Now it's Germany's Spotlight

Europe Calling show

Summary: Angela Merkel won power at the ballot box on Sunday but lost support to the far-right AfD party which gained its first seats in the German parliament, leading to protests across the country. Is it true that Catalans pay more than the rest? The answer is yes. It will be rightly said that Catalonia is a rich community and, therefore, it is logical that in a progressive tax system contribute more than, for example, Extremadura, the region with the highest unemployment rate and lower GDP per capita. Sympathy with Catalonia's bid to hold an independence referendum next week is running high in Scotland, where lawmakers are increasingly vocal in condemning Spain's actions and a group of volunteers is heading out to help He lives far away, but Jose Jimenez is convinced that Catalonia's independence referendum "won't result in anything," one of many Spaniards in the sprawling southern Andalusia region following the separatist crisis with concern. Mariano Rajoy visited the White House Tuesday to hold a working session with US President Donald Trump. The Spanish president, in his first meeting with Trump, plans to invite the US president to visit Spain and has put on the table his diplomatic position on sanctions to North Korea and Venezuela Not all countries are the same," says Antonio Javier Saborit López, a Spanish citizen who works in the construction sector in London, and is part of a surprising number of Spaniards based in the United Kingdom who support Brexit. Former Spanish king Juan Carlos at 79 has been named world sailing champion along with his crew during the classic six competition in Vancouver that also included American Dennis Conner. A hero Royal Marine who lost three limbs in a bomb blast in Afghanistan was praised by Prince Harry last night after winning a silver medal at the Invictus Games. Ryanair has announced it will scrap 18,000 more flights on 34 routes until March 2018 - having already axed more than 2,000 routes n a triumphalist keynote speech at party conference, Mr Corbyn said he was determined to sweep away the 'failed dogma' of 1980s Thatcherism and make the rich 'pay their fair share' A NHS plan to bring over 202 nurses from the Philippines to work at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, Kent, has stalled after 88 per cent of the first wave failed their English language test.