Immigration Rows.......

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Summary: The heat wave which hit Spain last Wednesday has claimed eight lives, ..Spain’s national weather service Aemet on Monday announced the end of the heat wave and forecast a gradual drop in temperatures. Italy’s interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has accused Spain of “encouraging out-of-control immigration.” SPAIN’S National Police force has arrested seven people suspected of large-scale migrant smuggling. The organised crime gang would smuggle the migrants from French-speaking African countries to Northern Spain, and from there on to France. The investigation into a master’s degree obtained in 2009 by Pablo Casado, the new leader of Spain’s Popular Party (PP), is on its way to the Supreme Court. In a Monday decision, an investigative judge from Madrid sent the case to a higher court because of immunity laws protecting Casado from the lower courts as an elected official, known in Spanish as aforamiento. T A court in Seville has ordered Ángel Boza, one of the members of the notorious “La Manada” gang who were convicted for sexually abusing an 18-year-old at the 2016 Running of the Bulls fiestas in Pamplona, to be sent to prison without bail for robbery with violence ........... In the UK a group of travellers evicted from a leafy Surrey common four days ago have invaded a village just six miles away. Locals living in well-heeled Thames Ditton - where homes are valued at £1million - say that they are at their wits' end after a mob of 200 travellers moved to their recreation ground from nearby Cobham. .......... the group have left loo roll strewn in bushes after defecating on the common. A Sudanese asylum seeker who raped a  student and then tried to rape a mother in the same cemetery has been jailed for 16 years after admitting the crimes saying: 'Guilty. Yes - why not?'. Former foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, used his column to comment on Denmark's introduction of a burka ban. The burka is a full face covering that is associated with a conservative interpretation of Islam.  It is not to be confused with the hijab, which leaves the face uncovered, or the niqab, which leaves the eyes exposed. In his Daily Telegraph article Mr Johnson said ....... to go around looking like letter boxes England cricketer, Ben Stokes, 27 was accused of 'trying to provoke two gay men' by a bouncer who claimed he was sworn at in an 'angry and spiteful tone' after he refused him entry to a nightclub. ........ Lewis Hamilton, the four-time Formula One world champion, shared a clip of him litter picking on a beach on the Greek island of Mykonos on Instagram and Twitter. In the clips, a topless Hamilton is seen wearing gloves as he picks up debris.