Spain Still Recovering!

Europe Calling show

Summary: Barcelona and the whole of Spain is still reeling after the horrific terror attacks and other events of last week.. The media was showing great detail of the atrocity and then illustrated how it had been linked to other parts of Cataluña. Today's papers showed four suspects testified for the first time. Later, whilst Members of the Muslim community gathered at the famous Plaza de Catalunya, which is just yards from where it ploughed into pedestrians on Las Ramblas.....and Barcelona's chief rabbi Meir Bar-Hen told his congregation to move to Israel to flee terror. It was surprising to see Deputy chairman of the German Social Democratic Party Eva Hogl caught on camera smiling and waving as her party leader made a tribute to victims of the Barcelona atrocity. In a lesser publicised article Mohamed Atta, the pilot of the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center, is reported to have met with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, in Cambril, Spain, in July 2001 where they 'planned' the 9/11 attacks. In another extremely sad event Rocío Cortés Núñez is said to have been killed as she was transported on a stretcher between the second and third floors of the Valme Hospital in Seville, southern Spain. Fernando Alvarez, from Cadiz, Spain, held one minute's His Own silence in honor of victims During the attack Barcelona race at the Masters World Championship in Budapest. In the past two months, police officers on beach duty in Barcelona have filed 7,217 reports of hawkers peddling food and drink to vacationers. Earlier this week, EL PAÍS published the results of a laboratory analysis of these products by MicroBac, which revealed a high content of fecal bacteria, known as E.Coli, in much of the beach fare on sale. In the UK Lady Diane is once again in the news via a TV show. Lady Sarah McCorquodale, said her sister was ‘religious’ about wearing seatbelts and questioned why she would have failed to do so on her fateful last car journey through Paris. A TV show about Jihadis and volunteers in Syria is seen by many viewers as being inappropriate. Families had called on Channel 4 to postpone the series as a mark of respect for victims after the terror group claimed responsibility for the atrocity in Spain. Meanwhile, Bradford West MP Naz Shah shared and liked a post by a parody account of newspaper columnist Owen Jones saying victims of sex abuse in Rotherham should 'shut their mouths'. As political groups in the USA are pulling down monuments in the UK Afua Hirsch said Nelson's Column in London's Trafalgar Square was a prime example of one which should be felled because Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson‎ defended slavery.‎ ‎