God for Harry Meghan and St George

Europe Calling show

Summary: Spain has been given its worst rating in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, coming in at 41st place out of 176 countries with a score of 58. In 2015 it came in 36th out of 168 countries, with the same score. Thousands took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday to protest violence against women, just as Spain reels from a trial over an alleged gang rape. Many Catalans are growing weary of a pro-independence process that has been dragging on for five years now. A new survey shows that 80% of them want to see a governing team emerge from the December 21 elections that will help heal the wounds created by the politics of division. Forty people were injured after a section of floor at a packed nightclub on Spain's holiday island of Tenerife collapsed on Sunday, sending revellers plunging into the basement, officials said. Pollution is choking Spain’s main cities, a situation that is being exacerbated by atmospheric stability and a lack of rain. In the last two weeks alone, 18 cities exceeded European Union limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10), according to the green group Ecologists in Action. Specialized crews are fighingt the threat posed by Asian wasp nests full-time. The death of a man unleashed an avalanche of distress calls in Galicia In the UK Divorcee Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will marry in church after the Archbishop of Canterbury gave them his blessing. The Most Reverend Justin Welby said yesterday that he was ‘so happy’ they had ‘chosen to make their vows before God’. He had already made clear he had no objections to Miss Markle, who divorced film producer Trevor Engelson in 2013, marrying Harry in a church, and indicated he would be willing to conduct the service if asked. Theresa May's husband's investment bank employer has paid no UK corporation tax in the past eight years, it was revealed today. Philip May, 60, works as a relationship manager for Capital Group, an American financial services company with assets of £1.1 trillion with offices in Belgravia. Since 2009 the company has turned over £467million but made losses of £125million meaning they don't have to pay corporation tax - a levy on profits. Despite the huge losses it directors were paid £43million in salaries, pensions and other benefits - but it is not known what Mr May earns. The first year of tough new A-level exams has confirmed there is still a big north-south divide in achievement when it comes to England's secondary school education. Ex-Coronation Street star Bruno Langley wept as he avoided jail for grabbing women by the breasts, crotch and bottom during a drunken night out. The actor molested four women at a Manchester music venue last month, but was only charged with sexually assaulting two of them. He wept in the dock today as he avoided jail after admitting both offences. Academics from an anti-Brexit university have portrayed people who voted to leave the EU as 'narcissists' who dislike foreigners. The Goldsmiths College researchers suggested the 17 million people who voted Leave were motivated by xenophobia and were similar to Donald Trump supporters. The findings were based on just 161 leave voters and 345 remain voters paid to participate in an online survey. he UK population could hit 70million three years earlier than expected if migration does not fall, according to 'alternative' official estimates. The number of people living in Britain is due to top 70million by mid 2029 under the main forecast.