Catalonia Strikes and Paradise Papers

Europe Calling show

Summary: The general strike called by the union Intersindical-CSC in Catalonia and supported by the independentist parties and organizations is having very little follow-up Concern over secession push soared from 7.8% in September to 29% in October, according to new survey by the Spanish government research agency CIS. In a recorded message broadcast on Wednesday night, Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont criticized King Felipe VI’s televised speech the night before about Catalonia, and reiterated his call for mediation in order to rebuild institutional bridges between the region and the rest of Spain.Puigdemont..... insisted on the need for mediation, but without renouncing his plans for a unilateral declaration of independence. A Lidl manager, who we will refer to only as Jean P., has been fired for working too hard. Jean managed a Barcelona branch of the German supermarket chain until June this year when the company discovered he was committing the deadly sin of starting work before the designated time in order to “get the shop ready to open to the public”. Without clocking in, Jean was “dealing with orders, changing prices and loading up entire palettes with goods,” according to the notice he received, informing him the company was letting him go. The Danish authorities confirmed on Thursday the sale of 20 tons of eggs contaminated with fipronil , a toxic insecticide banned in the European food chain, related to the case that started in Belgium and the Netherlands and that has spread to a dozen countries. In Austria hundreds of kilos of cooked and peeled eggs from some German lots suspected of being contaminated have been sold to the gastronomic sector, local media reported on Thursday. Conrad Wolfram (Oxford, 1970) thinks that we have a problem with mathematics. No one is happy: students believe that it is a difficult and uninteresting subject, teachers are frustrated with the results of their students and governments realize that they are determinants for the economy but do not know how to update the academic programs. "Every time we live in a more mathematical world and yet education is stagnant," says Wolfram, a physicist and mathematician at the University of Cambridge and founder of Computer Based Math , a company focused on redesigning the mathematics subject that two years ago launched its pilot program in collaboration with the Government of Estonia . Theresa May in ther UK continues to suffer more scandals within her cabinet and we can see how the media is ganging up on her. The Paradise Papers are now telling us what we already knew very much as the BBC is explaing daily the sexist behaviour we were already aware. One of Britain's richest families and a Tory peer are among the latest people named in the so-called Paradise Papers revealing details of offshore wealth funds. The disclosure of 13.4 million documents dramatically revealed the ties of major companies and political figures to secretive overseas arrangements.It emerged today that the Duke of Westminster's estimated £9.35 billion estate, which has been passed on between the generations, has included holdings in Bermuda and Panama. One of Britain's richest families and a Tory peer are among the latest people named in the so-called Paradise Papers revealing details of offshore wealth funds. The disclosure of 13.4 million documents dramatically revealed the ties of major companies and political figures to secretive overseas arrangements. It emerged today that the Duke of Westminster's estimated £9.35 billion estate, which has been passed on between the generations, has included holdings in Bermuda and Panama. Ann Widdecombe yesterday warned the Westminster sexual harassment scandal has mostly been ‘a lot of nonsense’ as she called for a ‘sense of proportionality’. The former Conservative minister said serious cases needed to be examined, but raised concerns that many were in fact trivial. However, A top Welsh Labour politician who is believed to have committed suicide