A Voice for Men show

A Voice for Men

Summary: Did you ever feel like there was something really wrong in the world of men and women, but could not put your finger on it? Well, Neo, to find your answer all you have to do is take the Red Pill. Join your host, men's activist Paul Elam, as we explore the world of modern men and women in ways far too real for the Matrix of the mainstream media. You will need to buckle up for this one. Seriously. Everything you have ever thought about men, women and maybe even yourself is about to change.

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 AVFM News and Activism: Kristina Hansen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

Tonight on AVFM News and Activism: Kristina Hansen, Canadian News DirectorKristina Hansen, AKA The Wooly Bumblebee, will be joining us for the first time as Canadian News Director for AVFM as part of our effort to feature our news correspondents regularly on the show.  We will be talking about her history and ascension as an MRA as well as the formation of the new African Circumcision Accountability Committee on which she now serves.  Hansen is already proving to be a tremendous asset to the AVFM community and is sure to make an impact in the future.  She and your hosts James and Robert will be awaiting your calls.  The show starts tonight, the 12th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM February 13th in London and 11:00 AM February 13th in Brisbane.

 What is a man? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

  What is a man?   This is a simple question, but difficult to answer in any sense other than conformity to public narrative. Public narrative, which happens to say, in a never-ending cycle of message that a man is a beast, a predator, a cretin, a dolt, a rapist, a loser, a barely tolerable hair covered beer drinking fart emitting boobs and football fascinated obsolete and not quite human inconvenient waste of space. This message prevalent in our media is of course both a lie, and a message of hatred.   So what is a man? Tonight, Girl Writes What, the Wooly Bumblebee, John the Other and James Huff will toss this question around. And they might even have an answer.  

 AVFM News and Activism: Greg Canning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:00

Tonight, returning as our guest, we have Dr. Greg Canning our Australian News Director.  He will give us updates about goings on down there with the Gillard government, implementation of The Plan and any thing else that comes to mind.  As always he will prove to be an informative guest and engaging conversationalist so please do call in with questions.  AVFM News and Activism plans to have him on as a recurring guest as well as all of our news directors from across the globe to take advantage of this alternate news service.   The show starts tonight, the 5th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM February 6th in London and 11:00 AM February 6th in Brisbane.

 The Equal Rights Amendment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:00

It was proposed for the first time in 1923 by the suffragist leader and founder of the National Woman's Party, Alice Paul. The language of her proposed constitutional amendment is beautifully simple. Section 1: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Section 2: Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. It seems simple, obvious and right. It sound like justice. And yet, this constitutional amendment has been one of the most contentious in the history of the United States. It has been repeatedly struck down over the years. Not struck down by men, men's rights activists, or the male owners and proprietors of female-enslaving-sammich-factories (FESM). No, it has been struck down by women who recognized that actual equality under the law would mean, for themselves levelling down to match the rights and obligations of men. Levelling down. But it's time, and the Equal Rights Amendment is an idea whose time has come. Tonight on AVFM Radio, Karen Straughan; (Girl Writes What), Kristina Hansen (The Wooly Bumblebee), and John Hembling (John the Other) will be putting thier weight behind the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the

 AVFM News and Activism: London Calling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:00

Tonight we are very pleased to have as our guests Andy Man and Richard Ford of MRA London.  The recently formed partnership between AVFM and MRA London was announced last week promising to add a new dynamism to the movement.  Tonight we are going to talk about this new partnership as well as goings on in the U.K. with our very esteemed guests.  Andy Man has been a regular contributor to AVFM and Richard Ford an established MRA with a record of political activism.  This is going to be an exciting engagement so please join us and call in. The show starts tonight, 29th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM January 30th in London and 11:00 AM January 30th in Brisbane.Of course we will have the after show MRA roundup on STICKAM

 Post Modern Poison | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:00

For serious activists in the men's rights movement, one of the key questions has always been "why". Specifically, why is such a large segment of the population content to flatly ignore observable reality and conform to an emotionally based group think which justifies and enables ongoing and escalating carnage while pretending to humanist ideals. Many differnt hypotheses have been fielded to explain the near total unwillingness of feminsts to engage in any kind of reasoned dialogue. Rather, an established and documented culture exists where all nonconforming thought is shouted down, villified and portrayed as sexist, racist along with every other condemned form of thought crime.  But how can the proponents of such tactics continue to see themselves as anything except an irrational mob. The answer, or at least an important part of the answer may be that they are not modern thinkers. They are a present day tribe whose mode of thought echoes that of the the primitive, emotionally driven mob of the dark ages.  The details of gender ideology may be completely irrelevent, because these primitives are the post-modern. Which is to say, they are not modern thinkers born out of the enlightenment. They are primitives.        

 AVFM News and Activism: Lucian Valsan Returns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:00

Tonight we have European News Director, Lucian Valsan.  We will be discussing the  Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence that took place in April of 2011 but whose edicts are being ratified throughout Europe with little to no mention in the press.  This treaty is basically the VAWA of Europe and shares much of the statutory language.  Of course no mention is made of male victims and like VAWA erodes due process.  Another feminist masterpiece indeed.   As always we will be eagerly awaiting your calls after the news and the interview so please call in and talk with Lucian and hosts Robert and James. The show starts tonight, 22nd,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM January 23rd in London and 11:00 AM January 23rd in Brisbane. Of course we will have the after show MRA roundup on STICKAM

 AVFM Special Edition: Daddy Justice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Daddy Justice has caused quite a few stirs in his time. He walks into the not so hallowed halls of justice in our family court system, as well as offices for our state and national government, and, with camera in hand, asks lots of questions that cannot be answered easily by our representatives. Rather I should say questions that cannot be easily answered by anyone telling the truth. For his trouble his has been assaulted (by an anti-domestic violence advocate no less) pushed around by authorities, and in the latest round was railroaded into court and convicted of disturbing the peace, even when video of his actions proved beyond any doubt that the testimony offered against him was false. Of course, when the cops, prosecutor, judge and complainant (who works in the court) all want a conviction, then false testimony will hardly stand in the way of Law and Order in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. And that is what they got, riding Daddy Justice on a railroad that Southern Pacific would be proud of. The whole story is worth more than passing glance, because more than any other story in recent times, it highlights and accentuates exactly how corrupt our court officials have become. In this case they barely even tried to cover their lies. We invite you to join us Monday night for a special edition of AVFM Radio, with Dr. Tara Palmatier and Paul Elam, who will interview Daddy Justice about his recent trip to Kangaroo Kourt, and about false allegations in general.  

 Top-Down Sexism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:09:00

A hate movement in the U.N.   International aid agencies tell a palatable story, they paint themselves in the colours of samaritans, and they even announce who they exclude from available help, by omitting their mention in favour of more decorative and popular recipients. After the Earthquake in Haiti, the United Nations organized food and water distribution with an explicit mandate to help only the members of one biological demographic, giving food and water to only women, and excluding men. The tragedy of a natural disaster exploited to engage in society wide social re-engineering, placing the one group of people over another.   Now an international children's charity organized through the United Nations is using your tax dollars and your trust to place the well-being and the humanity of one group over another, again. Girls count as humans, boys apparently do not. Under another name, this is the same organization who while opposing the religious ritual sexual mutilation of female infants, is actively pursuing the sexual mutilation of men and boys across africa, using the wholly phony claim that circumcision prevents a barrier to the transmission of aids. The international consultant for UN Aids, by the way, stands to make millions of dollars through the use of patented equipment to be used in this culture wide mission of mutilation. The words corruption, cruelty, and sadism don't even begin to describe what we'll be talking about tonight, on a voice for men.

 VFM News and Activism: an evening with Stardusk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Tonight we will be featuring a pre recorded discussion with Stardusk, one of the more controversial and thought provoking voices associated with the MRM.  He has drawn criticism from many quarters for his views on hyper gamy and his seemingly extreme MGTOW philosophy.  His you tube videos are marked by sound research and keen reasoning and he has gained a loyal following as well as a marked degree of respect from many in the MRM.  It was a stimulating and pleasant talk and we are sure that you will find it thought provoking and informative.  The show starts tonight, 15th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM January 16th in London and 11:00 AM January 16th  in Brisbane.STICKAM

 N.O.W. says Hello Sailor! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Well it's thursday again, and that means A Voice for Men radio is coming on in a few hours over at blogtalkradio.com / avoiceformen – and Girl Writes What, Woolly Bumblebee, James Huff, and me, Johntheother will be on to talk about stuff. But what stuff exactly is it this week? This is the second episode of AVFM radio for 2013, and in case you haven't noticed 2012 was a hell of a year for the men's rights movement. So much so that the landscape, the tides and even gravity are not arranged in the ways they have been for most of our lifetimes. So tonight on AVFM radio, we'll be talking about what that means for the human rights of men and boys, and more specifically, what that means in terms of real hazard and physical risk for individuals in this human rights movement. This is not a show for you to miss. And we'll also be inviting the directors and members of the national organization for women to join us on air on A Voice for Men Radio, and sending Arthur Goldwag of the souther poverty law center a text message reminding him to pick up a couple flats of beer before he comes for dinner. - tonight, on a voice for men radio.

 AVFM News and Activism: Colonel Absconder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Tonight we have as our guest Colonel Absconder, a relatively new but promising MRA Youtuber.  As is our tradition here, we prominently feature Youtube MRAs in order to promote and share Men’s Rights ideas and Colonel Absconder is prime for the list.  He is part of the school of younger MRAs that bring not only a fresh perspective but one that is crucial to understanding the issues that affect all men.  He has been a caller on the show and is a much more than competent thinker and writer.  We will be talking about feminist co-option, misandry and whatever else comes to mind so please call in and join the discussion.The show starts tonight, January 8th,  at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM January 9th in London and 11:00 AM January 9th  in Brisbane.

 Feminist Pr0n | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:00

We've all watched pr0n. In fact, that claim doesn't need to be stated in the past tense. We all watch pronography is also true. Mostly because we're men, and that's what men do – at least according to one or two of the opponents of human rights for men and boys. But women watch  too, because they've been mind controlled by the patriarchy, or something. Or, possibly because we're all social animals, men and women, and the sight of other members of our species engaging in mating behavior – you know – that which propagates the species – is something we find fundamentally compelling. But in the pseudo modern context of the western world, this is called pron, and radical feminists tell us it's bad, and so are we. But radical feminists have their own Pr0n. Radical feminist pr0n depicts an unreal fantasy world too, but not a fantasy world focused on sex. Radical feminist pr0n isn't about the physical actualization of sex. It's about a different kind of emotional gratification. However unlike sexual pronography, in which both male and female characters portray an unnaturally heightened sexuality, and an artificially exaggerated willingness to get naked and horizontal, in radical feminist pron, male characters demonstrate heightened willingness to kill, and to die for female whim. And female characters are universally helpless. There's another difference too, when radical feminists watch their pr0nography, with exaggerated male disposability, hyper violence, and cartoonishly inflated levels of female helplessness and non agency, they don’t realize that they’re watching pr0n. Fortunately, James Huff, Girl Writes What and Paul Elam are here to let them know, tonight on AVFM Radio.

 Identifying Hate in Public | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:43:00

The recent, and the ongoing public antics of mainstream – gender-studies-driven, and politically connected feminists are driving many people including public figures to not only disavow that ideology of gender; but also to make comparisons to other movements, notable as violent, hateful and toxic. Tonight on AVFM Radio, we'll be comparing feminism to the Westboro Baptist Church. We'll also be asking the question, now that the hate, the violence and the malice of feminism is out into the public spotlight, what do feminists do to preserve themselves?  

 The (Female) Free Pass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:34:00

Why do we give women a free pass. Why is it that we excuse women when they murder children, or when they murder men. Why is the grotesque and nearly inconceivable sexual mutilation of a human being funny if the knife is wielded by a woman. Why do we provide a free pass for violence and criminal conduct for a group pf people we all pretend to believe are self actualized adults? This is not solely the work of feminism, but it is certainly something escalated by that ideology of gender. So what's going on, and why in a feminized society do we give a free pass to women for action and behavior that would be totally unacceptable, behavior that is properly described by the word monstrous , when its done by women. As rational adults, we excuse outrageous behavior for other people too. Toddlers, and the mentally defective. Isn't the free pass we give women an implicit claim that they're either toddlers – or mentally defective?   Thursday night on a voice for men – Girl Writes W hat, the Wooly BumbleBee and Johntheother on taking a pass on the free pass.   Call in at 310 388 9709


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