Europe Calling show

Europe Calling

Summary: Award winning weekly podcast with Vince Tracy, Terry Whitehead and Neil Colbourne, Matt King, Mike Payne and Barbara Anne taking a weekly look at the news from Europe and the UK..

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 Politician Fiddling Qualifications Again.... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Two British tourists remained in a 'very serious condition' in a Paris hospital after being stabbed repeatedly by an illegal Afghan immigrant who tried to use them as human shields. Sweden is facing weeks - if not months - of political uncertainty and complex coalition talks after neither of the country's two main blocs were able to secure a majority in yesterday's general election. Several mainstream parties lost support in favour of the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD), who won 17.6 per cent of the vote ......... AN ESTIMATED one million protestors flocked to the streets of Barcelona yesterday in an attempt to reinvigorate Cataluña’s independence movement. The march coincided with ‘Diada’, the National Day of Cataluña which commemorates the anniversary of Barcelona’s fall to Spain in 1714. SPAIN’S Minister of Health, Carmen Montón has left her position following irregularities found in her Master’s degree. Montón made her resignation on Tuesday after a media storm detailed numerous irregularities in her degree in interdisciplinary gender studies from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid. The Spanish government has stated that a crisis over the construction and sale of five warships to Saudi Arabia has been “deactivated.” For a week, Madrid and Riyadh have been engaged in a flurry of diplomatic exchanges following a news report that Spain would cancel the sale of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia over the risk that they might be used in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Spain’s attorney general is proposing a change to the country’s criminal code so that hate crimes committed via social networks are no longer only punishable by jail sentences. Drug gangs seek revenge after Instagram user publishes compromising photos. The authorities believe the account, which featured pictures of the traffickers’ partying and girlfriends, was set up in an act of revenge due to an apparent non- payment of jobs. A GROUP of four tourists on holiday in Tanzania died when their SUV was smashed into by a lorry on their way to a safari. Three of the victims were women from Malaga, two of whom worked as nurses at the Hospital Clinico Virgen de la Victoria. BRITSH locals and holidaymakers in Benidorm have urged Spanish police in recent years to take more action in eradicating the street con-artists responsible for ‘Benidorm’s oldest scam’. The swindlers, known as the “pea-men”........ Jeremy Corbyn's Private Secretary has been working in Parliament for nine months without the necessary security clearance, it was reported last night.

 Spain, Migrants and Catalonia | File Type: | Duration: Unknown

French and British fishermen have clashed in the English Channel over a hoard of scallops - the latest flare-up in a years-long war over the prized shellfish. SPANISH police are trying to round up the 116 sub-Saharan migrants who stormed a border crossing using force and return them to Morocco. The migrants allegedly threw quicklime and battery acid at border officers as they stormed into the Spanish territory of Ceuta. The Spanish government of Socialist Party (PSOE) Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is being pressured to take a stand in the ongoing row over pro-independence symbols in Catalonia. The conservative Popular Party (PP) and center-right Ciudadanos have called on the government to ban the yellow ribbons, an emblem of support for jailed pro-independence leaders, from all public spaces. Two-thirds of people in the Valencian region have problems with their weight, with 90,000 classified as morbidly obese and another 5,000 super obese. But not many approach the weight of 34-year-old Teófilo Rodríguez who was recently sent home from hospital despite the protests of his family. FLIGHT times from the UK are on average 35 minutes longer than a decade ago, despite improvements in aircraft technology a Which? Travel report claims. The consumer group report claims that airlines are “padding” their schedules to create an impression that flights are arriving on time. PINEAPPLES stuffed with 67 kilos of cocaine have been seized in a police raid on a wholesale market in Spain. The fruits, believed to have a street value of almost €275,000 are believed to have been shipped from Costa Rica to Portugal by boat and then overland to the Spanish capital. POLICE have stopped a drunk woman driver who was eight times over the legal drink drive limit in Spain. Other drivers alerted the police to the erratic driving of the female driver. THE British government has told its taxpayers, including those living abroad, that they must declare their earnings on overseas assets by September 30 or face penalties. The amount of money wrongly paid in benefits as a result of fraud and error soared to £3.8billion last year. This was up £200million on the previous year and came despite a Tory pledge to bring it down. It means more than £70million is lost to fraud and error every week. Police should dramatically increase the use of stop and search to combat spiralling gang violence, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith demands today. A ‘toxic cycle of serious violence’ fuelled by drug dealers who operate ‘with impunity’ is spreading around the country, a major report by the Conservative MP’ s think-tank warns. Michael Palin has slammed the BBC's culture of political correctness after one of its comedy bosses said Monty Python were too 'white and Oxbridge' for modern TV.

 Fair? I Don't think so! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

PASSENGERS were left in tears after their flight to the Spanish holiday island of Mallorca was cancelled because the ‘crew was too tired’. The easyJet flight from Belfast to Palma was called off at the last minute, leaving 146 passengers home and dry. .AN easyJet flight from Manchester Airport to Gibraltar diverted to Portugal last Sunday due to a 'disruptive' passenger onboard. AN IRISH father who was travelling from Spain with his five-year-old daughter claims he was told he would be arrested by police for theft upon arrival at East Midlands airport after refusing to pay for a pot of Pringles. .......... . Working with teams of international fraud specialists, including in Madrid and Alicante, the Department for Work and Pensions has recovered a record total of £1.1billion in overpaid benefits in relation to both UK and international fraud. In the UK The families of Hillsborough victims have slammed a decision to drop charges against former police chief Sir Norman Bettison over alleged lies he told following the disaster. . More people with criminal records should be made magistrates to increase diversity among the judiciary, the chairman of Magistrates Association said last night. John Bache insisted a more representative set of magistrates would make criminals feel less alienated by the system. ......... A radical new steam treatment could offer hope to millions of middle-aged men who suffer with an enlarged prostate. The five-minute procedure to shrink the gland cuts the need for surgery and comes with minimal side effects. Health watchdogs are expected to give it the green light for routine NHS use tomorrow. Kay Longstaff claimed she had fallen from the Norwegian Star off the coast of Croatia over the weekend .. But the 83-year-old mother of Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) president has since suggested she must have jumped off the vessel - and said the incident had cost the firm $600,000. 'She didn't fall off. She jumped,' she told the Daily Telegraph. 'This has cost Norwegian Cruise Line $600,000. This stupid woman. ........she couldn't have fallen. You would have to take steps to climb over the railings. He said she jumped in the water'. It comes as Ms Longstaff's father revealed she had been going through a 'hard time' in her personal life and ...... A woman three times the drink drive limit who was arrested after hitting a parked motorbike and quad bike while swigging from a can of lager has been spared jail. Michelle Battersby appeared at Preston Crown Court on Monday for sentencing after she admitted to dangerous driving and driving while under the influence of alcohol. ....Mitigating, Ricky Holland, argued that she had been drinking as she struggled to cope with her father's terminal illness. A drunken policewoman who attacked two fellow officers in her home while screaming and assaulted her boyfriend before making false abuse claims against him has avoided jail. .........was sentenced to a 12-month community order, which includes a 60-day alcohol treatment requirement and a 15-day rehabilitation requirement. She must also pay £300 costs and an £85 victim surcharge and was made subject to an indefinite restraining order prohibiting contact..

 Problems in Europe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

.AN ENORMOUS span of a road bridge in Genoa, Italy has collapsed killing scores of motorists and trapping many more in the rubble. It is believed that the occupants of ten vehicles were in the vicinity of the Morandi bridge when a 200- metre stretch of the structure collapsed during a heavy storm on Tuesday. The Polizia di Stato have shared footage of parts of the bridge crumbling into the water Dozens of vehicles burned in Sweden's four major cities - Stockholm, Malmo, Gothenburg and Uppsala - on Monday evening and in the early hours of Tuesday after gangs of youths launched a series of attacks across the country, believed to have been coordinated on social media. Gothenburg police say they have identified the attackers and are speaking to their parents.............. An Afghan asylum-seeker has been arrested after injuring four people in a drunke n and frenzied knife attack in a sleepy French town. The incident began last night with the 19-year-old man, who is said to have psychological problems, lashing out at cars outside his home in Perigueux,.............. The municipal spokesperson for the conservative Popular Party (PP) in Vigo, Elena Muñoz, sent out a tweet on August 8 that now appears to have been premonitory. “This is the week of the O Marisquiño [festival], but the place where it will be held is not in a good condition. Broken timbers, spikes pointing into the air… The Paseo de las Avenidas is in a dangerous state. We hope that for the good of all nothing happens either during or after the event.” Six countries from the European Union have reached an agreement to take in the 141 migrants that are currently on board the Aquarius NGO rescue ship, as well as a further 100 that have also been picked up in the Mediterranean, Spanish government sources have announced. Under the deal, Spain will take in a total of 60 people............. For now, it appears to be the perfect crime. The thieves who last week robbed the Puerto Rican singer Daddy Yankee, in a hotel in Valencia, didn’t use guns or violence. Nor did they have to work out the access code for the safe in the room of the co-writer of worldwide smash hit Despacito........... AIRPORT police in Spain have arrested a man who tried to outsmart sniffer dogs and officers by using curry paste to conceal drugs. The 39-year-old man was found to be carrying 5.5 kilos of heroin in a false-bottomed suitcase by the Guardia Civil officers at the Malaga-Costa del Sol airport. POLICE in Spain are hunting a 'savage' man after he impaled a dog on a spiked fe nce while throwing it into an animal shelter to abandon it......... In the UK The Westminster terror suspect who ploughed into 15 cyclists and pedestrians was known to police and travelled to London from his Midlands home in a Ford Fiesta bought just two months ago. He was refusing to speak to detectives about why he carried out the shocking carborne rush hour attack outside Parliament ........................................................ Meanwhile, The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn defied calls fro his own MPs, Jewish leaders and even the Israeli Prime Minister for being at the 2014 ceremony honouring extremists. ...................... Tory peer Lord Skeikh must be investigated for attended the controversial conference in Tunisia at the heart of the Jeremy Corbyn wreath laying scandal, a senior Conservative today said.

 Immigration Rows....... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The heat wave which hit Spain last Wednesday has claimed eight lives, ..Spain’s national weather service Aemet on Monday announced the end of the heat wave and forecast a gradual drop in temperatures. Italy’s interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has accused Spain of “encouraging out-of-control immigration.” SPAIN’S National Police force has arrested seven people suspected of large-scale migrant smuggling. The organised crime gang would smuggle the migrants from French-speaking African countries to Northern Spain, and from there on to France. The investigation into a master’s degree obtained in 2009 by Pablo Casado, the new leader of Spain’s Popular Party (PP), is on its way to the Supreme Court. In a Monday decision, an investigative judge from Madrid sent the case to a higher court because of immunity laws protecting Casado from the lower courts as an elected official, known in Spanish as aforamiento. T A court in Seville has ordered Ángel Boza, one of the members of the notorious “La Manada” gang who were convicted for sexually abusing an 18-year-old at the 2016 Running of the Bulls fiestas in Pamplona, to be sent to prison without bail for robbery with violence ........... In the UK a group of travellers evicted from a leafy Surrey common four days ago have invaded a village just six miles away. Locals living in well-heeled Thames Ditton - where homes are valued at £1million - say that they are at their wits' end after a mob of 200 travellers moved to their recreation ground from nearby Cobham. .......... the group have left loo roll strewn in bushes after defecating on the common. A Sudanese asylum seeker who raped a  student and then tried to rape a mother in the same cemetery has been jailed for 16 years after admitting the crimes saying: 'Guilty. Yes - why not?'. Former foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, used his column to comment on Denmark's introduction of a burka ban. The burka is a full face covering that is associated with a conservative interpretation of Islam.  It is not to be confused with the hijab, which leaves the face uncovered, or the niqab, which leaves the eyes exposed. In his Daily Telegraph article Mr Johnson said ....... to go around looking like letter boxes England cricketer, Ben Stokes, 27 was accused of 'trying to provoke two gay men' by a bouncer who claimed he was sworn at in an 'angry and spiteful tone' after he refused him entry to a nightclub. ........ Lewis Hamilton, the four-time Formula One world champion, shared a clip of him litter picking on a beach on the Greek island of Mykonos on Instagram and Twitter. In the clips, a topless Hamilton is seen wearing gloves as he picks up debris.

 Spain's Immigration Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SPAIN’S national Met Office has issued its first heatwave warning of 2018 and experts are warning tourists that they may struggle to acclimatise to the extreme heat. Temperatures are expected to hit at least 40ºC in some parts of the country. ..... night time ‘lows’ are expected to be 20ºC or above. ........ The regions worst hit by the heat will be Andalucia, Madrid, the Balearic Islands, Extremadura and Castilla La-Mancha. Hundreds of taxi drivers on Tuesday blocked one of Madrid’s main thoroughfares, Paseo de la Castellana, in an ongoing protest against what they view as unfair co mpetition from ride-hailing services like Uber and Cabify. Spain is asking the European Union for help to manage growing migration flowsin the Mediterranean. The Spanish government has requested additional emergency aid from the European Commission, said a spokesperson for this EU institution on Monday. Commission sources suggested there will be a positive response to the request, without providing details of the aid that might be extended. Spain is asking for money from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which has set aside €3.1 billion for the 2014-2020 period for assistance to migrants and refugees. The recently-elected leader of Spain’s Popular Party (PP), Pablo Casado, has promised to “defend the borders” against the “millions” of undocumented migrants who want to enter Spain.......“It isn’t possible to give legal papers to everyone, nor is it for Spain to absorb the millions of Africans who come looking for a better future in Europe,” said Casado at a party event in Ávila on Sunday. “And because it’s not possible, we have to say so, even if it is politically incorrect.” In UK Xeneral Webster, 19, admitted manslaughter over the death of Joanne Ran d, who was hit with sulphuric acid as she sat on a bench in Frogmoor, High Wycom be. It is believed to be the first acid killing in the UK. Webster had armed himself wi th the corrosive substance which was knocked from his hand by another man who he was in a dispute with over a bicycle. Stephen Walsh, 37, from Nottingham, was beaten around the head outside the ne w family home ......was involved in a collision after his Lexus car struck a gold coloured estate car at around 10pm on Sunday. .............But Mr Walsh was found dead at 5.55am the following morning. suspect had not yet reported the collision and said: 'We will find you'. A woman who had sex with a 13-year-old schoolboy has avoided prison but was warned by the judge not to invite teenagers to her house for parties any more. Mold Crown Court heard.....had sex with the schoolboy - who was a virgin - on the kitchen floor at her home in Rhyl, North Wales, in 2016....... Heading a ball in a soccer game could cause greater damage to women's brains than to men's, a new study has found..........The team, from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York, says their findings show that sex-specific guidelines may need to be put in place to prevent head injuries from becoming commonplace in the most-played sport in the world.

 Terrible Fires in Greece | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Officials have asked for US drones 'to observe and detect any suspicious activity' as it emerged 15 fires had started at the same time in three different areas near Athens - possibly by criminals intending to ransack homes once they were abandoned by fleeing residents The Tour de France was thrown into chaos on Tuesday after a farmers' strike spilled into the middle of the road....British cyclist Geraint Thomas was caught up in the worst of the protest, as police fired pepper spray at the farmers. The spray drifted and left riders - including yellow jersey holder Thomas - rubbing their eyes. The Socialist Party (PSOE) leader has been facing criticism from political groups in the lower house, including some of those who helped him win the no-confidence vote. The PP accused Sanchez of being indebted to Catalan and Basque separatists, while leftists say he is already going back on promises such as publishing the names of tax evaders. Pablo Casado, 37, became the new president of Spain's Popular Party (PP) at party primaries held on Saturday in Madrid......... ;BUDGET airline Ryanair has apologised to the customers whose flights today have been cancelled by ............... The return of Channel 5's Gangland reveals how children are being recruited by rival gangs in the capital, where 250 gangs are known to be active........... Since the start of the year, more than 80 murder investigations have been launched in the capital. Forces Former archbishop of Canterbury George Carey blamed the church's failures in investigating allegations against paedophile bishop Peter Ball on the breakdown of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's marriage......... More than 1,200 sex offenders have succeeded in getting themselves removed from the register, despite the fact they were placed on it 'indefinitely'. A shocking 632 criminals who had their names taken off the list within the past six years had committed their crimes against a child under the age of 16.They were allowed to do so under a change in the law in 2012 that granted criminals who had an indefinite notification to remain on the register to appeal after 15 years.The staggering numbers were uncovered by an investigation by Good Morning Britain that was revealed on Wednesday

 DonaldTrump's UK Visit ..... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A BRITISH holidaymaker has survived after plummeting seven floors from a balcony at a Mallorca hotel and landing on a car bonnet following a row with his partner........... A five-foot tsunami has hit tourist beaches in parts of Majorca and Menorca. A wave measuring almost five feet hit Ciutadella on the west coast of Menorca in the early hours of Monday morning. ...... Meteotsunami have been recorded reaching heights of 6ft (1.8m) or more. Undocumented migrants will have access to public healthcare the moment they set foot in Spain, according to a draft government decree. .........Regional governments will decide what documents are necessary to access the system in their territory A VACCINE to protect against all five strains of the deadly Ebola virus is being worked on by Spanish researchers, and it would be the first of its kind. A prototype Ebola vaccine has been developed by phamaceutical company Merck, but it is only effective against the “Zaire” strain. SPAIN’S new traffic chief has revealed that drivers using a mobile phone while at the wheel are set to face heavier fines. . LOW-COST airline easyJet has launched its 1000th route and new flights between the UK, Spain and Gibraltar are now on sale.Sixteen brand new routes have been added to the Winter 2018 flying schedule as the airline expands its network. The new routes include: Belfast to Fuerteventura with prices from £26.70* London Luton to Gibraltar (from £15.72*) Manchester to Lanzarote (from £28.72*) Manchester to Barcelona (from £36.70*) A drunken mother - who had been tranquilized before she got on a plane - rummaged through lockers in a desperate search for alcohol before launching a mid-air attack on her husband. .......... Sentencing her to eight weeks in jail, suspended for two years, chair of the bench ...... Simmonite was also handed a rehabilitation order. Donald Trump sent the Special Relationship into meltdown today after lobbing a series of extraordinary verbal hand grenades at Theresa May on his visit to the UK. The US president tore up diplomatic niceties to deliver a series of crushing blows to the PM, warning that her soft Brexit plan would 'kill' a trade deal with the US - and heaping praise on Boris Johnson, who quit in protest earlier this week. The president also renewed his war of words with Sadiq Khan, saying the London mayor has 'done a very bad job on terrorism'. He said he thought that allowing 'millions and millions' of people into Europe was 'very sad' and pointed to crime being 'brought in' to London....... Dr David Mackereth’s 26-year medical career hasn’t been jeopardised by endless, gruelling, night shifts. Nor have the life and death decisions he has made on NHS emergency wards for decades put him off his profession. It was, in the end, his response to an instruction in a nondescript training room that has left his future hanging in the balance. ‘ Labour frontbencher Emily Thornberry faced accusations of hypocrisy last night after it emerged that her husband had made more than £500,000 profit buying a former housing association property for her brother to live in. ....... The property is now worth more than £1 million and is occupied by Ms Thornberry's brother Ben.

 Terrible Fires in the UK | File Type: | Duration: Unknown

In the World Cup Spain go home losing on penalties to Russia and England go through beating Colombia on penalties. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on Tuesday told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that a country’s contribution to global security cannot be measured simply by a spending percentage, ........... A FOUR-YEAR-OLD boy has drowned in a hotel swimming pool in Ibiza. The Dutch national was on holiday with his family in Sant Antoni when he fell in to the pool at around 2.30pm on Sunday July 1. SOME €23.7 billion has ‘not been spent wisely’ on Spain’s high-speed rail network, the European Court Auditors has ruled. Since 2000, the EU has been funding various high-speed railways across the bloc. This year’s list of the world’s 100 top restaurants was unveiled last Tuesday in the northern Spanish city of Bilbao, and 13 Spanish establishments made it into the list, a number surpassed only by the United States with 14. María Gómez, a reporter for the Spanish TV network Mediaset, has called out the sexual harassment against female journalists reporting from the Russia World Cup. ......... Show respect,” was Brazilian reporter Julia Guimarães’s response to a man who kissed her on the cheek without warning while she was talking to the camera. A SPANISH pensioner has been arrested for animal abuse after allegedly poisoning half a dozen chickens in Marbella. The 77-year-old is accused of using rat poison – to kill the birds which reportedly kept interrupting his sleep. Britain is facing a water shortage as 'high demand' saw taps run dry in thousands of homes and emergency bottles handed out, as wildfires continue to burn across the country during the heatwave. ........... Moorland fires around Bolton and Saddleworth in Greater Manchester continue to burn today, with more than 100 firefighters at each incident and no sign of the rainfall needed to put the blazes out. Jeremy Corbyn's Labour is breeding 'softcore' Holocaust denial, a leading academic has warned. Deborah Lipstadt, who rose to prominence in a legal battle with historian David Irving in 2000 after accusing him of Holocast denial, said anti-Semitism was 'embedded' in Labour. Police are searching a house in Chester after arresting a female healthcare worker on suspicion of murdering eight babies and attempting to murder six others at a hospital in the city. Penny Mordaunt has vowed to press ahead with plans to make changing gender easier despite a poll suggesting a majority of the public is opposed. The equalities minister said the current process, which requires consent from a doctor, was 'overly bureaucratic'. Journalist Jan Leeming has blasted the corporation for ‘disregarding the taste’ of licence fee payers by showing ‘voyeuristic’ programmes and too much sport. .......... Miss Leeming claimed the public are not ‘addicted to sport’ and would prefer licence fee money to go towards high-end dramas such as Poldark The regional divide in England's childhood obesity crisis has been revealed for the first time in an interactive map which shows the link between being overweight and living in poverty. Boroughs of London where the wealthiest and the poorest sit side by side has featured in the top five worst places in the country for childhood obesity levels. ..........

 Sanchez Makes his Plans in Spain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Three weeks after becoming Spanish prime minister in a successful no- confidence motion that brought down the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez knows what he wants to do – but also what he doesn’t want to do. ............. SPAIN’S government is planning to reform a law that gives police the power to hand out sanctions which have been used to ban demonstrations outside parliament among other measures. ............ AN 85-YEAR-OLD doctor is to become the first person to stand trial in Spain’s decades-old ‘stolen babies’ scandal. Gynaecologist Dr Eduardo Vela will appear in a Madrid court................ LAWMAKERS in Spain’s Parliament are due to discuss proposals from the left- leaning Partido Socialista (PSOE) tomorrow (Tuesday) that would see assisted dying legalised. ........... Spain´s Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, made an announcement this week. ............... Joseba Asirón, mayor of Pamplona since 2015, is a member of the Basque radical nationalist party EH Bildu. ................ RYANAIR is set to face one of its largest cabin crew strikes to date with some 5,000 workers threatening to down the tools this summer across Europe. ............Belgium, Portugal, Germany and Holland are all expected to join the strikes ........ THE driver of the car that’s front screen was smashed by an England fan during the 6-1 Panama win has said that bystanders have helped him pay for the repairs........... UK Firefighters have evacuated homes which are directly in the path of a wildfire blazing out of control across Saddleworth Moor in Greater Manchester. The blaze was reported on Sunday night and firefighters initially thought they had successfully battled the blaze. Last night, the fire continued to illuminate the sky as firefighters continued to battle with the flames.......... Business Secretary Greg Clark was accused of ‘communicating a sense of panic’ last night as he urged big business to keep speaking out against plans for a clean break with the EU. ......... ‘This is ridiculous. You don’t take your lead from businesses, you set the policy and then inform the debate. ’ A mugger who robbed an 83-year-old grandmother received instant justice when a cage fighter who witnessed the attack tackled him to the ground. .......... ‘A report predicts that based on current trends, Spanish will overtake French as England’s most widely taught modern language at A-level by 2020 and at GCSE by 2025.’ ........ John McEnroe, the American tennis champion – who is among the BBC’s highest-paid talent, earning between £150,000 and £199,999 a year –said he thought male and female broadcasters should be rewarded on the basis of merit, not gender. ........

 Spain to Free Some Toll Roads | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Angela Merkel has been given just two weeks to find a Europe-wide agreement over the migrant crisis after receiving an ultimatum from her coalition partners...... Ships carrying a total of 630 African migrants have arrived in Spains port of Valencia after being refused by Italy and Malta............Spains new Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has promised free healthcare and says it will investigate each asylum case......... THE Spanish government has unveiled plans to make more than 500km of toll roads free to use across the country............ Inaki Urdangarin, the Spanish kings brother-in-law has been jailed after the Supreme Court rejected his appeal......... A LUXURY Benidorm apartment block plans to ban holiday rentals in its building.............THE Guardia Civil has warned tourists heading to Magaluf of a 20-strong teen gang that is robbing drunk holidaymakers and attacking towards those who resist. The sun shined down on the Queen in the UK as she left St George's Chapel, in Windsor Castle, to cheers from crowds after attending the annual Order of the Garter Service........ The PM pointed to the care given to terrorism victims and her own experience of coping with diabetes as she vowed to turn on the spending taps over the next five years to improve NHS services A taxi driver from Hampstead Heath, north London, was flying from Luton Airport to Skopje, Macedonia, on Sunday morning when he ordered a 4.50 euro 'turkey ham' roll and a bottle of water A foreign thief who was deported from the UK for shoplifting waltzed back past border guards and resumed his life of crime, a court has heard

 Spain's Coach for the Chop Before World Cup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A TOTAL of 13 soldiers were left wounded following a joint military exercise between Spanish and American forces in Aragon.....A further six Spanish soldiers and six American soldiers were left with slight injuries following the accident which is believed to have resulted from heavy winds during a jump. New Real Madrid manager Julen Lopetegui is on the brink of being sacked as Spain boss, just one day before the commencement of the World Cup. THE Spanish government is to allow the migrant ship Aquarius to dock in Valencia after both Italy and Malta refused its entry.... THE number of cars failing the Spanish MOT (ITV) are likely to increase following the introduction of new tests for vehicles this year. ..... DISRUPTIVE passenger on a Jet2 flight to Spain has been handed a lifetime ban after forcing the plane to divert to France. A BRITISH passenger on an easyJet flight to Spain has slammed the airline after his luggage arrived on the conveyor belt ripped to shreds. In the UK Young people's IQ scores have started to deteriorate after climbing steadily since Wold War Two, .Primary schools are warning parents their childrens education is being damaged by the violent video game Fortnite... Fortnite turns normally placid children into belligerent thugs obsessed with guns and killing. A PE teacher who had a sexual relationship with a young school apprentice has been banned from the profession for life.........and to exaggerating his qualifications in order to get the job -

 New Government in Spain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

MORE than 1,020 litres of water fell in just a few hours in Valencia causing floods across the region. According to reports three people had to be rescued by firefighters after getting trapped in their car in Alginet. .........According to state weather agency Aemet the last time it rained so heavily in June was in 2002. The former head of the Spanish government is stepping down as the leader of the conservative Partido Popular (PP). ........departure ends a political career that has spanned more than 30 years. . RYANAIR has announced that passengers flying to tourist hotspot Ibiza this summer will be unable to bring alcohol bought in duty free shops onto the plane with them. .A 34year old male... and six accomplices were found guilty of intent to supply cocaine and heroin across the UK in the wake of a six week trial at Teesside Crown Court. He was apprehended setting up deals in ibiza. Local bar owners and ex-pats working in the popular resort Magaluff say crime is turning holidaymakers off the island with tourist numbers down more than seven per cent on last year. They say women (pictured right as holidaymakers walk past) are trafficked from Nigeria and Senegal by gang masters to lure drunk men to secluded areas with the promise of sex only to mug them. The gang masters who traffic the girls also work as pickpockets, they say Until a few days ago, Penka was known to almost nobody except her owner, a Bulgarian farmer called Ivan Haralampiev. Then she went missing......She then tried to re-enter the EU.Grenflell....still nothing totally showing how this tragedy happened and not allocating the blame.... Grenfell Tower's cladding did not comply with building regulations, was badly installed and created routes for a fire to spread, a damning report into the blaze has concluded...... an expert commissioned by the Grenfell Tower inquiry, delivered a damning assessment of the refurbishment which finished a year before the fire. Moped robbers are now plaguing the streets of London. They threatened Michael McIntyre and his young son with a knife after smashing his Range Rover window with a hammer................, another feminist JENNI MURRAY says, 'I was brutally raped as a teen - no, it was not the worst thing in my life but rapists MUST be jailed....; Elsewhere he UK Rail fiasco continues with.......cancellations and delays.....overcrowding and overcharging........Northern Rail introducing new timetables.......suspended service to the Lake District....... .Being English-BBC report 4th June......Being silly v Straight talking in Yorkshire.....Newcastle .....the role of hardship...Sunderland compared.......Morris Dancing......Scaring evil spirits away during harvesting in Somerset.. ...Britains Got Talent final with political correctness in mind and my prediction that the show used this result as a prelude to it moving to the BBC.

 Now Italy is a Problem for the EU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The EU is in big trouble with eurosceptics set to form the Italian government tonight. They have pledged to deport 500,000 illegal immigrants, ignore EU austerity rules, go on a big spending programme & setup the possibility of quitting the Euro. It is a rejection of the EU & everything it stands for. BREXIT is already damaging Spanish exports after trade with the United Kingdom fell for the first time in five years in 2017. Sales of Spanish products to Britain fell six per cent last year. While trade with the European Union grew eight per cent in the same period, according to the latest Bank of Spain report. A total of seven per cent of all of Spanish exporting firms trade with the UK, the secretary of commerce A quarter of the 11,695 Spanish trading companies only do business with the British Isles. These entities are the “most vulnerable” to Brexit, the Bank of Spain said. The Spanish government continues to exert direct control over Catalan affairs even though a new regional leader has emerged.The newly inaugurated Quim Torra, a hard-line separatist who views himself as a stand-in for ousted ex-premier Carles Puigdemont, has drafted a list of cabinet members that includes four former officials of the breakaway government. Two of these individuals are fugitives from justice, and two more are in custody awaiting trial over rebellion and misuse of public funds. ....... The leader of the left-wing anti-austerity party Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, has called a referendum on whether he and his partner, Podemos spokesperson Irene Montero, should remain in their roles, after the couple received fierce criticism for buying a €600,000-country house in Galapagar, a town northwest of Madrid. Ryanair is making almost £5million a day from customers paying extra fees in addition to standard airfares, it revealed today. he Dublin-based airline revealed that it racked up an astonishing £1.75billion in 'ancillary revenues' last year, as it cashed in on everything from baggage charges, to priority boarding, reserved seats and car hire. The airline credited some of the growth to the success of its dedicated technology team Ryanair Labs, which has worked on its website and app to increase customers' take-up of extra services.  ...........Ryanair saw full-year revenues and profits rise, despite cancelling over 20,000 flights last year after mismanaging pilots' annual leave. UK Ministers were today accused of risking national security by 'turning a blind eye' to the Russian 'dirty money' flowing through the City of London. MPs on the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee said despite the outcry over the Salisbury nerve agent attack, President Vladimir Putin and his allies were continuing to use the City as a base for their 'corrupt assets'. In damning conclusions, the MPs said the government needed to show 'stronger political leadership', with further sanctions against 'Kremlin-connected individuals' and action to close loopholes in the existing regime. ....... Vulnerable women are being sexually exploited on an industrial scale in so-called 'pop-up brothels' run by trafficking gangs, a new report warns today. The brothels, often set up in residential properties using short-term leases, allow gangs to keep ahead of police and retain control over the women, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade said. It called for Britain to follow the lead of other European nations by criminalising people who pay for sex, but decriminalising the selling of sex, in an attempt to cut demand.   Ireland foot baller Darron Gibson has avoided a spell behind bars after crashing his Mercedes into other cars while drunk on his way to a training session. The former Sunderland midfielder, 30, was three times over the drink-drive limit when he ploughed his 4x4 into a taxi then several other cars last month. It is the second time he has admitted drink driving in three years. In 2015 he drove into three cyclists repairing a wheel on the pavement before fleeing the scene. He had been swigging from a litre bottle of vodka and taken strong sleeping pills the night before, the court heard. A roadside test recorded him having 105mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath - reduced at the police station to 95mg. The legal limit is 35mg.He was handed a two-year community order and banned from driving for 40 months at South Tyneside Magistrates Court. 

 Brexit Wizz Air | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

ULTRA-LOW-COST airline Wizz Air has set up a UK subsidiary company based at Luton Airport to deal with the Brexit aftermath. The new company has been granted an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) and Operating Licence (OL) by the United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority. Wizz Air UK will have eight new Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft in service by the end of 2018 - an investment of £630million - and will create around 300 new management, pilot and cabin crew jobs POLICE have found an injured Brit tourist lying unconscious at the side of the road on Spain’s Costa Blanca after an ambulance crew ‘lost’ him on the way to hospital. It is alleged that the man had been injured in a fight between four British tourists in Benidorm and was being taken by the ambulance crew to hospital. But National Police officers soon discovered he didn’t arrive there when they went to get a statement from the man..........Police launched an immediate search and the man was found unconscious in a roadside gutter approximately 500-metres away from the hospital. The police officers said they detected a ‘strange attitude’ from the two ambulance crew and called in the Guardia Civil to perform alcohol and drug tests. It is reported that both tested positive for ‘at least cocaine and marijuana’. It was Aylan Kurdi who changed their lives. The three-year-old boy had fled the Syrian city of Kobane with his parents and older brother in a bid to reach Canada. His little body, dressed in a red t-shirt and shorts, was found washed up on the shore near Bodrum, Turkey after unsuccessfully trying to reach the Greek island of Kos on a dinghy on September 2, 2015. The image of the drowned child, which made world news, suddenly illustrated the magnitude of the biggest refugee crisis experienced in Europe since World War II. It also moved three Spanish firefighters from Seville into action: Manuel Blanco, 47, Quique Rodríguez, 32, and Julio Latorre, 34, decided they had to do something to help all those people fleeing the war in Syria. As soon as a patient enters a hospital in the region of Madrid, they receive a Welcome Guide. And this is the first recommendation they will read: “Don’t bring money or valuable items to the hospital. If you have these on you, hand them over to a family member for safekeeping. The hospital will not be held responsible for their potential loss.” This stern warning is normally reinforced by doctors who insist that to avoid being robbed, patients must keep all valuables out of sight in their locker and ensure the locker key is with them at all times. It is sound advice. Hospitals have become easy pickings for thieves. Patients and their families are prime targets for robbers – they are in an unknown environment, experiencing high levels of stress and are easily distracted. Doctors at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz hospital in Madrid say that they have seen thieves pretending to be sick, then entering the rooms of sleeping or sedated patients. Nurses also regularly urge patients not to leave their valuables lying around Five people have been shot during a n appalling Bank Holiday weekend in London including a 13-year-old boy who was blasted in the face during a botched drive-by while walking down a high street with his parents. Police investigating the 'senseless and appalling' crime in Harrow, north west London, said the child was an 'innocent bystander' in an attack that also left a 15-year-old in hospital with head injuries. A third person was shot in the arm, but vanished before the emergency services arrived, Scotland Yard has revealed, and a 39-year-old man was arrested and later released under investigation. On Monday, police were called after a 30-year-old man was shot in New Cross, south east London.  Meanwhile, a young man is fighting for his life after being stabbed in east London on Monday.......Elsewhere, two men died in stabbings in Liverpool and Luton over the Bank Holiday weekend. A 19 year-old woman, was in court for shoving a pensioner while already having a total 49 offences with 13 convictions. This female thug admitted shoving a woman aged 70 to the ground. The victim suffered a bang to the head and a fractured pelvis. Her defence team said she lashes out when 'under threat'. She was remanded for refusing to face Judge Anthony Potter. Judge Potter adjourned the case and remanded her into custody. A mum has been branded an 'unhinged maniac' by a judge after she attacked another driver with her car key – but she was spared jail for the sake of her children. The 28 year old female thug, launched a foul-mouthed tirade at a female driver, after chasing her down following a near miss at a roundabout. She ran up to the other carcar and began to threaten her, despite frightened children screaming in the back of her car. She then brutally attacked the other driver.......She was sentenced to 21 months in prison, suspended for two years 35 day rehabilitation order and 100 hours of unpaid work............'You should feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself for what you put them through. 'Not only did they have to witness you behaving like an unhinged maniac, but they have had to pick up the sense of anxiety over this court case. 'You should bear that in mind for every day of the next two years, because I am going to suspend the sentence, against my better judgement. 'The children are probably just better off having you at home rather than having both parents in prison.


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