the Plaza de Cibeles, in the heart of the Spanish capital. Britain's biggest ever peacetime repatriation mission has been launched to rescue Monarch's 110,000 stranded passengers.The airline ceased trading on Tuesday, with all future flights cancelled and nearly 2,000 people left without jobs. Transport secretary Chris Grayling promised a mass effort will now be executed to bring holidaymakers home, at a cost of £60million. Theresa May must reverse the ‘hollowing out’ of the Armed Forces, a top general has warned. In a letter to the PM, Sir Richard Barrons said states had the capability to seriously threaten the UK. The UK's second blind judge wholly failed 'to meet the standards that are demanded by the office of a judge' according to a panel's ruling. Meanwhile, a British Asian lawyer, Nazir Afzal, who was widely praised for his role in tackling the Rochdale grooming scandal, has been barred from making the keynote speech at the Society of Asian Lawyers annual awards and ball in London on October 28.

 Now it's Germany's Spotlight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Angela Merkel won power at the ballot box on Sunday but lost support to the far-right AfD party which gained its first seats in the German parliament, leading to protests across the country. Is it true that Catalans pay more than the rest? The answer is yes. It will be rightly said that Catalonia is a rich community and, therefore, it is logical that in a progressive tax system contribute more than, for example, Extremadura, the region with the highest unemployment rate and lower GDP per capita. Sympathy with Catalonia's bid to hold an independence referendum next week is running high in Scotland, where lawmakers are increasingly vocal in condemning Spain's actions and a group of volunteers is heading out to help He lives far away, but Jose Jimenez is convinced that Catalonia's independence referendum "won't result in anything," one of many Spaniards in the sprawling southern Andalusia region following the separatist crisis with concern. Mariano Rajoy visited the White House Tuesday to hold a working session with US President Donald Trump. The Spanish president, in his first meeting with Trump, plans to invite the US president to visit Spain and has put on the table his diplomatic position on sanctions to North Korea and Venezuela Not all countries are the same," says Antonio Javier Saborit López, a Spanish citizen who works in the construction sector in London, and is part of a surprising number of Spaniards based in the United Kingdom who support Brexit. Former Spanish king Juan Carlos at 79 has been named world sailing champion along with his crew during the classic six competition in Vancouver that also included American Dennis Conner. A hero Royal Marine who lost three limbs in a bomb blast in Afghanistan was praised by Prince Harry last night after winning a silver medal at the Invictus Games. Ryanair has announced it will scrap 18,000 more flights on 34 routes until March 2018 - having already axed more than 2,000 routes n a triumphalist keynote speech at party conference, Mr Corbyn said he was determined to sweep away the 'failed dogma' of 1980s Thatcherism and make the rich 'pay their fair share' A NHS plan to bring over 202 nurses from the Philippines to work at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, Kent, has stalled after 88 per cent of the first wave failed their English language test.

 Spain Dominates the Tennis Rankings! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After a week in the UK it is easy to see how the weather affects our different ways of life!A majority of Catalans, 56%, feel that the independence referendum announced by the regional government for October 1 is neither valid nor legal, considering the voting conditions and the way lawmakers got the referendum law passed. The Spanish Civil Guard has arrested seven British nationals suspected of cheating Spanish hotels out of 8364;60 million through phony food poisoning claims. Most of the hotels that fell prey to the scam are located in the Balearic Islands. City of Bilbao advises cocaine users to chop up your line nice and fine;Authorities pull campaign following social controversy over safe use recommendations. For the first time ever, two Spanish tennis players occupy the first places in the male and female world rankings. Garbie Muguruza holds the number one position for the ladies while Rafael Nadal, who has held the position three times previously, dominates the ATP. The weather has turned very windy in the UK with all the attendant problems.Top Eurocrat Jean-Claude Juncker dismissed Brexit today as he demanded all member states sign up to even closer ties.In his annual state of the EU address, the commission president warned Britain that it would 'regret' leaving the bloc. A story that went under the radar in the UK involved a husband and wife who discussed drugging and raping babies on WhatsApp in a paedophile love triangle have been freed from jail after serving a fraction of their sentence .Len McCluskey has compared himself to Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela as his fellow union barons threatened a wave of illegal strikes. A shocking video has emerged of a grinning reveller grinding against a female police officer at Notting Hill Carnival which some social media users have slammed as being 'sexual assault'.

 Mixed Values Everywhere | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In wake of the Catalonia attacks.... installation of barriers has already begun at tourist sites throughout country.....TVE presenter slammed for asking Spanish born-and-bred Muslim if she 'feels integrated in Spain'. However, even before the terrorist attacks of Barcelona and Cambrils, the Spanish Interior Ministry had already developed a plan to combat the problem, but so far its guidelines have barely been implemented by local officials......Abdelbakri Es Satty followed a jihadist manual that permitted adopting the habits of Christians so as to go undetected. The mayor of a small town in Catalonia accumulated more than €2 million during his tenure between 2003 and 2015 from bribes, according to an investigation by anti-corruption prosecutors. Police are investigating the alleged rape of a British tourist by a taxi driver working in the upmarket Costa del Sol resort of Puerto Banus a day after launching a similar probe in Magaluf. FC BARCELONA'S latest signing is the most expensive in the club's history and will make their new forward the second-most pricey player on earth. Borussia Dortmund's Ousmane Dembélé has just signed a €147-million five- season transfer deal, involving a €105m down payment to German team, and a lock-in penalty clause of €400m if he breaks the contract off prematurely. The Notting Hill Carnival, Brexit talks and the Diana tapes seem to have largely dominated the UK news this week. Notting Hill police Police were slashed with broken bottles, had acid thrown at them and in one of the worst confrontations, three PCs had bloody spit sprayed in their faces by a man claiming to be HIV positive. Shane Ridge, 21, from Colne, Lancashire, was issued a letter from the Home Office telling him to leave the country, even though he was born in the UK and has worked and voted here since. Meanwhile, Samim Bigzad had been booked on a commercial flight back to his home country - but as he was escorted onto the Turkish Airlines jet the pilot told guards: 'I'm not flying. Someone's life is at risk. Seline Damar was out riding in Woodborough, Nottinghamshire, when she claims a driver in his 70s rammed into the back of her horse Spot, causing blood to gush down his legs. Cyclist Vicky Myers was killed after she was struck in Timperley, Trafford in Manchester on Sunday morning by a car which did not stop at the scene. A Ford Transit driver has been arrested after the fatal crash with a male cyclist in Holloway, north London, just after 6am today. The man was treated by paramedics but sadly died at the scene. Ricardo McFarlane, 30, 'breached an ASBO' when he approached shoppers outside Topshop in Oxford Street. At Southwark Crown Court today, he refused to stand for the judge. A child, who is a white native English speaker, spent the past six months in two Muslim households after being placed into foster care in Tower Hamlets, east London. .......Discount supermarket Aldi has defended closing a till to customers wanting to buy alcohol at its Northampton store because a staff member had 'concerns' about serving booze.

 Spain Still Recovering! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Barcelona and the whole of Spain is still reeling after the horrific terror attacks and other events of last week.. The media was showing great detail of the atrocity and then illustrated how it had been linked to other parts of Cataluña. Today's papers showed four suspects testified for the first time. Later, whilst Members of the Muslim community gathered at the famous Plaza de Catalunya, which is just yards from where it ploughed into pedestrians on Las Ramblas.....and Barcelona's chief rabbi Meir Bar-Hen told his congregation to move to Israel to flee terror. It was surprising to see Deputy chairman of the German Social Democratic Party Eva Hogl caught on camera smiling and waving as her party leader made a tribute to victims of the Barcelona atrocity. In a lesser publicised article Mohamed Atta, the pilot of the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center, is reported to have met with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, in Cambril, Spain, in July 2001 where they 'planned' the 9/11 attacks. In another extremely sad event Rocío Cortés Núñez is said to have been killed as she was transported on a stretcher between the second and third floors of the Valme Hospital in Seville, southern Spain. Fernando Alvarez, from Cadiz, Spain, held one minute's His Own silence in honor of victims During the attack Barcelona race at the Masters World Championship in Budapest. In the past two months, police officers on beach duty in Barcelona have filed 7,217 reports of hawkers peddling food and drink to vacationers. Earlier this week, EL PAÍS published the results of a laboratory analysis of these products by MicroBac, which revealed a high content of fecal bacteria, known as E.Coli, in much of the beach fare on sale. In the UK Lady Diane is once again in the news via a TV show. Lady Sarah McCorquodale, said her sister was ‘religious’ about wearing seatbelts and questioned why she would have failed to do so on her fateful last car journey through Paris. A TV show about Jihadis and volunteers in Syria is seen by many viewers as being inappropriate. Families had called on Channel 4 to postpone the series as a mark of respect for victims after the terror group claimed responsibility for the atrocity in Spain. Meanwhile, Bradford West MP Naz Shah shared and liked a post by a parody account of newspaper columnist Owen Jones saying victims of sex abuse in Rotherham should 'shut their mouths'. As political groups in the USA are pulling down monuments in the UK Afua Hirsch said Nelson's Column in London's Trafalgar Square was a prime example of one which should be felled because Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson‎ defended slavery.‎ ‎

 Who Rules the Waves? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If there is a ranking by excellence of universities....then Spain has no institution among the top 200. ....The 11 best Spanish Universities, all public, are ranked between 200 and 500. The European Commission provided new light on the origin of the contaminated eggs . ...... EU ministers will meet on 26 September to discuss the crisis. The lack of water in the Spanish marshes has triggered greenhouse gas emissions.. Depleted reserves of reservoirs make 2017 look like a bad year in the fight against climate change. We have launched a very positive message that makes it clear that beauty is not restricted to a single size for all women," said Sports Illustrated magazine's powerful swimsuit director A fight between tourists at the exit of a discotheque in Gandia (ended Sunday in a brutal beating of seven young people against one.. The seven assailants have been fined more than 1,000 euros each, local police reported. A young couple assaulted a bus driver at Sant Antoni station in Ibiza. The attackers, tourists, wanted to enter the privately hired vehicle, with a ticket for public transport. Brexit still tops the bill in the UK press although the question of the Irish borders now intensifies. Meanwhile, HMS Queen Elizabeth will send a message to the UK's allies and enemies that the country means business, according to her captain. The £3billion behemoth is set to be the nation's future flagship. A poll claimed that two-thirds of Britons do not think the Duchess of Cornwall should be Queen – and only 19 per cent thought she was fit for the role. British officials need to ‘step up’ efforts to ‘root out fraud and corruption’ in a scheme distributing £420million of aid money in Pakistan, a Whitehall report has warned. This is set against the history of the partitioning of India after the second World War. Whilst British courts seemingly apply leniency in their judgements Khong Tam Thanh, 22, Le Michael, 24, and Vu Thai Son, 24, have been jailed for six and a half years with caning after the sex attack in Singapore. Glen Friend, 28, from east London, targeted thousands of children on the phone app and made a nine-year-old girl strip for him and then shared it with a gang of 10 paedophiles. He has been jailed for four years. Despite all the terror attacks a dad and his seven-year-old daughter managed to sneak into the London stadium and watch athletes competing in the World Championships at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Jeremy Hunt reportedly spent £44,000 of taxpayers' cash on a private bathroom at the Department of Health headquarters in London including a designer toilet and power shower. Residents and agency staff have been digging in to clear mountains of rubbish which has been piling up on the streets of Birmingham after the industrial action started on June 30. The strike is costing around 4o.000 pounds per day.

 The Problems Persist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A terrorist suspect has been shot and arrested in connection with this morning's attack in Paris, which saw six soldiers injured when a BMW mowed down their patrol. The 37-year-old was 'seriously wounded' in a fierce gunfight close to the northern port town of Boulogne-sur-Mer, after he was intercepted driving towards Calais. Dozens of flights in and out of Madeira were cancelled on Monday, stranding thousands of passengers. In Spain a looming airport strike over pay could run from September to December. The tourism law reform approved by the Balearic Government, in force since Tuesday, has put a stop to the accommodation of visitors in legal tourist establishments. The ceiling has been set at 623,624, of which the majority 435,707 are in Majorca An off-duty Madrid municipal policeman has been killed by a cut to his throat during a discussion in a bar in Vicálvaro district in the early hours of Tuesday A British teacher has been arrested in Spain on suspicion of distributing child pornography. The suspect, from Manchester, is accused of taking pictures of his pupils Since new rules came into force in June in Magaluf, 22 people have been fined for having sex in public, and 52 have been fined for public nudity as authorities try to clean up the resort's image. The French government logged 17,867 attempts to break into Calais' port and Channel Tunnel with over 12,300 asylum seekers trying to stow away on UK-bound lorries. Shocking new data reveals hundreds of pupils have been punished in the last four years for sexual acts, including assaulting or harassing other children The full municipality of the Pontevedra Town Hall of Ponteareas , of 23,000 inhabitants, agreed on Monday to enable a budget item to grant a productivity increase to staff members and staff who do not miss work or who make at least 90% of their work commitment. The number of police stations across the nation has been slashed by almost half in less than ten years. The brutal cutbacks have come as violent crime and terrorism have surged. The father of the young man murdered by gangster Kenneth Noye last night said the decision to move the killer to an open prison – and one step closer to freedom - was a ‘a real kick in the teeth’. Noye was jailed for life in 2000 for the murder of 21-year-old Stephen Cameron in a road rage attack four years earlier. Jeremy Corbyn has backed the right of all prisoners to vote in elections, the Mail can reveal. The Labour leader told a conference he believes ‘strongly’ that all inmates should vote. Social care is in such crisis that four in ten homes fail inspections. Watchdogs have reported on 5,300 care homes this year and 2,000 were found inadequate or in need of improvement. It means 70,000 vulnerable residents and patients are at risk. Inspectors found elderly who were left filthy and starving. Others were locked in their bedrooms with no natural light. A grassroots revolt has been credited with forcing the National Trust to change its policy on making volunteers wear gay pride badges. The 48-hour backlash saw at least 240 members rip up their subscriptions. On Saturday, a letter from the trust’s outgoing head Dame Helen Ghosh defending the rule on the rainbow ID badges, which mark the 50th anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality, appeared in a national newspaper.


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