Sanchez Makes his Plans in Spain

Europe Calling show

Summary: Three weeks after becoming Spanish prime minister in a successful no- confidence motion that brought down the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez knows what he wants to do – but also what he doesn’t want to do. ............. SPAIN’S government is planning to reform a law that gives police the power to hand out sanctions which have been used to ban demonstrations outside parliament among other measures. ............ AN 85-YEAR-OLD doctor is to become the first person to stand trial in Spain’s decades-old ‘stolen babies’ scandal. Gynaecologist Dr Eduardo Vela will appear in a Madrid court................ LAWMAKERS in Spain’s Parliament are due to discuss proposals from the left- leaning Partido Socialista (PSOE) tomorrow (Tuesday) that would see assisted dying legalised. ........... Spain´s Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, made an announcement this week. ............... Joseba Asirón, mayor of Pamplona since 2015, is a member of the Basque radical nationalist party EH Bildu. ................ RYANAIR is set to face one of its largest cabin crew strikes to date with some 5,000 workers threatening to down the tools this summer across Europe. ............Belgium, Portugal, Germany and Holland are all expected to join the strikes ........ THE driver of the car that’s front screen was smashed by an England fan during the 6-1 Panama win has said that bystanders have helped him pay for the repairs........... UK Firefighters have evacuated homes which are directly in the path of a wildfire blazing out of control across Saddleworth Moor in Greater Manchester. The blaze was reported on Sunday night and firefighters initially thought they had successfully battled the blaze. Last night, the fire continued to illuminate the sky as firefighters continued to battle with the flames.......... Business Secretary Greg Clark was accused of ‘communicating a sense of panic’ last night as he urged big business to keep speaking out against plans for a clean break with the EU. ......... ‘This is ridiculous. You don’t take your lead from businesses, you set the policy and then inform the debate. ’ A mugger who robbed an 83-year-old grandmother received instant justice when a cage fighter who witnessed the attack tackled him to the ground. .......... ‘A report predicts that based on current trends, Spanish will overtake French as England’s most widely taught modern language at A-level by 2020 and at GCSE by 2025.’ ........ John McEnroe, the American tennis champion – who is among the BBC’s highest-paid talent, earning between £150,000 and £199,999 a year –said he thought male and female broadcasters should be rewarded on the basis of merit, not gender. ........