Cataluña Still in Turmoil

Europe Calling show

Summary: First it was a yes, then it was a no. Following midday reports that Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont would appear before the Spanish Senate on Thursday afternoon to argue against the application of emergency measures in his region, the speaker of the Catalan parliament told political groups that Puigdemont will not be attending after all. As the pro-independence movement has waged a war to destroy not only Spain but also the free press....THE Spanish government is reportedly planning to rid Cataluña’s police force of officers who support the independence movement. Far-left CUP party rejects a move that could potentially halt the suspension of home rule after Madrid invoked Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution SPAIN’S foreign minister, Alfonso Dastis, has said British expats will be allowed to continue living in Spain even if Britain doesn’t strike a Brexit deal with the European Union. Experts and stakeholders weigh in on the controversy over whether there s been indoctrination, with mixed opinions LOW-COST airline Norwegian is scrapping all its flights from Birmingham to Spain with effect from this weekend. The economy grew by 0.4 per cent in between July and September, new economic data reveals data. The figure from the Office for National Statistics reveals faster growth than most economists predicted. Forecasts suggested growth of 0.3 per cent. The figure for the third quarter makes it more likely the Bank of England will raise interest rates next month. Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg today branded Mark Carney an 'enemy of Brexit' after the Bank of England governor warned quitting the bloc will harm household finances. Mr Rees-Mogg said the finance chief has 'consistently complained' about Britain departure from the Brussels club. And he also tore into the BBC for being based against Brexit in its coverage on television and radio. A Brexit deal could be agreed as soon as Christmas - but only if the UK pays £48bn, EU leaders said on Friday. In a meeting held after Theresa May attended a Brussels summit, EU leaders gave the order to prepare for a trade deal. However the talks will only go ahead if the Prime Minister agrees to pay the eye-watering sum, according to reports. Prisoners at HMP Wayland in Norfolk are being given laptops so they can order treats to their cells as well as telephones to stay in touch with their friends and family. Labour peer Lord Kirkhill pocketed £43,896 last year despite failing to speak, table a written question or sit on a committee, while Scottish Labour peer Baroness Adams earned £41,287. Horrifying pictures show the bruised and battered face of a woman beaten up by her bare-knuckle boxer boyfriend - while her kids slept in the next room. Sarah Wheatley, 37, has bravely spoken about her ordeal and says she wants people to see the horrific injuries she suffered to raise awareness of domestic violence. Her jealous now ex-partner, Russell Mason, from Wyken in Coventry, was jailed for just 20 months yesterday.